I just learned of this or I would have made this post sooner.
Simply put, this is a huge mistake and bad execution of a class fantasy change that you perceive people want.
Lets break this down.
The Reasoning:
As far as I can tell there are TWO reasons for this change: Spec Fantasy, and losing a damage buff if you break out a pet to use it’s special ability.
Lets discuss those 2 reasons.
Reason number 1, Spec Fantasy is a garbage reason, as you can already NOT SUMMON your pet and have the lone wolf, archer, sniper feeling. FURTHERMORE, you’re literally giving us a flying pet! How is that accomplishing the spec fantasy of being alone? I sometimes, want to be alone and not deal with my pet. I get it, that’s why I play MM hunter. However, when I am alone moving forward, I’m not going to really be alone and have some eagle flying around me? Are you getting that your solution is counter to the problem???
Additionally, sometimes, even as a MM hunter, you NEED or may WANT to use a pet. So you’re removing that FUNCTIONALITY for spec THEME. How is that fair or good?
Reason number 2, on the inconvenience of losing a 5% damage buff so you can use a pet ability… Do you REALLY think that issue deserves a radical change like this? Just off the top of my head I can already come up with a better idea…
A new Marksman Ability that works like your Call Pet ability in that when you click on it, it expands and shows you your pets you currently have on your, and you select one and it uses it’s special ability without being summoned.
Boom! Problem solved.
You’re going through all the development time to create a complicated new system/spell to solve a problem that is a minor inconvenience at best. Furthermore, as I already pointed out, you’re doing this by giving MM hunters a flying pet that they can’t really interact with, so you’re NOT REALLY accomplishing the ‘lone archer’ theme, are you?
On top of that, you are removing functionality of the MM spec and forcing them to play as BM or SV (which if they are like me, I assume they don’t want to do that and that is why they are playing MM) if they need to make use of a pet.
On the topic of using a pet, I shouldn’t have to explain this, but to anyone who might argue that never need a pet as MM, lets go over it.
Sometimes you need your pet to tank an elite so you can focus on killing it, instead of trying to kite it, especially if the mob is immune to snares, of there is not an optimal area to kite the mob around in.
Sometimes you want your pet to aggro something so you can mine or herb or whatever without being interrupted.
Sometimes, you want to kill a large pack of mobs that aren’t going to die super fast and you don’t want to have to try to kite/slow an entire pack of mobs, so you can misdirect all the mobs to your pet and burn them down in a focused area.
This is really simple stuff off the top of my head guys.
This change you’re planning is BAD. No one asked for this.
Some people, myself included, like playing a MM Hunter as a lone sniper/gunman type fantasy. And props to you for trying to support that. I mean, it is appreciated. But your execution is horrible in this instance.
I don’t want some eagle flying around me. If I don’t want my pet out, I DON’T WANT A PET OUT.
If I need to use my pet, I CAN. If this causes me to lose 5% damage buff, big deal, I was rewarded with the fact that I have game play options and tool that the pet gave me.
And I’ll say this again, if you are so dead set on preventing people from losing their 5% damage buff if they have to call their pet in a dungeon, or raid, or PvP or whatever, then just go with the idea I proposed. There are sooooo many better ways to fix this than the magical flying eagle.
I’ve had a great time this expansion so far, but this is a real downer. I really can’t stress how angry this change has made me. I don’t get it.
I think Cataclysm was the last time you made some class changes that made me question why I pay you money to play a game that isn’t fun in the way it was before you made the changes.
Please lets continue to avoid that.