Feedback for Remix from the Blue post on the Community Council Forum

Account wide cloak and upgrade discount. This is almost a must-have at this point to keep some players’ faith in Blizzard going forward.

A better gem to keep healers desired in raids.

Account wide cloak is a must. Even if it’s not all stats, at least give us the full exp bonus from our main.

I’m not interested in doing the mail token cheese to level alts, and it shouldn’t matter if players are able to reach 70 in an hour with 1000% exp bonus. This is meant to be a fun, limited time game mode for us, so let everything just be OP.

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What do you think you’re doing when you scrap an item?

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Add remix exclusive weapon skins on a vendor if a single class can’t get every drop.
I know Warbands are going to allow you to learn things you can’t normally equip, but if say I level/gear a DH and I can’t get staves, wands, polearms etc to drop, then the warband function is useless in that respect. I know an argument is “Just ask someone else to give you something if it drops” but while that’s a workaround, our ability to clooect things shouldn’t come down to pity from other people.

As it is now, there’s a lot of Mythic SoO weapon skins and in general it’s hard enough to actually find a group to go try and clear.
Unless you rolled a Warrior (and even then wands and glaives are off-limits far as I know) then you would have to level multiple alts and deal with the asinine upgrade costs, so that also should be account-wide.

As it stands right now I leveled/geared a Warlock as I felt most comfortable with this class, just to find out I SHOULD have leveled a Warrior to be able to acquire 95% of all unique weapon skins, as opposed to the maybe the 30% I can now.

I can’t bring myself to level and acquire another 350k’ish bronze just to start running things on the Warrior.
Now if the full upgrade costs was about 40 - 50k (which would’ve worked out perfectly with the quests they implemented as frog compensation) I’d have found myself leveling/upgrading a new character (probably multiple) to try out different things and be able to try and obtain everything I can.

Well, they really should do 2 things.

1: Fix the scaling so 65-70, and fresh 70, aren’t just painful.

2: Alt friendly. Let cloaks be 1:1 and let alts get the bronze discount that your main has.

I mean, they don’t need to hear this anymore since it’s been said so many times, they have no interest in changing these things. Which is a mistake on their part, but it just wouldn’t be blizzard if they weren’t ignoring player feedback and screwing up their own game.

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  • Fix the absolutely horrid 65 thru early 70 experience - constantly getting one shot and doing substandard DPS feels so bad.

  • Allow mail to be sent between remix characters - allowing alts to receive gems (to help with above) and rep tokens

  • Replace Avoidance - it provides little if any benefit given the power of the characters (massive stam/vers/self-healing). Perhaps bring back multi-strike in its place.

  • Rethink the cloak XP boost - arriving at 70 quickly is cool, but even weaker than normal with little to no tinkers/gems/cogs. As others have mentioned, perhaps sharing more of the mains cloak stats might help in this regard.

  • Allow alts to receive the gear upgrade costs discount - this is a perfect environment to have fun with alts, yet the gearing grind is absolutely horrible to do more than once. Sorry Blizz, it wasn’t fun the first time, no way in hell I’d do it more than once.

  • Rares need an immunity timer - where they can be tagged and not damaged. Tinkers proc off a single hit and essentially one shot most of the rares. Feels bad.

In closing, I’d also like to add, I enjoy the smash face content. I have plenty of focus intensive content on retail when I want it. In that regard, I hope future remix continue in this same vain.


unnerf frog cowards

Hopefully it helps the devs to get more feedback but I suspect this thread will just fall on deaf ears

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I think it would be nice if they FINALLY fixed shadow form not working with the celestial cloaks and many other toys. This has been an issue since actual mop and they continue to ignore it.

Remember when they flat out said no flying was fine?

Or when they flat out said Cata dungeons being hard was fine?

There are numerous examples of them flat out saying something is fine, only to walk it backward within a few weeks.

My thoughts from talking to others and playing to 70 on a few toons.

Good Stuff:

  1. 49% base movement speed feels responsive and amazing, this should be the new base movement speed for all characters!
  2. Once you dump all the bronze and get to 100k+ threads you do start to feel god like as promised
  3. The upgrade system where you only need to find one piece of gear that you like and then can take it all the way to max feels great (other than the prices)
  4. The “loot shower” actually feels like you are rewarded for playing the game

The mis-steps/bad stuff

  1. Some of the patches have been a bit tone-deaf. For example increasing the difficulty of raid bosses when the whole remix concept is to be overpowered like crazy.
    2a. To echo others the bronze cost for upgrading gear (in the first place or on 2nd and 3rd toons). It discourages alt play and generally feels terrible. I would honestly be ok with a fix where the bronze rate of acquisition doesn’t change and the costs don’t increase but every time you hit a new milestone of gear (Ex 346 equipped in all upgrade slots) the game starts dropping the next item level higher.
    2b. Switching to alts and loosing your cloak threads feels awful (relative to the design criteria of “become overpowered”), this feels like it should be something that is account wide not character specific.
  2. Scaling after 55+ feels awful (see the “supposed to be overpowered” point), before that you feel powerful and after that the gear starts to really hurt. In general it just doesn’t feel like it fits with this game mode’s stated design criteria.

As you can see most of my complaints are related to a mis-match between what I believe I was promised by blue posts related to the advertising and the actual deliverable.

For the most part I have really been enjoying this game mode and have played it way more than I played dragonflight. It has been a breath of fresh air for me and I want to thank the dev team for trying it out.

Looking forward to more remixes,



Agreed. Like they realized that having to loot everything was a problem for Torghast then released this the way they did… Feels weird.

You’re talking about things that affect the game for years to come and didn’t get reversed immediately.

Remix has 71 days left.

Also I’ll say again, folks should just ask for increased bronze drops since that’s what they actually want. A second currency has no upside.

Which means there’s even less incentive to stand firm on a limited time event.

I’m expecting them to increase bronze in the last week or two, similar to the Plunderstorm rep buff in the last week. That’d be fine with me but I don’t really care if they do or not. I just don’t want a second currency because a single currency works perfectly for Remix.

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I think it would be a good idea to change how upgrading gear works. Right now we get 14ilvl on a piece of gear per upgrade, but these have exponential growth, so the final upgrade is much, much more valuable than the first upgrade.

I think a good change would be making the 1st upgrade give more ilvl, and decrease later on. An example would be having the 1st upgrade give 25ilvl, the 2nd upgrade give 24ilvl, then 23ilvl ect. These numbers could be adjusted so that you would require the same amount of bronze, and the same amount of upgrades, but you would reach the mid-game power much faster, and you would reach the end-game power at the same time you would currently.

Need Weapon Arsenals desperately or at the very least price reduction account wide once gear capped because 2 plus weeks of daily raid grinding to start grinding the mythic SOO weps on a new character is jut painful

I think we can all agree. Remix itself was fine.

it was just the way it was implemented and the radio silence that followed it that I think drew a lot of heat.


MoP has always been one of my favourite xpacs. I’ve played it front to back numerous times, did the cloak quest, maxed rep with all factions. At first, coming into Remix felt surprisingly fun for something I’ve done so many times before but I’m kind of over it now.
I don’t like the ‘race to the finish’ aspect at all. What gives the game depth and longevity for me are things like professions, and all aspects of collecting. A flat out race to collect bronze in order to avoid FoMO got boring pretty fast.
I’ve taken all my alts back to retail MoP and gone back to hunting the mounts I’m still missing there.

This is why I feel like I dislike remix, yes the 60-70 drop in power level sucks but what’s worse is now I have to treat it like a full end game and start using the item needed to get all the cool transmog in order to grind out ANOTHER max level toon (I have already done that on retail)

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