Feedback: Mythic+

The extreme polarization of the affixes continues to be a problem. Sanguine is a total nightmare in some dungeons due to the size increase that happened in Legion, and it doesn’t feel like the BFA dungeons were designed with the increased size in mind. Tol Dagor and Waycrest are the extreme problem dungeons here.

King’s Rest has gotten a lot better, but the mini-boss room remains a huge problem since you have limited or no way to control the activity of most of the mobs. This danger magnifies on higher Fortified keys. The Berserker bleed also still does way more damage that it really has any right to, compared to similar abilities in other dungeons (like Atal’dazar).

The 3rd boss in King’s Rest on Tyrannical is generally a nightmare, and only because of the axe lady. If the radius on her axes could be toned down, positioning would be much more reliable. Plus I imagine a healer having to dodge axes while healing the person with the bleed debuff is probably horrible.

Zul on fortified is still terrifying (again, more so than probably any trash mob in any dungeon) and could stand to have his tank damage looked at.

Otherwise the changes to the bird boss to make the golden slimes actually killable were good.

I agree with the general concerns about Shrine. I do like that the melee mob on the 2nd boss no longer chases you with cleave, which actually makes it significantly easier to manage without magically relying on a ranged interrupt being up at the right time.

The 3rd and 4th bosses just have entirely too much HP. Especially the 4th.

Temple is a lot better after the changes (M0 exploit notwithstanding). Good job there.

I think as a general rule linear dungeons shouldn’t force you to go over 100% trash without a Rogue (King’s Rest and Temple are the major offenders here).

And the last thing I almost forgot, make the path in Waycrest fixed. Going right is substantially worse than going left at the start. Just make left the default. Or have all paths open. None of this random stuff.

I had created a post on exactly this topic a week or so ago in a separate forum section. I’ll repost here as it looks like it’s more likely to get read in this thread than where it was. A bit long but I think it lays out the largest issue many progression Mythic + players have with key access.


A portion of the community views Mythic + dungeons as a form of end-game content and I count myself among them. Progressing in this style of end-game is beating the next tier up of the dungeon. You aren’t doing it for loot - you are doing it to beat your previous best. If you’ve cleared a 17 Freehold, you are now less interested in anything below an 18 Freehold because that is what you need to progress. It begins to resemble Greater Rift content in Diablo III - loot drops but if you get an upgrade, it’s more of a happy accident than expected. Your goal throughout the season is to clear the highest level of each dungeon that you can.

I think Mythic + fills other roles as well (gearing through weekly 10 chest for instance) but, if Mythic + is meant to be evergreen progression content throughout the season (and since it scales without limit, I expect it is), I do believe making access to this end-game content have a bit less friction in the system would be a good design goal. As it stands now, esepecially with the removal of key deletion, a challenge that many of us that run Mythic + as progression content is gaining access to the keys we are trying to push.

At lower key levels, random access to keys works reasonably well. Mythic +0 to +3 kind of fills a LFR role (easily pugable by much of the community and quite easily available to find groups). Mythic +4 to +7 fills sort of a Normal role (a bit tougher to get into but still quite accessible), +8 to +12 or so is Heroic (getting tougher to find groups and gear/score requirements are stricter), and +14 and above is true Mythic type premade group content. Adjust the numbers as you see fit but you get the idea.

Once you move into the higher keys, random access (random keys from chest and completion of other dungeons) starts to have a good deal of friction. You can’t reliably find higher keys in LFG and honestly you probably would prefer to do them in a premade group anyway if you want the best chance for success. At this point, you begin to rely upon the keys you’ve been granted each week and the ones you can unlock.

If you have a 5 man Mythic + team, you start the week with 5 random keys one level lower than what you’ve cleared. Based on the affixes you are facing in the upcoming week and your current progression on the 10 dungeons available, there’s a reasonable chance you won’t get the key(s) you are looking to progress. Your only way to progress at that point is to run the keys you do have and hope the random number generator plays in your favor at the end to get you a key you want to progress. Not only do you need the specific dungeon but you also need it to be of a level that will progress you forward.

With each dungeon taking in the realm of 45 minutes (preparation mapping route, travel time, dungeon completion cumulatively), you might expect to get 4 done in a play session. Let’s say you had a 3 day mythic + raid week structured that way. In the current random drop key access system, you can easily spend 80% your “raid” time that week trying to get access to what you want to work for - not based on your performance but based on your luck of the drop – and only 20% actually doing the progression content you want.

The example above is not theoretical - this 80% time gaining access and 20% time playing the keys we want to progress is a good thumb-in-the-wind ratio of how I would caption the post 8.1 weekly experience of the 5-man team I run with, which is why I am taking the time to offer feedback about a part of the game I care deeply about.

Conversely, in a proper raiding guild, during mid-tier end game progression, you can clear the content you already have beaten relatively quickly - maybe 1-2 hours of your raid week and then get on to progression content the rest of the week. I think a good design goal would be to advance some sort of system that would allow Mythic + groups focused on progression to more quickly target the keys they need to progress so we flip the equation a bit (i.e. spend ~80% of our time pushing progress keys and ~20% of our time acquiring them).

As a concrete example of the above, with the weekly reset last week, our team was fortunate and 3 out of our 5 chest keys were possible progression keys (2 x 17 WCM and 1 x 17 ML). We ran all 3 of those the first day of reset. In addition, we also had to run 2 x 17 AD, 1 x 16 AD, and 1 x 16 WCM to fish for access to more progression content.

Netting that out, 3 “progression” dungeons and 4 “access” dungeons so roughly 40% progression / 60% access ( I’m rounding, let me be :smiley: ) . . . and this was a good night. From our access runs, the only progression key we found was another 17 ML (which we need because we missed the timer there by 44 seconds).

So after the first day, we had possession of exactly one progression key and the remaining 4 we have are access keys. The rest of the week went that way with roughly 20% progression / 80% access dungeons ran each night.

I know viewed through other lenses, random access may meet design goals perfectly or at least adequately but when the goal is Mythic + progression, random access kind of feels like being on Mythic Uldir progression and after every pull being told to go clear to and kill a random Heroic Uldir boss before you can pull in Mythic again . . . and sometimes one Heroic Uldir boss is not enough, maybe you should kill 2 or 3 this time.

The analogy is not meant to be snarky. I’m just trying to crystallize in game terms how this feels to the player.

The problem defined above, I figure it might be worthwhile to offer some potential solutions. One way would be to make Mythic + access look like Diablo III Greater Rift access. For instance, the season begins and you walk into Mythic Freehold for the first time at Mythic 0. You 3 chest it. The next time you walk into Freehold that season, you have a pull down to run it at Mythic +3 or below. If you 2 chest Mythic +3, your pull down is now 5 and below. So on and so forth.

Each dungeon is advanced separately. In the scenario above, your Freehold access is 5 and below but when you walk into Tol Dagor for the first time, it is at 0 still and will need to be progressed in the same fashion. In this way, teams and individuals can target the content they want when they want it. This removes the friction and time involved in accessing content you want and puts more of the time in playing the content you want. Even Diablo III realized this early on - originally there was the trial where you had to earn a key of a level and it felt unnatural and it wasn’t long before the game moved to allowing the easier access described above.

I understand some of the feedback from the Blizzard team has been that we need to balance the dungeons and we need people to run all the dungeons so we know what we need to balance. I would argue this sort of greater rift access would very quickly point the dev team to what needs to be balanced. If suddenly the data shows a huge spike of people running Temple on a particular affix week, one might quickly deduce something about that week is making it “easy”. There would be no noise in the system - because people could run what they want, the data would quickly point to which dungeons might need balancing on a particular affix. It wouldn’t take too many cycles of affixes to spot which dungeons tended easier or harder on any given week - because people would run them accordingly.

All of this said, I do understand that Mythic + is just one cog in a much larger machine in World of Warcraft whereas Greater Rifts are pretty much the default end game in Diablo III. If for some reason greater rift style access is a non-starter due to other considerations - and random access is a design requirement, as a compromise what if we allowed the Seal of Wartorn Fate vendor to reroll a key up to 2 times a week. Give him a reforge slot where you can insert your key and reroll it?

It could be a free action that you could only do two times before he would say come back next week. Or, if it was desired to have an economic cost, then give the option for gold, war resources to pay for the service. A key reroll service like this is not ideal in my opinion as I still think it retains unnecessary friction to access in the system. I’m just throwing out a compromise solution that would improve what feels very bad right now while still maintaining some element of randomness if that is a core design requirement.

At the end of the day, anything that could be done to improve targeted access is extremely desirable. I know personally a large part of why I came back after a long layoff from the game was the M+ system. The better it feels, the more likely it is to retain players like myself - or, if the system starts to feel really good, moves into player acquisition which is always a bottom line design goal for any game.

If it is all a goal to have Mythic + to become an evergreen part of the game (like PvP) that you can progress in throughout a patch front to back, I do think we have to get to a solution that allows you to spend more of your playtime pushing progression content and less trying to break down the gates to progression content. The better it feels, the better player retention is throughout the patch because there is something to strive for even if other content has been retired/defeated. Access is the most glaring issue that I feel needs to be resolved. If we make it feel like greater rifts (or at least provide some more reliable, less time-intensive way to target progression keys), I think the community would embrace that entirely.

Then we add in things like in-game score, seasonal titles, achievements, mounts (akin to how PvP system feels in game) and we I believe we have something very, very compelling.


One thing I’d like to see as well: add extra cosmetics, specifically gear, to the dungeons throughout the xpac. Rare and prestige ones. Even something as simple as throwing the current raid gear recolors into higher level M+. Only having 1 model of gear from the first week to the last week of an xpac from the dungeon isn’t particularly exciting

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please stop suggesting useless things like transmog and extra loot. you already know they are going to listen to THOSE comments instead of tuning/balancing ones

Please re-implement the key deletion/reroll system.


Enjoyed this post very much. While I think spending rerolls on a different dungeon is a good compromise, to me your argument showed one of the issues with the current M+ system.

For a good amount of reasons, having random dungeons from keys at the lower levels is good. But obviously that’s not good for those progressing through M+. What’s the solution? Idk. Figuring that out is Blizz’s job.

But M+ having 2 completely different demographics and only 1 system is an issue. Some want to push ANY dungeon as high as possible, others want to push a specific dungeon as high as possible. Those don’t mesh well together.

I don’t think the people who design gear models and decide where to put it are involved with actually tuning already existing dungeons.

By jove he might be right ^

Mythic raids have weekly lock out, M+ is infinitely grindable. Also +15 is not as challenging as Mythic bosses with the exception of first 2-3 especially early on in the tier. You could make an argument that a +18 or higher should give 385 loot but it would need a lock out. Something like 2 items max a week. If people who spam M+ can just grind 385 gear and be full 385 in 1 week, might as well remove mythic raiding from the game.

On the specific dungeon front, final boss of Siege is way overtuned currently on high mythic + keys. Fight can easily take 6+ mins. Tentacles seem to spawn way too fast and far apart - and if not tanked consequences are dire.

Also, and let me say this especially as a hunter - final platform has many sections that just bug pet pathing (causing pet stuck). Especially on that platform where you need the most damage - it’s beyond frustrating to spend cast time dismissing/resummoning/dismissing/resummoning) just to unbug your pet. I’d be happy if we just deleted that final platform :slight_smile:

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But it’s “immersive”. Pets don’t like walking over water grates irl either. Why’d they like to walk over a rickety pier?:grin:

Let. Me. Delete. My Key. It has probably already been said in here someplace but for us long-time players with huge collections of things who are already playing World of Bag Management (you know who you are), losing that 1 extra bag slot is annoying as hec.

You could put a warning or something along the lines of “If you delete this key you will not be able to complete Dungeon X at that level, and there is no guarantee you’ll get a new key of the same level with the same dungeon. If you understand and still want to delete your key, type DELETE”

That would make it clear. Anyone else agree?

cant say mythic raiding is harder than any level of mythic+. thats like saying baseball is harder than basketball. it might be for one person, but for another, it simply isnt true. ive not pulled beyond the second boss in mythic, but i find zero difficulty in raiding in general, once you learn the mechanics. its a matter of preference and opinion.

what is difficult about mythic raiding and mythic+ are two totally different sets of things. raiding is such a big group, so coordination is so important, but in my opinion, thats a third grade reading level type of skill to have. dps essentially tunnel most of the fights, and everyone just looks at logs to see who tunneled the best. healing looks pretty challenging in raids, i will give you that.
theres nowhere to hide or underperform in mythic+. as far as lockouts or gear goes, arent the people that do mythic raiding just there for the “challenge” of beating the bosses anyway?

  • Grievous does not drop off between pulls but necrotic does, it seems like a weird design oversight that grievous isn’t removed once combat drops but necrotic is doing so. Also I think it’s been said before but the amount of damage grievous does is too high for most healers it seems. The HP threshold also seems far too punishing, IMO it should only be applied once someone drops below 60%.

  • There are some dungeons with trash that is non elite which triggers the most devastating effects from a couple of affixes, namely sanguine and bolstering. Shrine of the storm, temple of seth, and atal’dazar are examples of this. For example in Atal’dazar it’s extremely easy to cleave the small saurids by mistake and bolster the screecher up to +8 or so, which is crazy. It almost feels like a troll (well it is a troll dungeon after all but I didn’t think the devs were taking that literally).

  • The size of the sanguine puddles is insane for the amount of narrow pathways present in the dungeons. For example freehold and temple of seth have a lot of narrow passageways which make sanguine an absolute nightmare (also a smaller issue past the mine cart on motherlode, if you go to the left behind the buildings). Thus, going from a week without sanguine to a week with sanguine has been the difference for me on being able to complete a +10 in time or not. It’s possible to just “get good” but I think because it’s creating such a disparity in weekly attempt difficulty I think the puddle size should be nerfed a bit.

  • Also similar to sanguine, bolstering range is a bit too large and it can lead to some accidental pulls, especially in motherlode. Bolster range should really be ~15yds or so IMO.

  • Tyrannical and fortified are redundant affixes and should be removed. The mythic+ system already increases the HP and damage of everything in the dungeon as the key level increases, so having another +dmg and +health modifier added on top of that is redundant. If Tyrannical and fortified were removed, people could simply push the keys higher for similar effects, and it would make the system more accessible to newcomers by allowing more people to complete at least a +10 each week.

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Agree that there needs to be better shroud alternatives. If it is too difficult to make invis potions CD separate from other potions CDs, then use other professions. An Engine/inscript/enchant/JC (orwhichever) for a shroud ability would be great and not locked to that prof.

A good many problems with M+ came from the community being boosted past the key levels they should have been learning from.

The stated reason for moving Fort/Tyrannical up to +2 was so that it would introduce players to those earlier in the process so they could slowly work their way up in difficulty and not have those affixes be suddenly overwhelming at +10.

That entire concept got thrown out the window when players were just showered with 340/370 loot from Warfronts and other sources that boosted them up into a range where they didn’t feel like the 2-6 “learning” range was rewarding to them gear-wise so they just jumped into the deep end of higher keys and immediately failed.

This isn’t something that can be fixed at this point, the damage is done and dungeons had to be nerfed as a result, but it’s probably something that should be taken into consideration in the future.


Yes we are there for the challenge, the problem is with proposed change of buffing M+ loot, raiders have to grind a lot of M+ for gear instead of doing raids. At least personally I want to keep getting famed slayer each tier, and if you can get 380 + gear from spamming +15 that were done 2 weeks into Uldir, then your best route is to grind M+ and then stomp the raid with all the gear.

Also you can’t judge raid difficulty from first 2 bosses on mythic, the difficulty difference is insane. As example my guild has never wiped to mythic taloc ever. Our first mother kill took 11 pulls but only because she was bugged and killed people with invisible beams. She probably would have taken 5 pulls normally. On the other hand mythic mythrax took 80 pulls and G’hun 140.

A thought, that I have not seen anyone else say, though I haven’t read the whole topic.

On timers:

Currently, the timer is based on a dungeon. Dungeon A takes 30 minutes, Dungeon B takes 36 minutes, etc. regardless of what affixes are present.

What if instead, Dungeon A took 24 minutes and then Affix 1 added 2 minutes per dungeon and Affix 2 added 4? So when you run dungeon A with Affix 1 and 2, you are expected to take 30 minutes.

This allows more M+ pushing on difficult weeks, because you’re not punished for taking extra time when the affixes are harder and punish larger pulls, that’s already been considered in the timer.

The point here is that dungeons are not the same week to week and the timer shouldn’t be either. I think that’s something worth discussing.


im not trying to belittle or minimize the difficulty. im trying to say that it is a type of difficulty that to some is much more tedious than actually difficult. you also cant overlook the fact that you do get to just sit there and pull and pull and pull again. in keys we get one chance, and thats even if were lucky enough to get a working key. one small mistake and its back to the drawing board. that itself brings much more urgency than any raid fight. you guys just have to get everything right for a few minutes one time. usually dps all do the same thing, while tanks do the same thing taking turns, and healers fall somewhere in between. but you can always just do your rotation and follow others. you can get carried through mythic raids right now. its expensive, but its very much so a thing. try carrying someone through a +20 or really even a +16. its possible and does happen, but there is so much more emphasis on individual skill in mythic+ that isnt quite present in raids.
but i digress, perhaps the loot drops need to be less often in mythic+, but have keys be way more accessible? im not sure. but right now the loot is nearly non existent

Thought I’d post some feedback about Sanguine this week, it’s more about the affix in the dungeon than the keystone level.

Last night we ran a +7 Waycrest and found that Sanguine was a major pain in the bottom, especially with the grubs in those tight corridors. Our tank always tries to have mobs die close to an edge so we have at least have a path to walk, but the number of grubs and having them stop a lot to cast their infest or poison spit ability can make that hard to always manage.

Sanguine is an interesting affix, it can sometimes be ignored or managed fairly well because of the space available in the dungeon, but it was rather painful in Waycrest mostly because of the limit space.

I don’t know what to suggest as a solution, smaller Sanguine puddles perhaps but to offset the ease of that, increase the damage/healing they do?

Additionally, I personally think Fortified/Tyrannical as guaranteed affixes each week is a bit redundant, I had this same opinion in Legion. They would make great rotational affixes for sure and have no problem with them from that point of view. Now that we have it, I’d rather the seasonal affix be the first one you encounter, with 2 or 3 others being added the higher your key goes. The very nature of the Mythic+ dungeon system involves a gradual increase in difficulty by increasing mob HP and damage so i’m not sure why they need further boosting with Fortified/Tyrannical.

Otherwise, thanks for the recent changes to the dungeons in 8.1, definitely a lot more fun to get into and people in my guild now want to run certain dungeons again!