1.5k reward quests are WEEKLY? Who did this math?

What? Of course I can. You can only do the three quests once per week per character. That’s basically 6k per character per week I can get.

are the quests once a week or once a week per character? I haven’t tried on an alt yet

It feels very slapped on and untested. A lot of these events have always been haphazard but locking mounts and pet rewards behind alt runs is just bottom of the barrel wasting.


apparently you can use traders tender for echoes. I haven’t done it, but it is a thing.

I think I recall having my new character for dragonflight geared up in a day or so during that prepatch. While I think it makes sense to extend that a little more than a day, this is a little out there.

Not sure what they’re thinking with this.


A sound came out of me when I read this and I genuinely don’t know if was anxiety or amusement based. :woman_facepalming:

I made a feedback thread on this event but it’s already buried so I’ll copy/paste what I said there here because I think it’s relevant.


Sounds like the intention is to have us sit at our PC’s 24/7 banging the keyboard. Might get a pet if we are lucky?


While I don’t mind a grind, this one is just way too much for me. I don’t want to sit around watching a timer countdown and attempt to slap mobs for 1-5 memories. In an hour I had only accumulated about 700 memories, and that was with me running around like a mad man spamming my fastest spell to tag mobs before they melted. So I thought that maybe the boss kills would give a lot more with their quests, nope… 2k. Sorry, Blizz, but expecting your player base to be chill with just running around tagging mobs for literal pennies is wild to me.


I swear, no one reads anymore before they come to the forums to jump up and down like children:

“Completing a Radiant Echoes Weekly Quest: 1500 Residual Memories per quest (3 per week)”

There’s THREE quests a week in addition to the other sources.

They are. The timer starts at 90 minutes, and they stated it will decrease through the weeks


You won’t even finish a single character, not worth doing.


it only decreases to 30 minutes by the last week, and that’s still too long. And that makes the first 3 weeks even worse. It shouldn’t be longer than 10 minute wait times, and the quests should be daily, not weekly.


The irony is strong with this comment lol. I DID say there was 3…maybe you should read before commenting?


What are you talking about? You can only do three quests per week per character. I have a lot of characters I can do this on. I might get through 3 characters per day, if I really hustle. That’s 21 characters per week finished. That’s 126,000 of the currency each week, and 378,000 by the end of the event. I’ll have plenty to buy everything considering it takes 333,025 to buy everything.

What even is your math? There are 16 boss spawns per day as long as they all spawn like they are supposed and don’t bug out, which they have been today. but that’s literally logging in every 90 minutes for an entire 24 hour window, which you won’t be doing.

that’s 8000 from just bosses, and then 4500 for the weeklies. 60k per week, meaning you can get 240k for the entire event.

In order to get that last 100k you say you need to finish the event, you’d need to kill ~33000 regular mobs as well on that toon to make up the rest.

And you can’t play alts, the boss spawns once, when it’s dead, your alts all miss out on that boss spawn, unless you are multiboxing.

It’s mathematically impossible to get everything from this event without killing the ~33000 mobs at the 1-11 they are giving you. You are going to do that on 21 characters? Yeah right.


So 1 character today 6k plus 5 of the currency from each boss
Run a 2nd character tomorrow. That’s 12k plus 5 more currency for the ring and that’s 10 each
Thurs same 18k And 15 total of each
Friday I have 24k and 20. Get my mount and ring. And Im done technically
Do it again next week and go for the pets that will never be used.

Yeah, Im good.

I said it in the actual release forum post but this is what I think:

This event needs to be reworked.

  1. The mobs need to provide more than 1 per kill. Even if, if, it can spontaneously give 5, this isn’t fun. EAch mob, with the current pricing needs to give 10 at least.

  2. Make the event ever rotating. Meaning, every time the boss dies the event starts over again. Rinse repeat for 90 minutes per zone.

  3. Prices. In addition to 1, adjust these god aweful prices. This is supposed to be a fun pre-patch event to spark excitement for the upcoming expansion. I, seriously, am not getting that at the moment.


and there needs to be rewards for all levels of players. This cosmetic stuff is trash.


Thank you, I personally think the purple sets are awful. Never liked the originals either. And the weapons… in an expansion full of amazing weapons it’s hard to get excited about these.

Again, it wouldn’t have hurt to add the crests that level the gear that drops.

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