Feedback for Remix from the Blue post on the Community Council Forum

Alt friendliness for endgame: I would love to try some other characters, but having to grind another ~600k bronce just to see how it does is a hard pass, so I think the upgrade cost reduction should be account wide, as well as the cloak upgrades, or part of them.

Different currencies for gear upgrade and cosmetics would be nice, it felt bad having to choose between cosmetics and power, but I don’t think it was that terrible having a single currency.

Possibly include some sort of catch up mechanics like increasing one time rewards over time.

Enable the modern raid lockout system where people can repeat a raid without rewards and also use the boss mechanics versions where they are soloable.

The scrapping system feels quite bad compared to just selling unwanted items for currency.

Regarding nerfs to farms, I understand devs probably had a bronce/day limit in mind and are nerfing spots that went over that limit, which I’m ok with (specially frogs, since it also trivialized reputations), but I think the bronce/day should increase as the event progresses to allow catch up.

About “degenerate” gameplay, such as Lifestorm/Searing light, Ward of Salvation and trial account shenanigans, I think they are great for a fun mode, so I don’t understand why Ward was nerfed.

My two cents-

A vendor for mount equipment and an NPC to let us solo queue for individual LFR wings would be great.

I enjoy remix, and I think it’s an awesome break between expansions. Everyone I play with does too.

  1. Don’t make the feedback only available to a select few. If you want feedback, ask the general community who are playing in Remix.

  2. Scaling issues. Levelling alts is easy, but also painful. Being one-shot by trash in dungeons from level 60 onwards is annoying and frustrating. The situation gets worse the more we’ve levelled. And watching a lvl 20 priest one shotting bosses in dungeons is kind of annoying and is at times, preventing other players from killing bosses and completing quests. Same can be said for the maxed out heroes who go into heroics and zoom through, screwing everyone else over - have some compassion peeps, remember that just because we’re maxed, doesn’t mean we get to be awful about it.

  3. Reduce the cost of upgrades. I say this as someone who has maxed out gear on my main already within the first week and a half, the cost is prohibitive for those who have only just started playing or haven’t had the chance to play often. It is also prohibitive for alts. It is literally preventing people from enjoying the content as they cannot get into raids and are struggling in dungeons due to scaling (refer to point 2). Either that, or introduce a catch-up mechanism or increase the 40k bronze we get when we hit 70 each week to allow people to catch up.

  4. Make the world bosses drop Bronze. I honestly do not know what was the idea behind removing bronze from their drops. I don’t even bother with them any more as it’s not worth it for me to kill them and I say this as someone who can solo all of them.

  5. Dark Animus - no, really - this boss is ridiculously hard for people who have just hit 70 and haven’t had the chance to upgrade their gear yet. People with maxed gear are getting one shot on that boss. Because it is so hard, people aren’t taking lower geared pugs into the raid.

  6. Make the currencies account wide. This would help alleviate the issue of gear upgrades for alts and purchasing a lot of the transmogs (looking at you Tusks).

  7. Mythic Siege of Orgrimmar should drop more bronze. It should not be dropping the same amount of bronze has heroic SoO.

  8. Revert the LFG with friends change that is preventing people from grouping with friends from the other faction. It’s making things harder for players to gear up and get Bronze to buy items and upgrade their gear.

  9. Fix the lag for oceanic players in raids - it gets particularly bad when we try to loot bosses with looting threads making us lag very badly and will at times teleport us backwards after we’ve looted the boss and run off, only to find that the influx of threads we are looting is yanking us backwards to the boss again.

  10. Reduce the cost of some of the toys. 50k bronze for a toy is silly, particularly when we factor in how expensive it is to upgrade gear.



I mean 2 separate currencies would fix a lot of angst. Other than that - everything else isn’t really an issue.

Don’t do it when you just hit 70… Wait a bit.

Or just get a really geared out tank.

I feel like you’d be better off just not writing something like this.

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lol, they are legit only asking golds what their feedback is in that public thread…
No wonder we can’t have any nice stuff.

Absolutely… that is disgusting language compared to the reality of what went on, what’s currently going on, and how the next 70 days will play out…

But, it’s easier to trick someone into buying your crap than it is to convince them; Blizz marketing is predicated on that truth…

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I found it repetitive and boring after about a week; same gems, same greens, and a bag full of crap that triggered my OCD like no other (I hate clutter).

So I did the alt thing to get the extra bronze, got all the mounts and a some transmogs then left the event. All this took about a week and half between 8 hour work days and other things. Just wasn’t expected to be like I thought it would. And then the whole let’s nerf every method to bronze farming, I just wanted to be done with the event and leave it.


Collection Suggestions:

  • We need weapon collections for bronze. As is its uncertain if I can farm them all for a single class let alone needing to level multiple characters for weapons that don’t drop for druids (which is a min of three I think warrior, Dh for glaives and warlock/priest for wands.)
  • We need pets available.
  • Fix the already known collection bug.

Game Play Suggestions:

  • Make sure to fix any hyper spawn points before launch. And let the player base know what the consequences of abusing them are before we start.
  • There needs to be a smaller delta between a fresh 70 and max gear. Perhaps less damage should come from tinker gems. I think this was the biggest issue with scaling.
  • May need to limit speed increases to just the cogwheeel gems. I’m a bit torn on this one as low level players can easily equip +++ speed gems but they choose not to and than complain when they can’t keep up.

Have a rotating remix like what we do with time walking so that people are not feeling as pressured to get everything in a one time limited event.

Finally and I know I will get a lot of push back from this one but keep a single currency. Having two currencies one for upgrades and one for collections means that collection only players can’t focus on that, players who only want to play the game can’t focus on that and people who want to do both can’t apply the second currency to the other goal when they attain everything they want.

The people who are asking for this have not thought it through and either want the choice taken from them (perhaps because of decision paralysis) or are hoping that the rate of bronze stays the same while also getting a second currency thus doubling the rate we gain currency at instead of splitting the bronze we get now into 50% bronze and 50% new currency.

You don’t really understand what makes you OP if you’re worried about the cloak

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Sounds like you got what you wanted in a little over a week, how can you possibly whine?

Thanks for starting this thread so us non-Community Council folk can have a consolidated spot for feedback…

Without further ado, my feedback:

IMO, the biggest fundamental issue in Remix is the insane power level discrepancies at max level, which ultimately comes down to some people who aren’t rocking 556 gear want to actually do something beyond picking up loot when they run instanced content through the LFG tool, or at the very least don’t want to get perpetually locked out of boss fights because they can’t possibly maintain the speed of the higher geared player(s).

In short, it’s fair to assume people want to play the game in a more in depth way than just picking up loot. In it’s current state, however, Remix encourages this behavior.

Short term fixes:
Give up on nerfing farms. Accept the insane power disparities as they are and instead…

  • Add queue tiers to all the LFG queues
    – OR –
  • Take bronze and threads off the “first of the day” rewards from all the queues
    – OR –
  • Add the same bronze and thread rewards to the first time you run a type of instanced content regardless of how you run it

You can’t shape the behavior of 556’ers to demonstrate the bare minimum level of patience or team play, and there’s a reasonable argument to make that the 556’ers shouldn’t be compelled to run instanced content with 346’ers or sub-level-70 toons anyway. And it seems safe to conclude the primary reason 556’ers queue for anything LFG/LFD/LFR is because it’s a solid and quick source of bronze.

The crummiest solution to the problem is remove the incentive. Taking that away won’t feel great and that could turn the group queues into a barren wasteland.

A better solution is to just reward the bonus bronze and threads to the first scenario/dungeon/raid wing a player completes each day. So solo queueing gets you the same stuff as pugging through LFG. This does carry a risk of hurting LFG queues, but I think it would go a long way towards pulling the more toxic 556’ers out of group content since they can get their rewards by just soloing stuff instead - no need to ignore 24 other people, etc.

Another decent solution is adding tiers to the queue. Maybe a tier per every 50 ilevels over 346 (number is just an example and probably wrong, just using it to demonstrate my suggestion). Allow player flexibility to choose to queue for a higher tier if they want to (since some folks do want to just lag behind the 556’ers and pick up loot).

Long term fixes / for future remixes:
(yes, please please do more of these! Also, please replace Chromie Time with Remixing!)

Remove the ability to purchase gear upgrades past 346 (or whatever baseline max level ilevel is). Instead reward ilevel upgrades through caches and boss/rare mob drops (who have the potential to drop an upgrade once per day). Like with the current system, you don’t start getting higher ilevel gear until all your gear is the current cap. (Maybe instead of gear drops you get upgrade tokens so you don’t have annoying RNG situations where it takes weeks to finally upgrade your shoulders due to a string of bad luck.)


Remove gear upgrades completely. This is a reasonable solution if Remixing becomes evergreen content (like if it replaces Chromie Time), but probably terrible otherwise.


Balance rewards such that there is compelling content to run solo to get the same or better rewards than what’s earned from the lowest difficulty of instanced content. i.e. if someone wants to (and can) solo mythic SoO, they should walk away with a hearty chunk of rewards that is at least comparable to facerolling LFR. Also, ensure there’s a way to solo queue so folks don’t exploit this to carry others that have no business being in high difficulty instanced content.


Don’t include heroic and mythic difficulty content. Though I think this is only a good idea if Remixing goes evergreen.

Ultimately, the power disparities need to be addressed, but they need to be addressed in a way that does not punish either end of the spectrum of play. No-lifing it to get max ilevel asap should be just as viable a playstyle in Remix as doing every single quest while /walking through the world. It’s just about not promoting an inevitable clash with extreme playstyles if and when they meet in instanced content.

Who said I was whining. I stated my opinion like everyone else. If you don’t like my opinion then move on. I sure as hell ain’t making you read it.

EDIT…Also. seeing from most of your opinions you like to talk trash to people. Might I suggest you get off the game and go get a girlfriend or a wife. Argue with them. Because arguing with me will get you no where but on my ignore list. I can’t stand people like you and the fact that you think someone has to argue and deal with you.

I think beyond the controversy with exploits, the remix has been designed well and been fun.

I’m coming up against an issue that many are probably facing which is that my main has the most boring life in the world at this point. I have the same few tasks now every day for 2 months?

The best fix I’ve heard for this is giving 70s a bronze boost in place of xp boost on cloak. Maybe they should only implement this at max gear level. This would allow me to break up my activities without feeling like I’m wasting an enormous amount of time.

Otherwise I’m probably just going to alt farm until the end as it is not only more interesting but super effective at generating bronze.

They should think of something to encourage people with all achievements and maxed gear to want to keep playing in order to maintain easy nature of the raids.

The only other thing to do is lower the cost of gear so people can start gearing alts but they already said no on that one no matter how many people want it. Maybe “end game mode” on the cloak at max gear level could also lower the cost of gear upgrades only on alts.

But you know how that would work…this IS blizzard we are talking about…theyd just give you half of each that youre getting in bronze now and it’d all be the same…except you might end up in a scenario where youre loaded down with the cosmetic currency you dont need and wishing you could trade it for the gear currency.

If they’re only taking feedback from community council members then wow is doomed, if not then there’s still hope.

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Account wide cloak and upgrade discount. This is almost a must-have at this point to keep some players’ faith in Blizzard going forward.

A better gem to keep healers desired in raids.

Account wide cloak is a must. Even if it’s not all stats, at least give us the full exp bonus from our main.

I’m not interested in doing the mail token cheese to level alts, and it shouldn’t matter if players are able to reach 70 in an hour with 1000% exp bonus. This is meant to be a fun, limited time game mode for us, so let everything just be OP.

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What do you think you’re doing when you scrap an item?

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