TWW Survival Suggestions 2.0

You’re not only going to have ST situations, though, nor are you going to have a KC available after every Raptor Strike.

Aye, but remember that Butchery and Explosive Shot still exist. If you follow your approach, using Raptor at 31 Focus leaves you with 1 Focus, 49 Focus leaves you with 19 Focus, but 50 Focus leaves you with zero Focus, and it’s not until 70 Focus that you can use Raptor Strike without delaying Explosive Shot, and not until 80 Focus that you can use Raptor Strike without delaying Butchery and all that comes with it.

Fully agreed.

Continuing the discussion from Feedback: Hunters:

Flanking Fury - Each stack of Tip of the Spear consumed by Mongoose Bite increases the duration of Mongoose Fury by 1 second and gives you a 15% chance to also cast a free Butchery. This effect is doubled during Coordinated Assault.

Choice Node with Sic 'Em.

Swap positions with Sweeping Spear.

Is this for…

  • BfA–DF Mongoose Bite (the nearly-unique mechanic, shared only with Bulletstorm)
  • 6/25/2024 Mongoose Bite (Raptor Strike now requires 3 uses of ramp-up to not be penalized, and can easily maintain an 18% damage bonus after its 3rd use so long as you use it once per 10s thereafter)?

I like how they integrated flanking strike into kill command. But I still would prefer the bfa alpha flanking strike. The jump in part of current flanking might cause problems

I am very well enjoying the change I have been advocating the whole of dragonflight. (Hydra bite triggering from mongoose bite serpent stings). Sure the names are different now, but this is nice.

Butchery making next goose/raptor hit 3 targets is also very nice. (It also applies serpent on all 3 targets which is awesome)

It doesn’t look like the serpent sting prioritises application to targets that don’t have it yet

I wonder if it’s a bug that the talent causing Wildfire Bomb to trigger Explosive Shot (sorry, I’m bad with names) makes Explosive Shot go on cooldown.


Seems it was indeed a bug, because today it works normally. When bomb triggers explosion, explosion doesn’t go on cd and it now can proc even if explosive shot is on cd

This may be fine for PVE, but is a massive blow to Survival in PVP, especially in Battlegrounds. One of Survival’s strengths was being able to set up from the outside and close in when it was advantageous to do so. Also consider that Leech, Avoidance, and melee range have been systematically nerfed.

Without a new PVP talent to recover this function, this is a pretty significant nerf. And even if they come up with a PVP talent to assist with this, we effectively lose a PVP talent slot.

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Or the talent can just be avoided in pvp :dracthyr_shrug:

Considering we don’t have Hydra’s Bite, and unless I’m missing something, the ability to cast Serpent Sting from range at all anymore, no it can’t.

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From what I am seeing, the current range for [Contagious Reagents] is very small, so for aoe application of serpent sting, '[Merciless Blows] might be the better option in pvp (aoe raptor strike after butchery)

EDIT: Or this thing is just bugged. It seems to stop working completely during fights :dracthyr_shrug:

We will need both. But the function forces you into melee range to apply and spread Serpent Sting. We don’t have the defenses to afford to do this regular BGs, let alone Epic BGs.

Before we could apply Serpent Sting with Hydra’s Bite from range and choose when to close melee range when it provided an advantage to do so. Now we get to lose out on Serpent Sting altogether unless we want to blow all our defenses trying to survive the effort of applying it in any group battle.

It will be interesting that’s for sure. But I am pretty sure (at least in arena) Poison injection is the go to choice atm over hydra. Although even then these two talents are pretty interchangeable based on enemy team

Ok. yea… I am not liking this change anymore. Tested it in a few dungeons… With how underliable some of the hitboxes are, it keeps sending me into boss swirlies that if the dungeons were m+, I would’ve instantly died. The charge portion needs to be changed.

It’s already being addressed.

Continuing the discussion from Feedback: Hunters:


I would like this instead tbh. (bfa alpha) (or something similar at least the extra hit part)

(Note. I am talking purely out of pve perspective, I understand this would not be as good as current flanking strike in pvp)

That’s just Intense Focus with a third less Focus gen for a pittance of extra damage (redundant with Vicious Hunt), though?

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I care more about the “You also attack when you press kill command” part. I just dislike kill command animation :dracthyr_shrug:

Raptor Strike should be baseline and learned early on so players starting a new Hunter can get a feel for melee as well as ranged before deciding on a spec.

Move Kill Command to Raptor Strike’s location.

Swap locations of Mongoose Bite and Butchery.

Make Mongoose Bite a Choice Node with:
Kill or Be Killed - When you have more than 50 Focus, Raptor Strike costs 50 Focus and deals and additional 100% damage.

Adjust Bloody Claws to benefit both Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite and consider adding some tangible benefit:
Bloody Claws - The chance for Kill Command to reset is increased by 2% for every 15 Focus you are missing and your pet gains 5 Focus when Kill Command is reset.

I think people just need to learn they can replace mongoose bite’s icon with raptor strike and pretend it’s the same spell. a lot of people on this forum are wildly intimidated by such a barely-there mechanic

Use a two handed melee weapon to fire an explosive shot, really a cool design.

That must be an artifact melee weapon.

too many people here trying to over complicate the hell outa the spec just stop with all this BS we got dots from bombs serpent sting and we can weave KC and MB with some cooldowns sprinkled in that is enough stop with all these other interactions and every 3rd one of this does this…

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What’s complicated about Raptor Strike consuming more Focus if you have it to deal more damage, especially as a choice node alternative to the ramp-up nature of Mongoose Bite?