Feedback for World of Warcraft: The War Within

Here you go buddy, this is why


In that quote, can you show me exactly where you listed the specific content add ons are required for?

Would you like me to highlight and put a sticker next to it as well?

This is a general feedback post, not a thesis. Have a day.

Idk how you think that was bad faith. Im a veteran, and you are posting these things on a lvl 10 hiding.

I guess Ill stop defending your post.
This quickly turned into tinfoil hat “remove all addons” post.

Its weird how you could have just answered this question. Instead you have deflected multiple times.

But yes.

I would like you to highlight and put a sticker next to the exact statement where you outline the specific content add ons are required for.

I am not asking for a thesis.

Because you’re arguing addons aren’t necessary in high end content and that’s just not true.

What content, specifically, are they required in?

We dont even know what content you are talking about when you state this.

Feedback post flagged to hide and prevent discussion. I think we’re done talking, you’re a well known troll and disruptive person

These responses honestly aren’t that shocking. The OP kinda reads like you asked some AI for 4 things to list that would irk the majority of GD while inviting in a bunch of trolls. Your “answers” to most people are to refer back to your OP, but the OP doesn’t elaborate - hence why people are asking in the first place. You said “high end content” but that doesn’t specify squat :man_shrugging:t2:


If you think that this takes away gameplay depth you’re out of your mind. That’s the definition of a 2 second change by an intern.

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I didnt flag anything.

I dont know how I am trolling by asking you to clarify your own points.

Like I get you wanted to do your political posturing. But I attempted to keep it on track.

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Didn’t think it was necessary to explain the main game modes of WoW—raiding, Mythic+, and PvP kind of speak for themselves. If we’re splitting hairs over ‘high-end content,’ it’s the stuff where WeakAuras yells at you to move or Gladius decides your arena fate. But sure, next time I’ll draw a flowchart for clarity. :wink:

Kind of? That’s… A word for it.

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M+, raiding, have a variety of difficulty levels. What is high end content to one person, isnt necessarily to another. Thats why people ask so we can be on the same page.

We arent splitting hairs because you wont say anything. Most likely because you know what the response will be. Showing how its not required.

No one is asking for a flow chart. Just 3-4 words explaining your point.

But you keep running away.

Fair point, but we both know ‘high-end’ typically means Mythic raiding, high M+ keys, and competitive PvP—content where add-ons go from helpful to practically mandatory. Sure, ‘high-end’ can be subjective, but let’s not pretend Normal raids or low keys are the same conversation. :wink:

To some people high keys are 8s. To some 10s. To some 12s. Others 14+.

I would not say any keys require add ons.

If we’re calling +8s ‘high keys,’ then yeah, add-ons probably aren’t ‘required.’ But let’s not kid ourselves—once you’re pushing 15+ or timing 20s, add-ons like DBM and WeakAuras stop being optional for most players. This feels more like nitpicking than an actual argument, but hey, you do you. :wink:

I mean to me a +3 would be a high key as I’ve never set foot in a M+ period lol

Are you pushing 15s or timing 20s?

Because I would be intrigued to see evidence of this.

Fair enough—if a +3 feels like a high key to you, we’re clearly playing different games. Not much point debating add-ons if we’re not even in the same ballpark. :wink: