Feedback: Hunters

Fair enough, I was under the assumption he, as a streamer, might have gotten in on an early PTR or something. If it is an assumption, it might be more that MM is getting a lust skill, Harrier’s Cry for promal rage, so they are also getting an equivalent for preditor’s thirst.

Ok so there is no source, and you are authoritatively stating things that are baseless assumptions on the part of a YouTuber who read the same blue posts as everyone else?

Maybe make some edits on your earlier posts.

ETA: early PTR isn’t a thing. F&F alpha access for streamers is a thing, as is beta access much earlier than most people, but that’s for expansion releases, not mid-expansion patches.


I don’t need to try it out.
This is like saying, “You haven’t tried using a bicycle that shocks you when you pedal. How do you know you won’t like it?”

I respect you took time to respond in detail to my post, but I don’t get you.
Are you a contrarian? Because this boils down to a simple equation - You either want to keep the ability to use a pet as MM (which seems to be a lot of people, based on all the comments I read), or you want the new system they describe (which is NO pet… assuming you don’t count an eagle circling around in the sky, which maybe it’s not even visible? Who knows).

So based on your comments, you seem to be the latter. Maybe I’m wrong.
All I know is I offered the PERFECT solution. A talent that lets you choose between the two. This is so glaringly obvious that it is dumb. Instead, we may be getting some dev’s vision rammed down our mouths and losing game play options that we’ve had for years. Personally, I think that’s a bad thing.


Not sure how it’s contrarian to say it’s probably best to have the new changes come through and keep traditional pets, but ok.

I mean this is a little extreme. The spec is seemingly going to function in a very similar way as it does now., just no traditional pets, which for MM, means nothing for your rotation.

This is why it’s a struggle to discuss this stuff. Lust is baseline. Ferocity is no where to be found in the notes and since the placement of the choice node Tenacious/Cunning (making it mandatory) is where it is, it’s safe to assume there is no leech. Tenacity gaining a new passive in addition to the current one (5% max HP and 3% damage reduction). Doesn’t mention Fortitude of the Bear at all. Seems 50/50 to me, but my guess is that Air Superiority is taking it’s place because Cunning will be as it is now, Move Speed and the Root break. Just look at the talent tree on wowhead.

Dalaran gaming is also just guessing in that video clip. No where does it say that MM is Ferocity baseline. Could MM have that leech baseline? Maybe, but it doesn’t make sense to have Ferocity baseline when Tenacious and Cunning are a choice node talent.

You mention checking this stuff multiple times but have no clue. Sure, some stuff is guesswork, but to make the statement you did, like…wut?

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Unless you primarily play with your pet, in which case it’s going to be a pretty big change to your rotation.


Eh, to be realistic, it might wind up being 6 of one, 1/2 dozen of the other, as MM does not have any rotational skills that interact with pet, and not everyone uses mend pet in rotation, like I only tend to pop it if I see my pet dying, and that is after I use exhilaration to heal it to full

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I mean, there’s a big difference in your rotation if you’re using your pet to tank a mob versus you having to kite it to kill it.


Ah, talking about things like weaving in concussive shot, the traps, etc?

Also any attacks that you might have been able to avoid since the pet keeps the mob out of range. Like if the mob has a cone attack that you can just laugh at since it isn’t aimed anywhere near you.


I’m all for the Eagle unless somehow the animations from it are too intrusive. I pvp nearly exclusively and not spending time healing, rezing, dismissing, directing, tracking, or ressummoning because my pet dismissed itself sounds glorious if I’m not missing out on the utility the pet offered. So I’m not anti-pet, but there are issues including poor pet AI and pathing that I’ve been dealing with.

Not having the pet when I would want it to tank for me is a legitimate downside, but the positives are plentiful. Maybe a MM pet being an option will be added. Time will tell.

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people think you’re a contrarian because you have responded to so many posts in this thread basically saying “no it’s fine, everything will be fine, you’re overreacting.” the parts where you occasionally acknowledge that other options might be good get drowned out by everything else you say. it primarily winds up feeling like you’ve positioned yourself as an arbiter of how people are allowed to respond

like, yeah, a lot of these posts aren’t constructive in any way. i wouldn’t expect any less tbh; it is the wow forums. but constantly dropping in and telling people they’re wrong when they describe their own feelings about a fantasy change isn’t exactly constructive either. you’re just starting arguments that will only ever pointlessly go in circles

if you want to foster constructive discussion, try meeting people where they’re at. ask them questions about why they feel this way, and express how you feel in return (without positioning your feelings as being right). and for goodness’ sake, drop the condescending “get a load of these idiots” vibe

i realize the irony in me saying all of this while, well, responding to you in this way. i just want to impress that your intentions are really, really obfuscated by the way you post.


Or try leading the discussion with questions, things like “it is obvious that Blizzard is doing these changes, what would it take to make them palatable/acceptable to you?”


I just want specs to be balanced with a bit less button bloat. If I was concerned with fantasy I’d throw pinecones at friends in my back yard while yelling “lightning bolt!”


As someone who’s advocating for these changes, of course I’m going to put my support for those changes at the forefront. I state where others have good ideas. I just think they have been few and far between. A lot of the pro-pet players do not account for the scope of the incoming changes. If you think my crossing the aisle to agree with the pro-pet players on certain aspects gets drowned out, it’s because the pro-pet players don’t really offer much with their opinions for me to support. Most, if not all, players who are against the changes from one angle or another have only said “eagle bad, keep it the same, keep pets how they are, change bad” rather than offering a realistic alternative (again, MOST, not all). I’ve tried to incorporate what pro-pet players want into the proposed changes like accessing their stable of pets for the spotting effect AND redesigning Misdirect to combine it with Growl for their new eagle to hold a target at range for a short time on a shorter CD. Point being, pro-change people have been trying to iterate on how to keep the important parts of what pro-pet players want. Pro-pet players are mostly (not all) petulant children.

I don’t know that I’ve positioned myself as the arbiter of the discussion other than calling out those who are intentionally disingenuous, taking myself and others out of context, or just plain dumb. You make a great point in that a lot of the feedback hasn’t been constructive, but have you honestly looked at which side of this issue has been more vitriolic? Any such vitriolic language you see from me is in response to receiving it first or responding to this very post to provide you an honest response. When I get responses that are disingenuous, insulting, or seem uninformed and downright stupid, I’m going to either call it out or ignore it entirely. My ignore list is growing. The only arbitration I’ve done is to keep the feedback within the context of the proposed changes and what suggestions are possible for the devs to incorporate regardless of which side you’re on. Changes have been announced. State your opinion on them and be ready for the consequences of stating that opinion publicly. If your feedback is so outlandish, like someone suggesting to just create a 4th spec or a new hero talent tree, then yeah I’m going to make a point of saying that makes no sense in regards to the purpose of this thread. MM has problems. The devs are solving those problems. The loss of a traditional pet only causes a new problem for SOLO content (this may or may not include delves since you can group). This is an MMO where playing with others and group content, in my opinion, is MOST important to the health of the game. Solo content has it’s place which the devs emphasized with delves this expansion, but that same content is also considered group content as well. The way some pro-pet players talk is like they should never even be touched in combat and the world is ending because they won’t have a pet. Like any modicum of difficulty is unthinkable.

I have gone as far across the aisle as I care to in suggesting traditional pets should probably stay in the game for solo content. Have any pro-pet players mirrored me in being so charitable? Not those who have been staunch (and hostile) in defiance of losing their pet. So don’t tell me I need to reach across more than I already have. The way anyone feels about anything, to them, their feelings are the right way to approach it. The pro-pet players FEEL traditional pets should stay in the game. Isn’t that correct to them? When someone is constructing feedback to be pro-pet, I go through point by point. I disagree and say why and agree where there is room. Have the players who are most pro-pet tried to meet me where I’m at in the slightest? The answer is MOSTLY no. Where is your post calling them out? Unlikely to come because you agree with them, which is completely understandable (honestly don’t remember where you stand, but I assume you’re pro-pet because of the nature of your post). I could name a few who are the LEAST constructive and dismissive. Guess what side they’re on?

Some people offer suggestions that are idiotic. On both sides. When someone’s counter idea for the proposed changes is a 4th spec or a new hero talent tree, guess what, that’s dumb. It’s not within the realm of what the devs will do to fix the problems at hand when they’ve already laid out their solutions. There have been some gameplay ideas, but the scope of the changes are bigger than that. When I feel I’m talking to someone who’s ideas are missing the mark completely or talking to a wall or talking in circles, the value of that particular discussion is now gone. Agree to disagree and good luck to you.

If the way I post is such a problem, ignore me and move on with your day. I decided to contribute to this discussion because the proposed changes sound incredible. It’s everything I’ve wanted for MM for years. I can’t wait to test them, provide feedback and hope for iterative changes that improve upon what’s been proposed. If pets stay or go, I don’t care much as long as the core of what the devs are cooking goes through to live servers.

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Pinecones are clearly grenades…


My name is Volksworgen, and I approve of this post.


Been a while since I watched that video. Maybe he was throwing rocks, lol.

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We have taken the changes into account, you just keep saying they won’t work because reasons. So it’s kinda hard to take anything you say seriously. Especially when you put people on ignore for disagreeing with you.


See this right here. I wrote a well thought out response to criticism. This guy takes one line, out of context, disregarding everything said to say this BS. This is the EXACT thing I’m referring to where the value of continuing discussion is lost. Read again where I AGREE with keeping traditional pets and to what extent. I ignore when the discussion has stopped progressing. Where are you on this issue?