No, the solution is to remove player choice. MM still has a pet, just not a pet that they can decide not to use.
Survival was a ranged spec until it wasn’t, and now Marksman was a pet spec until it wasn’t. Things change. The pet was useless for MM and was just a fashion accessory for most people here complaining about losing it.
Now they need to make Survival a tank spec and watch people get bent out of shape even more. I would love a Survival tank that could send his pet to jump on a mob then jump back with said mob in its mouth, call it Fetch, the survival version of deathgrip.
So useless the M+ andys had to summon all the time to lust
At this point, y’all need to stop trying to make this lie true
The pet was useless for people who didn’t want to use it. That’s a different story than it actually being useless.
Useless is not how I would describe MMs use of pets. For MM the pet was, the only way to access MS, bloodlust, freedom, stun through Intimidation and some other utilities. The frustration of using a pet came from the utility that is desired decreasing ST and especially AoE dps available, and pathing issues causing the utility to often not be used the first time it is pressed. Too much time was spent keeping the pet on task nearby and alive to enable it’s utility to be available when needed.
Gameplay for MM is improved if your eagle cannot need healing or resurrecting as it cant be harmed or killed. It will be nice to never need to ensure it is alive prior to combat. You never need to pull it off some far away target or re-summon it because it de-spawned. You never need to stop to dismiss it before jumping off a ledge to avoid it pulling extra enemies in pve. You cant accidentally summon the “wrong” eagle for the content locking you out of having certain utility.
Not having the personal tank is a gameplay negative, but the positives listed above seem well worth it.
No one in their sane mind, or who isn’t actively trolling would say MM pet are useless, you will find a lot of these clowns here advocating for the pet removal and the rest to be dammed
Like people said, it would be just a glorified visual effect proc, it removes player agency, it removes the uniqueness and one of the main points of the hunter as a class, it removes a asset you can control and give commands like attack X target, Keep x target in combat, even fetch is useful.
Its one of the bits of RPG that is being sacrificed and dumb down for convenience, instead of fixing the actual issue that would improving PET pathfinder and A.I.
And if they are going to make this crap a glorified visual effect, i cant understand why they would not make to be our own pets, instead this dumb bird, if it will “not exist in the game space”.
Just seems lazy, uninspired that could be handled in other ways → keeping the abilities baked to MM and leaving lone wolf and the pet as normal, so people would still have the option to have a pet for side tanking and keep people busy in pvp
I’ve said this a dozen times I bet, I would benefit greatly from all the proposed changes AND keeping a traditional pet for the same small amount of damage it was doing, just to keep targets in combat for pvp. I love moving the utility to this eagle, which basically puts the utility on the hunter in reality, but having the total hunter package of two health bars and two targets the enemy must crowd control to steal a node in pvp is nice. I think the positive feedback loops added to our rotation with 11.1 MM talents are being overshadowed by folks worries about the new non-pet or loss of the traditional pet.
I dont think that is very fair, cause most, if not all of people here, are on board with the MM changes, if it means making the spec better, the only thing people are rightfully against is the total removal of the pet.
I think its very easy to reach a compromise here - and people who dont want pets would not lose in anything - folks here already discussed about it, the question is if blizz will listen or not
Oh yes. I think you and I agree on just about everything. Specifically, if the utility is moved to the hunter as planned while also maintaining the traditional pet that would be ideal. If what I just described did happen, I think most MM players would summon and use the traditional pet, as any increase in the Hunters defensive from having the pet to tank and any damage the pet would do would be wanted. This whole topic of some people not wanting a pet came from Lone Wolf talent offering damage for not having a pet. If most utility is not lost from choosing to not summon a pet, great, lots of players would still summon a pet if it could be done without being a dps loss.
Come on, Blizz. Release the PTR. Our bodies are ready.
If you hate your pet that much just go druid.
Not gonna happen till at least Tuesday. Take a break and enjoy your weekend.
They still ignore the SV feedback to this day, its hilarious…there was like 20 hunters in the whole game doing melee til they buffed it to meta…and when its not top dps, it’ll go back those same 20.
And sv ranged
Druid is not a ranged archer class.
So, if Blizzard were to, say, take away all the Eagle visuals so it just looks like a proc from abilities, remove the optics and keep the benefits, would that satisfy people as a petless spec because that would make it look like they are still in a Lone Wolf situation?
And if they also announced that there will be an option to summon from your stable keeping the 5% dps reduction and losing the proc based Eagle in favour of having a pet out without the utility pets currently provide, would that be acceptable?
I’d rather keep the pet family and type abilities. Losing leech and Scale Shield would be a survivability downgrade for my pet.
The only things they really have to work around is Mortal Wounds being added to Aimed Shot, which could be lost with a pet out, or the Tenacious/Cunning pet choice, which could also be replaced by the pet type you have out. Then, of course, the damage reduction to make up for the pet’s damage.
I would also like, very much, a revamp to some pet abilities.
Making a different Talent tree for pets would be neat as hell, like, regardless of the pet you could chose and pick different skills like mortal wounds and slow, and some pets could have a specially shenanigan like flying ones being able to cast the slow fall the feathermane family have
The people upset that it’s not “entirely” petless due to the eagle are mostly pet enjoyers looking to find reason for us who are fine with the proposed implementation to be wrong, when our viewpoint is perfectly valid.
“Petless” means not having to deal with the pet AI or the jank of pulling one out for lust or other utility. And it seems like a perfectly reasonable solution to have a proc “pet” come in and mark targets. It’s a really cool idea imo.
Another absurd claim build on a strawman that doesn’t exist.
There was always three kinds of people who played MM the ones who didn’t like to have pet, the ones who did like to have one and the ones who liked both options depending on the content.
This screw everyone one by forcing the fake bird, there are people who didnt want any pet interaction, to play the sniper fantasy they used to do for ten years as well, they can’t do that anymore.
Your viewpoint is screw everyone else, don’t give options, remove pet and keep the bird, its not vallid is confrontational out of spite when both could coexist just fine
That’s the definition you made yourself