Feedback: Hunters

That’s literally fixed by “flanking strike inherits bonuses to kill command” being added to the tooltip. Good strawman tho.

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And again, making Flanking Strike a choice node where you choose between the active or passive harms no one, and makes everyone happy.

Monk trees are full of that sort of option in War Within, there’s no harm giving hunters one.

And as with all choice nodes like that, playing the active one perfectly will do more dps than passive, but passive is easier to use and less likely to mess up, which is why so many people opt for passives.


I did report it and I talked about it in this very thread.

I don’t think you know what a strawman is lol. It didn’t have any interaction yesterday.

A passive jump is really, really deadly. As I mentioned, removing the jump makes it a blue kill command.


Unfortunate, I was very excited by all changes. Seeing Flanking Strike go back I can understand, but the changes to Mongoose Fury was amazing. It works right now in Dragonflight because there’s not a ton of bloat in the kit. With other parts being brought out to shine, having a buff that falls off before you can utilize it is super unfun.


Thank you so much for the timely response!
Can you pass it along that the returning iteration of Flanking Strike fits just fine for Survival in that form? It’s a perfect meal, no cooking further required on that part.
It genuinely feels amazing, and doesn’t need changed from the current way it functions (ie generates Tip stacks, cleaves, spends focus, and is active/controllable)
As long as that functionality is retained, I don’t think you’ll see much outcry from survival players.
But please don’t attach it to Kill Command. We can already load up to 13 effects onto KC depending on our talent loadout, 14 if you include the damage it deals. We really don’t need this button doing more. It’s fine right now, but it’s a bit of a razor’s edge.
Thank you so much for reading, and thank you to the devs even more for listening to the feedback!


Heck, I’d opt out of mongoose bite if I had the option, just because dealing with Mongoose Fury always always ruins the flow state of the rotation, and has since the class was designed in Legion. Being able to opt out of it without murdering my DPS on ST would be lovely.


It is, in fact, not. All it is is button bloat, and very easy to even forget to cast.

There is zero issue tying it to Kill Command. Not only does it harken back to melee survival’s Legion toolkit, as said above, all they have to do is make it so all bonuses to KC are applied to Flanking Strike as well.


If you tie all KC bonuses to FS and remove the jump, you’ve just given yourself a slightly stronger kill command with a randomly different name and icon. that’s the definition of bloat lol. an ability that changes in icon and name but not function is a waste of a talent point.


It activated cleave, enabled exposed flank, and generated tips while spending focus, jumpstarting the rotation without needing to overcap focus.
It’s not button bloat because it has a very, very, defined purpose. It’s the opposite of button bloat.

I really disagree.
If you want to play BM and deal big time damage with KC, you can just change specs at any time.


This is why I liked last week’s Flanking Strike so much. It was controllable, it had its own identity, and it contributed to the kit and gameplay.

Tying 50 million things to Kill Command is not the play


Except Flanking Strike is not KC.

Making it passively active on Kill Command does not increase Kill Command’s damage. It is still Flanking Strike.

Logic isn’t hard.

It very much is. VERY VERY much.

Also, Blizz.

Don’t acknowledge Flanking Strike doesn’t work then make us sit with the current Flanking Strike for 6+ months while you figure out an alternative.

As I said, making it a choice node keeps it intact for those who like the active skill, while also appeasing those like me and the others here who enjoyed having it passive.

And as a last resort - remove it completely before live, rather than just launching WW with Flanking Strike as it acts on live.


I think you’re confused. It has a different function in War Within. It is not like Dragonflight’s version at all.

It’s flanking strike in name only. If you keep it like this week’s version it is literally just a kill command that hits harder (and can also kill you)


The random charge, whether toggle’able or not is terrible design both for PvE and PvP. This has been tried multiple times and failed every time for other classes. Kill Command has 14 different effects tied to the button, do you really need it to also periodically do more damage?


Thank you Kaivax!

This is wonderful news, tell the team that outside of those two changes - we’ve loved the direction! So good to have last week’s Flanking Strike back where it felt so good to press and felt incredibly rewarding with proper usage.

P.S. The sic’em change was incredibly cool and really hope to see Bloody claws get a lil face lift! <3

Have a wonderful weekend!


Only in name.
It was suicidal blue kill command.
I’m sorry you wanted less buttons to press Maizou, but it was bad and unhealthy for the spec overall.

This is the correct course of action.
Just make them choice nodes with a neat name so everyone can be happy.


Reverting Flanking Stike to last week’s version is a good change. I am not going to repeat the reasons why, it’s a dead horse at this point.

The only way I see the Mongoose Fury(MF) window still working in TWW is if each Mongoose Bite(MB) increases the window by ~1s since MB is competing with every other ability between bombs, KC, FS, ES, SH, CA, and harpooning for focus with ToE. The DF MF window worked as we just managed focus between MB, KC, and occasionally WFB while using abilities like DC or ES outside of the window. With an increased ~1s, we can more comfortably squeeze in more abilities in the MF window while allowing skill expression.


I very much disagree. Flanking Strike as an active button is bad and unhealthy.

But again, I would prefer they just make it a choice node so no one gets shafted.

As I said, Monks were given like 3 or 4 of these choice nodes in WW - where they can choose between previously active skills or a new passive version. So it’s not something out of the realm of possibility.


based on what
don’t say button bloat without explaining how it was button bloat either
survival has 5 rotational buttons tops with fs being one of them, and that’s if you count in aoe
it has 3-4 otherwise

edit: actually no
choice node good
give us both blizzard


Then you aren’t playing Survival right? Lol.

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i guarantee you i am playing significantly better than you are if you believe that