Perhaps if there was no difference than the switch to melee its possible, but I have a feeling it would be something for open-world and have little impact on the main game.
No Mercy and Shell Cover on Pack Leader are both bringing Pack Leader down a lot for Survival. These really need buffed if the talent tree is to be used in any sort of competitive content
explosions have been on the class since 2005
Please consider making bleak arrows and lock and load RPPM (real procs per minute) based instead of a direct %chance to proc on auto shots now that auto shots are slow by design.
Consider reducing the cooldown on trueshot. It will make the spec considerably easier to tune.
The negative component of RoS needs to be something else for marks. You cannot use the button during or close to a trueshot window. Marks are too important for this to be the downside of such a small defensive cooldown.
Withering fire needed to be changed from what it was, but the new version basically only makes black arrow cleave. This is extremely underwhelming for a hero tree capstone, and dark ranger is significantly behind sentinel again. Consider replacing this mechanic with something else entirely (readiness wailing arrow would fit nicely), or just slapping a +15% modifier to hunter damage against things with the black arrow debuff.
Sniper’s advantage granting 30% extra range for the duration of the same abilities that grant doubletap is going to be problematic.
There’s nothing wrong with hardcasting unbuffed aimed shot to open combat. The spec’s biggest problem is what happens when trueshot is over and you are bereft of charges. You are actually going to excel more in content where you have natural resets compared to longer boss fights because you’re getting time for charges to reset.
Rest in Piece Hati and Fenryr, the talent is probably going to be dropped in all builds with the nerf to Dire Command procs no longer effecting Huntmaster’s Call stacks. An effect we had all of season 1 and now blizz is calling it a bug fix.
Just my .02 but that whole section of the live BM tree is way too good. Kill command procs beasts that also proc tertiary things like DR hounds and hati/fenryr. So much stuff proccing off of the main apm ability that you’re setting yourself up to cast as many times as possible creates this massive swarm of passive damage that stops feeling super related to the actual buttons you’re pressing.
I haven’t tested BM as extensively as I have marks, but this functionality is a huge part of what’s making BM such a monster in S1 pvp. If they can tune the spec properly around actually needing to line up 1m goes with bloodshed, it’s going to play a lot more like it really should imo.
The issue they made no attempt to defend the change or buff huntmaster’s, they already nerfed dire command procs to 20% from 30% at the start of ptr. Making Hati or Fenryr spawn every minute at their current tuning just kills the talent.
Valid. And yeah it will definitely come down to tuning. Just looking at it from a high level, that talent and the four surrounding it on live are somehow just way more valuable, point for point, than most everything else on the bm tree with obvious exceptions for the big capstones. I think that’s probably the reasoning behind the change.
optimal fix would make both pets spawn at the same time and increase their effects, but I dont believe in blizz enough to make that change
PTR servers down for the last 24 hours, or is it just me?
There’s a problem hardcasting Aims when they take .5 more seconds! It ranges from just annoying in open world to frustrating in dungeons.
In my low M+ runs in the test realm I actually had an issue of overcapping Aimed Charges during trash, due to not being able to shoot them off before melee evaporated the mobs. I had to cope by preserving Rapids and Precise Shots in between packs.
To be fair, I had your issue of running short of charges during bosses.
I think I’d want one of: re-balance Streamline to support the current 2.5s base cast, or, some form of Careful Aim to return, buffing our initial, out of combat Aims (make stronger to justify the 3.0s cast, or a mechanic to give us Streamline OOC to promote opening with Aimed).
Either way, I am hating this feeling of being punished for hardcasting in lower end content, just to feel balanced or even starved in harder content.
Precast it before pull.
Not really a super valid test. Also, tuning isn’t done.
If you use both focused aim and target acquisition, it’s a lot better. It is pretty miserable without either of them.
Aimed shot was significantly buffed when the cast time increased. Your average aimed shot is also about the same cast time as live because of streamline. .5s more on an opener cast is a fine trade. Start your opener .5s earlier and it doesn’t matter. The rest of your aimed shots are either the same or faster while also doing more damage.