Feedback: Hunters

Throw this iteration of FS out entirely.
It’s a failed experiment that deserves no discussion. Revert it to last build’s iteration.

You tried, Blizzard. Respectfully, this ain’t it.


Been doing more testing on ptr. Please ya’ll, do something interesting with Packleader.

There’s absolutely nothing interesting about this ‘hero’ talent. It doesn’t make you feel any different. Nothing procs noticeably more. Nothing seems ‘more powerful’. It doesn’t even have the fun flare that Legion’s dire beast with the legendary shoulders did.

There’s nothing that differentiates you from any other beast mastery hunter.

Unless it’s tuned crazy good, no one’s going to take it unless they absolutely HATE dark ranger.


TBF pack leader is bugged six ways from sunday, half the talents aren’t functioning as they should


Because only like 3 talents actually work lol


But then you still can’t take advantage of Aspect of the Eagle because now your ranged mongoose bite will make you leap into melee.


Hello Survival Hunters!

We’ve been reading your feedback regarding the recent changes to Mongoose Bite, Mongoose Fury, and Flanking Strike and want to provide an update regarding those changes.

One of our goals with the Survival Hunter spec tree update was to better define niches for each of Survival’s tandem pet-and-hunter attack abilities. Since then, we’ve made changes to Coordinated Assault and Spearhead to better define their use cases as well as the narrative sell of their effects, and last week we felt that it was Flanking Strike’s turn for an update.

We don’t feel that our previous iteration of Flanking Strike fits perfectly within Survival’s kit, but given your feedback, we also don’t think that it being an occasional replacement for Kill Command is a better direction. We plan on reverting Flanking Strike to its previous iteration, where it will remain a separate ability that doubly benefits from Tip of the Spear. We’ll put more thought into Flanking Strike’s place in Survival’s kit in the meantime, but we don’t expect to have a new iteration on this ability’s direction any time soon.

Similarly, we don’t love how Mongoose Fury and Tip of the Spear can pull you in a separate direction rotationally (as previously stated). It’s clear that this new direction for Mongoose Bite invalidates an iconic part of the Survival Hunter experience. For now, we plan to return Mongoose Bite and Mongoose Fury to their previous iterations. We’ll spend time finding a more elegant way to meld the two rotational styles that simultaneously preserves their gameplay.

That’s all for today. We appreciate your continued feedback! Thank you!


what about the marksmanship feedback that was given and ignored?


Thank you so much for the quick turn around! The spender Flanking Strike (most importantly active ability) I believe felt super thematic and did a perfect job of capturing the tandem pet-hunter part of the fantasy.


I hate this reversion. I loved the new flanking strike and mongoose bite changes, and really don’t want to see them going back to how they were.


Why revert it so quickly after a few knee-jerk reactions? Tonight was the first chance I got to even try it out. It was different, but I was getting to like it. I can’t be the only one.


I hate this.

I enjoyed the new Flanking Strike and was going to main Survival in WW due to it. All Flanking Strike is is button bloat.

That said, it does fall into the same issue as the “every 3 casts” problem BM has with the Valarjar dogs. Making it so every Kill Command has a 33% chance to turn into Flanking Strike on the next cast would make it the same PPM while not making us plan cooldowns around every 3rd Kill Command.

Please consider not reverting it, or make it a choice node, where you can choose between the active skill or the Kill Command replacement.


Kill Command turning into Flanking Strike means that half of your talent tree and the entirety of Pack Leader doesn’t work when it’s Flanking Strike. It also has the added “benefit” of being catapulted to your death if there are any mechanics happening.


Everything that affected Kill Command affected the new Flanking Strike. So yes, yes they did.


Super thematic was when we had Flanking Strike as a resource generator instead of stealing Kill Command from BM.

IMO, they should remove Kill Command and go back to how it was in Legion where Flanking Strike is our focus generator.


No it didn’t? I tested it yesterday. It didn’t proc Sic’em, it didn’t proc Quick Shot, it didn’t do anything with Pack Leader. It didn’t give FotE CD. It was an entirely different spell ID.


This is easily fixed by removing the “jump to enemy” - it’s not necessary. We have harpoon for when we need to close gaps.

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Removing the “jump to enemy” makes it literally a blue kill command button. It does slightly more damage as KC, generates the same amount of Focus, and gave you 1 extra tip stack. Without the jump it’s Kill Command.


Then shockingly, that’s called a bug, which you’re supposed to report on beta.

Not judge an ability based on the bugs.


That’s literally fixed by “flanking strike inherits bonuses to kill command” being added to the tooltip. Good strawman tho.

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And again, making Flanking Strike a choice node where you choose between the active or passive harms no one, and makes everyone happy.

Monk trees are full of that sort of option in War Within, there’s no harm giving hunters one.

And as with all choice nodes like that, playing the active one perfectly will do more dps than passive, but passive is easier to use and less likely to mess up, which is why so many people opt for passives.


I did report it and I talked about it in this very thread.

I don’t think you know what a strawman is lol. It didn’t have any interaction yesterday.

A passive jump is really, really deadly. As I mentioned, removing the jump makes it a blue kill command.