I love WoW and mythic raiding. Please remove addons, thanks.
I liked this post, I don’t know why it got flagged smh.
I love WoW and mythic raiding. Please remove addons, thanks.
I liked this post, I don’t know why it got flagged smh.
The poster “Akston” is a forum troll.
I don’t know if mods can help at this point. I find this type of treatment hostile and harmful to the community, especially those who want to provide feedback.
It’s just not the game mode for me. I saw enough of the sneak peek that was challenge mode in MoP and knew I’d never enjoy anything even remotely like what M+ ended up being…so much so that I skipped challenge modes completely in WoD.
I am not really worried about the accusations of someone hiding on a forum alt.
Or someone getting offended because someone else has the audacity to disagree with them. Or ask for clarification.
Then report me, and lets roll the dice.
I am starting to have a hunch who else you post on the forum as. Ive seen this song and dance before.
That’s true. Calistrian appears to have played the game beyond the bare minimum to make a post.
I’d much rather others see you engage the way you are. This is my last reply to you
You spend 30 minutes trolling , derailing and attacking me on this forum.
But you wanted the mods to help.
Or was that just posturing?
You’ve been running away and dodging this entire thread. So…feels like an expected outcome. Lets see if ya hold to it.
Adding new edits still counts as repyling.
I havent attacked you. I have tried to stay on track by asking for clarification.
At this point you’re harassing me to get a reply.
It absolutely would be an issue. Preference is as much (or more) at play here than any perceived necessity.
You just called a guy who is engaging with (and very civilly) disingenuous for listing his reasons for enjoying add-ons outside of “necessity.”
Like…seriously? What is with the hostility? If you didn’t want to discuss this–even with polite players who choose to engage with you on this topic–then why did you post it?
You pulled the elitism card on a guy who wanted to engage over add-ons when he told you he doesn’t run high keys. “We’re playing different games,” you said. Well…then don’t post this stuff on GD. Post it in a Discord where you and those you consider your equals, and worthy of having an opinion about this game we’re all playing together can “retreat into a cloud of smoke and congratulate yourselves on being masters of the universe.”
And they are not removing addons. They are looking at particular weakaura functions and will likely review whether or not to break those certain functions. They will never get rid of addons. Not ever.
I guess the answer was “no”.
No, it’s “goodbye”
Removing addons is silly. There are lots of addons that do lots of things, QOL stuff, silly stuff, roleplay stuff, etc. Throwing all that out because of some , what I’ll call “performance” ones ,that are problematic, is too broad.
It’s far from my area , but it does sound like there’s space for Blizzard to improve the response to ‘performance’ add ons , and not let it turn into a never ending escalation race until raids are unplayable without said addons. That’s fair. I don’t know, obviously, what that response should be. That is a creative discussion for raid-y folks to have.
Bottom line addons have no place telling a player to stand here or do x mechanic, they should only provide convenience.
In PvP addons are extremely harmful asthey can track all my CD’s.
In PVE, they trivialize content and are mandatory in higher end content just to be competitive. Thanks for your reply.
I don’t grok this!
You would think we would have more people completing higher end content then.
Give me some examples then other than calling me wrong.
They also fail to explain HOW they are required, not just the content.
But lvl 10 poster doing lvl 10 things. Says controversial thing. Calls people wrong. Doesn’t expand on their posts.
Brother, you’re asking me HOW addons help in end-game content when its CLEARLY explained in my post. Whats up with you???
Your rambling AI post did not clearly lay out anything, actually. Addons are not required, it isn’t Archimonde.
None of this tells me HOW they are required. All I see is QoL.
And neither of these tell how they are required.
1 is literally telling me QoL. The other “trivializes”, yet ~50% have done the current raid on heroic, ~3% have done the current raid on mythic.
How do they trivialize the raid when the completion rate is beyond miniscule?
helping does not equal required