Feedback for the Radiant Echo Event

So since I had a full hour to play today I decided to log in and try out the new event since the servers were up. This is my feedback on that event. :upside_down_face:

First, as for the new “events so far” movie, while I really appreciate the recap now that the story has gotten so complicated, I found the combination of different resolutions/graphics really awful. Perhaps you should have left the high res CGI bits out and stuck with just one style for nice clean cohesion. Also, to be completely honest, and maybe I’m just dense, but I’m still not really clear on the story events. Too many players and relics and whatnot so I’m just kind of apathetic at this point.

When my quest took me to the Chamber of Heart, the little cutscene in there bugged out and had no sound so I have no idea what Magni and Thrall were saying. Ordinarily I wouldn’t mind, but on top of so many other bugs, it feels really bad.

When I got to the part of the quest where it finally sent me to the event locations, I was told the event just ended and a new one wouldn’t begin for an hour and 21 minutes. Only I’ll be busy with my sons dinner in an hour and 21 minutes so I guess no event for me today afterall? That timer is much too punishing. I feel like timed events were the worst part of dragonflight and I’m sad you are doubling down on this and to be completely honest, it really just makes me lose interest in the entire game very quickly.

I decided well hey, maybe I can at least farm a few mobs for the new currency… but upon killing a few I see they give only 1 residual memory each? And the elites, which die before you can even get to them only give 5? With items that cost like 20,000??? Also pretty much killed my enthusiasm and interest on the spot. I logged out for the day early.

I used to really enjoy prepatch and launch events but this time around everything is just too buggy, too grindy and too timegated. I think this finally reached a level where I just can’t have fun with it anymore. And that’s too bad. Because this game used to bring me so much joy.


I’m not going to be spending any of this currency for the foreseeable future. I think it’s inevitable they will have to lower prices. Hopefully they do it that way instead of just having mobs drop more, making the time people already spent a waste.


The timers are supposed to decrease every week, iirc. That may help things.

Have to say I’m pretty disappointed in this thing. I don’t like the timed concept here, I don’t like mobs dropping nothing, or the drop rate being so low that it doesn’t matter.

I’m generally not liking mobs not dropping anything anyway, but when all they drop is a disappointing low amount of currency, then it feels worse than them not dropping anything at all. It certainly takes all the fun out of grinding mobs.


30 minute timers are still horrific for an event that takes under 5 minutes to clear and if you miss out you completely miss out.

The event is poorly designed and comes with poor rewards which don’t even remotely do justice to the old throw-back bosses and content they’re kind of tributing here. It all just feels lame and badly put together.

They should honestly just retroactively add rewards, massively reduce timers and have the currencies feel reasonable to earn enough of for regular players who aren’t gonna degen it.

If it continues as-is it’s just going to be flat out bad for a huge majority of players.


The zone boss dies within about 10 seconds. If you’re not there and don’t get the tag, you’ve pretty much wasted the hour and a half. Which is kind of rough.


Rehashed garbage trying to save every penny they can.


Even that might be acceptable, if we could make up for it by grinding the mobs, but that’s hopeless. This is another one of those kill bosses, and let the peasants eat cake.


Maybe the timers needed to start at 30 minutes and go down by 10 minutes every week.


If we learned anything from remix, they will almost always buff currency gains vs lower costs, due to having to refund currency to those who spent. I wouldn’t worry about spending currency.


Where’s the Residual Gulp Frog farm when you need it?


The fact they have such a thing is asinine, let people have fun


you’re not missing out on much. lol

did the Dragonblight one first, and one of the steps of the event has you free a bunch of webbed crusaders which spawn super slow and give like 3% progress per crusader so that takes forever, and when we finally completed it the lich king never even spawned in. just got to do the one in Searing gorge when it was up 30-ish minutes ago and that one worked fine. got 1.5k Residual Memories from the boss which doesn’t sound too bad…except for the part where 1.5k was from a weekly quest to kill the boss, which apparently also doesn’t always spawn. lol.

and as you’ve seen the overworld trash only drops 1 memory, and the elites drop 5, and that’s the only (event related) thing you can do while you’re waiting for the next boss to spawn.

the gear on the vendor costs between 2k (2 boss kills / a boss kill and like 20 minutes of mindless mob grinding) and 5k (3 boss kils and 20 minutes of grinding) and is only Veteran level (so lfr/world event level) and I got a chest piece from killing Ragnaros, which was Champion (Normal Raid / world boss level) but couldn’t be put in the catalyst so I can’t make it tier, so you’re really better off just running lfr, and/or doing Dreamsurges and Suffusion camps etc.

the pets cost 10k, and the mount costs 20k, and i have no idea what blizzard was smoking when they came up with those numbers


For the issues it had, I did enjoy the DF event, just chilling and killing stuff on alts for gear at a decent pace.

This is just… sad.

I was on my Augvoker, instant cast, can buff others for their tags, so probably the best or one of the best classes for farming events like this, and in 40 mins of farming, got around 1100. So on an average class, just farming, you are looking at close to two hours for a piece. That is a joke.

Knock it down to 30 mins now. Let people have fun.


I’m kind of disappointed.

If you miss the very beginning, well, too bad you get to wait 1 1/2 hours to try again.

I have limited play time. I can’t always be available.

I can farm the ads, but as previous posters have stated, the elite’s only give 5 and the rest just 1, it’s boring and tedious.

I really want, and need the gear, but ugh such torture to get it. Not sure I will hang in there.

Tazen missed by like a few seconds downing the boss, so for the last hour has been farming and got a whoping 106 residual… In 1 hour, working like mad. And I’m sooo bored.

This is not fun.

We should have the boss spawn every 15 minutes, if you already got it this time around ok, you don’t get anything or very little. But it gives others a chance at it.

For some, there are soooo many players I literally can’t tag the target, can’t even see it. Just a mob of players.

Some high players nearly 1 shot the other echoes, so even trying to get those with a melee is out of the question. Can’t get there before someone takes it down. At one event I roughly counted around 200 players. And the lag was horrid.

And those 200 were all piled on top of each other at the boss. I couldn’t tag anything. And for some reason tab wasn’t picking it up.

If I didn’t need the gear so much I would just ignore this prepatch. May anyway if I can’t get the bosses. Not worth it.

So, every hour and a half you have 5 minutes to get some residual essence, then you have 1 1/2 hours to wait… Ugh.

Edited to add:

Well, I just help take Onyxia down and got zip. Lovely. Sooo many players the lag was unreal. Most of my spells even instand ones had trouble working, and then wouldn’t stop. Kept dropping target, tag only worked part of the time…

I’m out I think. This is pretty much a fiasco. :frowning:


Would be nice if they put kill quests in there you could repeat for XP. I was hoping to level some alts.


Totally agree. If this event was meant to obtain catch-up gear. I can get Veteran gear from farming endless heroics. I would probably have way more fun and lag way less. The mounts and toys are… underwhelming. I am taking a pass on this event.


it gets even funnier. the gear can’t be put in the catalyst (or atleast the boss drop i got couldn’t go in the catalyst, maybe vendor gear is different?) and it’s the same level as gear from suffusion camps time rifts dreamsurges and lfr which all can be put in the catalyst for tier, so the gear off the vendor takes more work to get, and can’t be turned into tier like world event gear can be. lol

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Oh, I am aware. I was gonna use this to farm some easy, targeted Xmog gear for classes I rarely play.

Ahh well blizzard, there goes your player engagement.

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Eh… I understand where they were coming from. These are manifestations of Azeroth and they’re supposed to grow more frequent as time passes.

Just… needed a better implementation. Maybe don’t base it off the bosses and base it off the number of mobs we get. I dunno.

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