Feedback: Mythic+ Testing - June 13th - June 18th

Going through a couple more; healing started out really fun and in a good place but i do think keys have leaned back into a defensive rotation game for dps and closer to panick spam for healers.
Its not as bad as DF besides some very egregious bosses(lookin at you seige) but it will spiral quickly if not rebalanced.

Instead of buffing our health and mob damage to rebalance healers, mobs need more health and the damage they do reduced across the board moving foward; falling upwards timing keys with 20+ wipes because 2 people died every pull but half the mobs get wiped in the first aoe stun is not good gameplay no matter what the season 3 data showed.

Besides that ran grim batol a bit more, it did get slightly better as people knew the mechanics more and were able to focus the priority mobs a little better.
First boss overlaps are still horrible and i think the dragons lane effect isnt showing up at all with certain graphic settings. The tank claimed the couldnt see it and had to go entirely off where the dragons themselves were.
3rd boss, i think the tornadoes need to be looked at, they either dont do damage or their hit box is so extremely small you can go flying through them from the knockback and not get hit. Tbh i dont mind that theres way to many of them as the fight goes on, just a massive amount of screen clutter, forcing you to play the game top down to see where the adds and boss are as ranged.

All I can say is: massively overtuned and not fun.

Also delete all affixes, dungeons are already overbloated with mechanics and do not require any affixes on top of what dungeons have baseline.

If you insist on keeping this stupid affix nonsense, you must at very least nerf them all to the point they can be fully ignored, there’s a few examples:

  • Bolstering: damage increase per stack reduced from 20% to 5%, stacks are capped at 5, duration reduced to 10 sec, mobs take 5% more damage (per stack) while bolstered.
    • Community comments: when you join, let’s say a +10 key, you expect mobs to deal consistent damage intended for +10 key, not them suddenly dealing +20 or +30 key amount of damage deleting whole group out of existence.
  • Bursting: damage per stack significantly reduced, stacks capped at 5, duration reduced to 2 sec.
    • Community comments: Bursting affix has no counter play and it’s damage is out of control, it also puts massive burden on healer’s role, which is already very stressful to play and underrepresented and considering PuG nature of M+ it must be nerfed to match PuG group expectations and difficulty.
  • Sanguine: no longer affects bosses, healing reduced to 1% per tick, duration reduced to 10 sec and makes mobs standing in them pacified and unable to cast anything (this is so that mobs instantly run of out the pool if tank is moved away, instead of standing inside and keep casting/getting healed).
    • Community comments: Sanguine affix puts too much burden on tanks, whose role is already has way too much responsibilities and also very underrepresented, so it must be nerfed so ppl actually play tanks on Sanguine weeks. Also that new pacified mechanic would allow for kiss/curse gameplay where you would leave mobs in sanguine on purpose to prevent them from casting at expense of taking a bit longer to kill them due to sanguine healing.
  • Raging: duration reduced to 5 sec, mobs take 20% increased damage while enraged.
    • Community comments: players love kiss/curse so be it.
  • Tyrannical/Fortified: no longer increases health, damage increase reduced to 10%.
    • Community comments: These two should not even exist to begin with, oh well…

These minor changes above would make affixes much more tolerable instead of current “I’d rather skip a week” gameplay.

About all new affixes at +4 bucket: they all affect tank/healer the most and this is not good considering those two roles are already have too much burden on them… They all must be completely redesigned.

Also key levels at which affixes appear must be changed: +4 bucket moved to +6 and +7 bucket moved to +11 to better match expectation of audience at those key levels. Yes, this means you should be able to do your +10 weekly no leavers vault run without ever touching affixes like Bolstering etc…


I already posted in game feedback but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to put it here. I have had quite a large number of hard crashes in keystone dungeons specifically during this testing phase. The worst offender has been Dawnbreaker.

Were you using Scarab, or running with tanks that were using Scarab, by any chance?

I recall Lepan (very good player) posting about Scarab causing crit errors on Twitter yesterday and when I was running the +8 Ara-Kara our DK tank was also using Scarab and we were having crit errors galore throughout the key.

I’m not running scarab, I’m a tank so I don’t know why someone else would be running it but maybe they were?

Providing additional fbs:


  • Void Storm(Maybe that’s the name?) is doing insane damage and will prob need a nerf
  • Stone Totem cast is too fast for players to switch target and kill the totem. It basically explodes right away if you missed one gcd. This will be a huge problem on higher keys with increased health.
  • When you interrupt the special spell casts (Totem summon, healing spell) they cast it again right away, without entering a cooldown.


  • The pathing issue on the ship is getting more hilarious… when our hunter used backstep he jumped to the left side instead; when the evoker used rescue he and the other player got ported to the lower floor and couldn’t get out without using a hearthstone lol. Just make the ship stay in place maybe? I think this might solve the problem…
  • The density of mobs in the lower area can be reduced. Since it’s dynamic flying only rn people are having a hard time to land. Especially the models and nameplates only show up after you land and kill you right away.

City of Echoes:

  • The third Elite’s poison puddle had pathing/visual bug and it’s killing players that aren’t even hit with the ability.
  • Poison rain cast won’t go into cooldown when CC’ed.

City of Threads:

  • People kept DCing in this dungeon.
  • AoE and DoT damage from the large Scarab elite are overtuned

Ty for reading.

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I was wondering why I was 615 ilvl and it felt rough

This is why they do testing, if you dont give good feedback why are you testing? THis feedback isnt helpful at all. Did you expect to do keys and have no issues on beta?

11 people found it insightful enough to like it.

I know what beta is. I also understand that if you want to test things, the environment has to be conducive to testing. This is barely playable.

If you want something more specific, that’s easy and staring them in the face and has all of DF. Increase mob HP by 25% and reduce their damage by 25% or something similar. They have all the data to math it out.


100% this, mob damage scales way too fast before you ever run into a dps check. Especially with the state of healers they need to address that sooner rather than later


I will echo this, the visual clarity in most instances has improved, but this particular mechanic needs some more intuitive visuals


While the overall design for The Dawnbreaker is cool, it has some trouble points. The actual ship itself has negative interactions with certain movement abilities, such as vengeful retreat. Multiple times when using veng retreat on the ship I would sometimes fly off in a completely random direction. The evoker in my group said that one of his abilities had a similar effect. This caused a lot of unexpected damage and deaths do to the puddles and rays that the first boss spawns. This could be detrimental to many classes, but is especially unacceptable for havoc (as vengeful retreat is used even in “low mover” builds every 20 seconds). That alone could turn the dungeon into a “I dont want to do this key on my main” dungeon. The city part of the dungeon could also use some mob de-cluttering, as it is almost impossible to not have someone’s random effect or pet pull extra mobs. I would also like to see a better visual for who is being targeted by the dark orb used by one of the mini bosses and the boss. If the target is close then the indicator is very easy to miss, which can lead to a very easy party wipe.

Overall the general idea and design of the dungeon is cool, it just has some rough edges that need to be smoothed out to keep it from being a very un-fun key.

I would also like to echo that tuning in many dungeons seems very high. But the better question is why are we called to 580 ilvl to test M+? Putting us basically in heroic dungeon gear to test what starts at the equivalent of an old +11 seems weird. The raid testing for heroic raid was at 597, that would be about the minimum we should be testing these keys to get tuning right, but more preferably at hero track gear.


I think Mythic dungeons should reward m+ score.
Maybe reward 80-100 score for completing m0 dungeons. (idk what +2 is)
This way you can show in groupfinder that you’ve atleast done the dungeons at some level.

Imagine 2 new players wanting to play m+, first has does all m0 dungeons and second has done no dungeons.
I think the groupleader should be able to differentiate between these two players on who they want to invite.

Not a huge thing, but could ease the transition for new players from non-timed to timed content.

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I agree but to be devils advocate the big differentiator would be ilvl. You would hope someone who’s killed 24-30 m0 bosses would be a reasonable ilvl ahead of someone who has only done heroic based on gear drops/flightstone and crest acquisition.

IO should build out a feature that shows either a 0 or +1 (since keys start at 2) if someones completed it on m0

Did a couple M+ yesterday so here’s my feedback

Grim batol
-feels like there’s too much trash
-the big drakes aoe knockback is just so unnecessary big and probably should be directional
-Still not of a fan of the bombardment event, feels like it just makes the trash worse and to be fair in Classic I mostly enjoy it because it lets you skip most of the trash in the dungeon if done well. The 1-2 ability seems like it wants to encourage coordination but really for me it still feel worse than just having 1 ability to spam.
-Would suggest letting us be mounted in it as running back can be annoying.

1st boss: dislike how earth zones don’t really despawn and can pretty much hide the floor and make the lines from the other mechanic un-readable. The knockbacks also make this a bit too much chaotic.
2nd boss: I felt his shield phase in cataclysm was pretty iconic, the boss feels a bit weird and less epic without it
3rd boss: Way too many tornados when they don’t despawn, moreover when you don’t really have control over them like the fyrakk tornados which you could drop where you wanted. The boss feels maybe also a bit longer than others.
4th boss: I feel the zone is a bit dark and makes the tentacle/floor harder to see when he does his dark gale, don’t really feel like his knockback mechanic is necessary as it happens when you want to pick adds when they spawn.

Siege of Boralus
-The brackenbolt cast just keeps chaining when you interrupt them, this doesn’t feel right.
1st boss: there’s just nothing to heal much
2nd boss: doesn’t really do much too
3rd boss: again feels like there’s not much to do moreover with the ice despawning from frontal there isn’t much going
4th boss: allies can’t see the circle from your debuff, the tentacle slam knockback that happens often is just super annoying. Also currently we dced twice while doing the boss.

-Damage from first boss seems a bit overtuned on Tyranical
-The ability chain that doesn’t let you move the boss before the smash doesn’t feel great
-The dispel mechanic giving a damage reduction doesn’t feel right with how it’s used in the fight.
-Maybe consider making the smash mixed damage if it’s to happen often so ams can be used.


I’ll be blant. +2 will be the gate keeper for most casual players if the difficulty stays like this and raid gear is required.

Bad job and worth to not even consider to play season 1. Do the the same mistake as in SL. Go ahead. I have my popcorn

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Dawnbreaker feedback
-Mobs are packed too tightly in the city area. Too many patrols. Very hard to pull this dungeon properly for a tank.
-The shadowalker and tactician mobs seem overtuned in terms of damage on the tank.
-First boss is cringe in multiple ways. Two flying phases is annoying. Just make one flying phase and have boss die immediately at the end. There also needs to be more time between spawning the area denial void circles and the rotating beam so the tank has time to move the boss.
-Third boss is not very fun. In phase 1, the 5th bomb explodes while you are flying and it’s common for people to die mid flight. The last phase of the third boss - the web area denial goes off too fast and does too much damage. For classes without movement abilities, it’s hard to get out of it without dying.

Thank you for your insight and useable feedback

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Thorned needs major tuning. Currently it appears there is no internal cooldown and it is proc’ing off of all damage events. Affliction and Windwalker are taking upwards of 3x more damage than other classes. Pet damage is also proc’ing Thorned but the pet owner takes the damage rather than the pet.