The 2p tier amped barbed shot bleed can be overwritten by a normal barbed shot. I will take this chance for my annual request for barbed shot’s bleed to get the rollover treatment. Survival got it for wildfire bomb this expansion so can beast mastery’s barbed shot get it too?
MM Hunter on ptr is strong we just need a few small tweeks. I want my 5% leech back and make trueshot a 1 minute cooldown. Other than a few bug fixes, I think mm is going to shine in pvp especially with hydra’s bite.
Correct, but the base swing timer of auto is now 2 seconds slower because of precise shots. In the rhythm gives you a second back temporarily if you take the talent (it’s not a good talent). Set bonus gives you a temporary proc. The net effect is way fewer lnl and db procs because most of the time your auto is slow.
looks like precise shots went from reducing focus cost from 70% to only 30% but wasnt in the notes for some reason. just want to let you know it feels horrible now.
PTR was offline yesterday so I couldn’t test, and yes, I remember Precise Shot was reducing Arcane Shot cost from 40 focus to 12 focus, but now it’s reducing the cost to just 28 Focus.
I’m having to cast Steady Focus a lot sooner now, as once I’d rarely be short on Focus, but eventually would run out of Aimed Shot charges so I’d have to cast Steady Focus 2-4 times in a row to build up charges. Now, because of having to cast Steady Shot more often, but less times in a row, Aimed Shot’s charge shortage seems less of a issue. I’m not sure if I’m casting Steady Shot more or less than before, however, and I’m no numbers person to know if this change made MM worse or better in long fights, but it sure feels worse on short ones.
Edit: And PTR is not loading realms properly again, so no more testing for now.
It all really depends on how they want those talents to be balanced. 1.6rppm would be roughly equivalent to the previous proc rate on a 3s weapon. With precise shots increasing it to 5, 1rppm would be closer. However, these don’t account for talents like trigger finger or anything else that increases attack speed rather than haste.
If the idea was to keep a similar proc chance while maintaining the interactions with attack speed modifiers like trigger finger, tier procs, and in the rhythm they could just increase the % chance to proc deathblow and lock and load. If they increase the % proc chance by the same amount they increased the base auto timer (which would put it at 13.33%), they would retain the same average proc chance (over infinity attempted procs) without removing talent interactions.
Reminder that Huntmaster’s Call change makes the talent dead on patch. Spawning a hati or fenryr at their current power level once every minute is awful. This also makes Dire Cleave worse cause no one will be using Huntmasters Call which could also benefit from Dire Cleave. And Dire Cleave itself is worthless in single target. Something you should address is how a ton of hunter talents give up single target power when you take aoe talents. Like Dire Cleave does zero single target and instantly becomes worthless when you’re hitting one thing. Add some single target power to talents like Beast cleave, kill cleave, and remove Multishot some talent tree.
No Mercy: It seems very lackluster due to kill shot being very low priority in our rotation. Suggestion would be that no mercy makes kill shot fire off a cobra shot and multi shot. Basically allowing kill shot to trigger killer cobra, barbed scales, and beast cleave. Making it a much more meaningful skill to press instead of just ignoring it completely.
Shell Cover: With trigger conditions being so high as well as duration/dr being so low as well as a somewhat high CD, it is next to useless in the grand scheme of things. Any kind of boss aoe would trigger it and the duration being just 6 seconds we would really have no control over it. Suggestion would be whenever we are at and below 60% we just get a turtle on our head giving us a 5% dr until we’re above 60% again?
Hunter’s Mark is weak and needs a buff (preferably making it a ~20 yard AoE debuff aura and/or last 20% health too)
Shell Cover is laughably weak (Flat DR per pet out please)
No Mercy does next to nothing for a hero talent.
Better Together is a placeholder node, not a hero talent.
Horsehair Tether, utility, should NOT be a hero talent. Add this node below binding shot in the class tree and replace it with ‘improved traps’ or something - tar trap has extra slow, binding shot gains an extra second of stun, etc
Survival’s new bleed talents to compensate for Merciless Blow’s nerf/FS removal are super weak and not even viable when it lasts 8s but Kill Shot’s CD is 10s.
Shell Cover should be a choice node with Den Recovery (former Pack Leader version defensive), and also be updated to the following:
Shell Cover: When you are below 40% health, you take 10% less damage from all sources. When your pet is below 40% health, it takes 10% less damage from all sources.
All things considered, ppm seems like a way easier way to balance the talents with base auto timer being slow but also variable. Set the approximate number of procs that are supposed to happen instead of making the mechanics hinge off of temporary set bonuses and talents that only modify your auto shot timer. I think it’s also bad design to intentionally make auto slower just to put an additional carrot in front of otherwise terrible talents just to retain similar proc rates on talents that hinged around a static base auto shot speed.
Oh I know, it’s just something I find very strange to have included. I’ve never thought it fit the fantasy but if others like it good for them. I’d just find survival more interesting if just had glaive or other thrown bladed weapons vs explosive devices.