Feedback for Remix from the Blue post on the Community Council Forum

Apparently they only want Community Council Feedback but let’s try this. What are some of y’all feedback?


They are dead set on not tweaking upgrade costs.

I’m going to be honest though, there is a very large chunk of the gear upgrade grind where you are either OP or just completely worthless. The majority of it in the worthless category.


The next remix should have two currencies. One for upgrading gear, and the other for getting cosmetics and mounts.

Let’s say they include a huge one time bronze boost from the beginning like they added after a week. So people can level an army of alts if they just want the cosmetics. If you want a power curve and getting your currency via doing tougher and tougher content until you can solo it, stacking everything on just one character, doing all the raids in one day and getting a bunch of bronze the upgrade currency would help you do that without cannibalizing bronze.


Here is what we need:

  1. Emperor Shaohao rep buffed. This is the only rep NOT buffed in Remix.
  2. Account wide bronze discounts. If I have 556 ilvl gear on my main my alts should get that 95% discount.
  3. Battle Pets from MoP on a vendor (There are so many 1% drops from MoP rares).
  4. Reduced Bronze upgrade costs OR increased Bronze Acquisition (maybe use the exp multiplier as the Bronze multiplier at level 70).
  5. Some sort of parity for our alt’s cloaks once they hit 70.

Unfortunately it’s very likely too late for that now. But should be a thing for future remix’s.


I have 2 goals for remix: get all cosmetics and become insanely OP on all characters.

I gave up on my 2nd goal because there is no way in hell I’m grinding the cloak again on my alts. I’m fine with no discount of upgrades for alts (even tho it’s stupid but w/e) but the cloak not being 100% shared at level 70 is a deal breaker for me.

My monk is already OP and by the time I’m done with my first goal I’ll be tired of playing it.

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My feedback: Listen to all the players please.

Though that feedback is really just a paradox if you think about it.

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I have 3 small concerns and one possible suggestion.

  1. At times ill join LFR and they already killed first boss by the time the queue pop even lets me in thus i just leave and requeue, as dps this could take some time.
  2. In LFR these higher geared dudes will just run as fast as possible meaning they get to the boss, depending on boss of course, before we are even close enough and we sometimes do not get loot.
  3. I actually don’t recall the 3rd concern so it must’ve not been that important but i felt it was funny to put this in its place so whatever.

EDIT: i did end up remembering what the 3rd was and although annoying and perhaps a bigger issue for some, i don’t think its that serious, its when those OP dps dudes queue as healers and tanks because they don’t feel like waiting. whether in dungeons or raids. I only remembered because im currently in a dungeon with a healer specced as as a shadow priest one shotting everything and although i like rushing something I’ve done billions of times others may not like it. say a person new to tanking wanting to learn.

ok i lied last thing but this is more for a fix, i run multiple alts through dungeons, scenarios, max level, but for some reason run the same scenario and dungeon every time. they need to fix whatever it is they need to fix to make it change more.

ok last edit: for the people who do queue as healers/tanks but are dps, even though 99% enjoy the rush through it because we have done it billions of times, we didn’t request it, stop acting like you are doing everyone a service. you already doing the community a disservice by taking a spot of a healer/tank because you are too lazy to wait but on top of that trying to require everyone to accommodate you, usually someone running righteous fury(i get it, its annoying but nobody asked you to be here, you joined on your own) its not always OP dudes taking those spots either, sometimes its a little level 30 doing less damage then the actual healers.

suggestion, what if we can send bronze boxes to alts? or use alts to send bronze boxes to mains? it would help alleviate the bronze grind for upgrades if that’s what you’d rather be doing compared to making alts for collecting. you can already do it with at least honor on normal retail so its possible.

EDIT: make it so the super fast max level op guys cant just run ahead in lfr and kill the boss and nobody can get loot because they werent close enough, honestly just make it so they cant queue lfr, its worthless for them anyways.

This is what we all need. I don’t want to stare at my Monk spinning all day for Bronze but I don’t want to buy stuff on my underleveled Druid because there’s an apparent level requirement for some mounts.


I’m pretty frustrated, to the point that it’s cut back on my playing time. The end of expansions usually brings a time to work on old achievements, finish zones you might have skimmed through, make sure you have all the mounts, etc. So I had high hopes that this was a fresh new experience and wanted to love it.

Instead, what happened was a select few people managed to get WAAAAYYYY OP, and suddenly things aren’t that fun anymore. I find myself just scrambling along behind people solo clearing heroics or raids just trying to get all the loot. Boooooorrrrring. I’m sure it’s fun for those people doing millions of dps, but I can do that solo in retail on my own.

I mainly joined in to collect all the mounts and transmogs, but then I felt like I made the wrong choice and need to “catch up” to all the op people which kind of destroys the fun. There’s such a mad rush to complete all the things at once because I know in a few weeks there won’t be so many people queueing for things and it will be much harder to get all the achievements, but I want to be playing too! I want to fill like I’m contributing and not just a tagalong. I don’t need to be top dps, and I’m really not that competitive for the most part, but I am not fond of just being carried either. So it’s a hard place to be if you’re not a hyper competitive player who jumped in head first the first week.

The bronze accumulation could be improved. Like why are mounts and mogs the same currency as upgrades? In order to earn enough bronze for the mounts and mogs I want, I have to spend the bronze to upgrade my gear. A separate currency or token system would remove that. Or just more bronze overall. I don’t want it all handed to me, but I’d saved up over 200k bronze to get the last page of mounts and ended up spending it all on gear and I’m still not ilvl 400 which is kind of the cutoff to even be included in most raid groups, even with OP carries.

It’s just kind of a sad place to be for a non hard core player. :frowning:


Oh I filled out the survey they put on the launcher already

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  • The same bots that create WTS posts (for real money with a link to their website) are on pandaremix but you can’t report them, it would be great if blizzard would allow reporting.

  • It would be great if you could send gems to the alts.

  • The cost of upgrading gear/weapon for the alts is excessive, if the main already unlocked a certain ilvl, for the alt it should cost at least 80% less.

  • Farming a certain reputation gets boring, it would be great if dungeons or raids gave reputation for the faction of choice.

  • For people who don’t plan to level up so many alts, it would be nice if the gems would give more Bronze when scrap.

It would be nice if Blizzard could announce the ilvl that our alts will have when they move to retail and if it will affect in any way the ilvl they currently have in pandaria, I plan to levee 3 or 4 more characters but if my character that have max ilvl will receive more gear, I don’t know if I want to keep using those alts in TWW (with low ilvl).


The biggest issue is the scaling. They really need to have a hard look at the scaling. Overall it’s a lot of fun


Remix felt fun leveling due to how fast you could go through some of the content that you would normally skip over and could speedrun some quest lines.

There’s should definitely be either a new currency for upgrades or let them drop once you hit a cap with purchasing one being a supplement to rng.

There is very much a drop off on enjoyment when you hit max and turn into swinging a squeaky hammer all the time. It shouldn’t be a crazy grind for just one character to get some extra gear without resorting to being carried through stuff. There should be less of a focus on dailies and weeklies being a good reward as opposed to a steady stream of higher content drops. At least that’s how it felt for me.

I like the idea of getting so overpowered you can solo some content and it should definitely let you do that, like how some Torghast runs would get you some stupid numbers and trivialize aspects of the run. It feels good getting that overpowered and the cloak shouldn’t be the only thing that does that.

The gens felt somewhat generic, there should be a range of ones that make you completely make a bonkers diablo style build and blast through some content, like having a charge focused warrior zooming around doing damage or something along those lines creating new and otherwise usually unseen builds and talents. This would be the perfect playground for that.

It should allow us to scale to soloing heroic/mythic with some medium level of effort to let some of us who didn’t get there previously now do so alone or with friends. With them giving a higher level of bronze than currently and more than lower ilvl content.

They could easily add a scaling mode/reward system like running rifts in Diablo but have it be raids so that a group of people past the soloing point now also have some sort of endgame to work for with a seasonal cosmetic reward or mount for getting up a certain level with possible leaderboards and title.

It feels like the point should be “get in there and go ham” but it’s more like “walk in there and buy some ham with the loudest shopping cart you can find” instead.

For future remixes, there needs to be a two currencies, a currency used for gear, upgrading gear and other forms of player power, a currency used for cosmetics. Having one currency for both is going to eventually cannibalize each other.

Scaling is still an issue even though with the changes to it, I have leveled 4 alts to get them ready for their conversion to retail characters for their heritage armor questline and I have to say. I’m still getting slapped harder just from an unavoidable mechanic.

Upgrade costs are still expensive for non-alts imo. Doesn’t help the fact that there is no discount for alts so you have to do the grind all over again and which I can’t be bothered do it all again.

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While I’m not reading the obvious…

The fact that they are now asking for feedback from their little circle is really strange.

There’s so many things wrong with the mode right now and the way they decided to do things…


Now that I have made it to max ilvl on a character I am 2nd guessing my spending of bronze on that. I just did a Mythic SoO full clear, including most of the trash. I started with ~2000 bronze, and I left (after scrapping the gear and opening the caches) with ~17k, 15k bronze for a full mythic clear is kinda trash and outside of the achievement, makes it not really worth doing, since 2 clears gets you all the tusks you need to buy all the tusk items.

Remix is fun, having a blast, but leveling 20 alts just to get the 40k bronze bonus to buy all the things should not be the best way. At max ilvl, clearing all the heroic raids and Mythic SoO should net you a very very large amount of bronze you can then buy stuff with, that is a few hours worth of work for really not a lot of gain when you can power level an alt in 2 hours.


Also, I refuse to do this grind again on an alt, so only one powerful toon for me. The grind is A LOT, several days of no life, and no discounts on alts is just odd…

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They should make the xp increase on cloaks work on bronze at the level cap. Especially if they’re going to continue being so stubborn over gear upgrade costs.

Account wide cloak progress. Every alt you level should make you more powerful.

Account wide discounts on bronze upgrades.

Arsenals for weapons instead of needing rely on getting lucky drops in specific places.

And keep hammering away at scaling. It’s ridiculous how much bronze you need to spend to try and catch up with a level 20 twink.


The bronze and threads should just automatically fly into your inventory. The extra clicks of looting gets tedious considering how much bronze you need for upgrades and gear. Somehow they were able to do it Torghast where you buy that upgrade and the currency just auto looted without you clicking. Should do the same for things like bronze and threads.

The scaling as you level is very lame. Every level getting weaker and weaker. Try to do heroics as a fresh group level 65-70- This is a multi hour long run. ilvl 346 gear should be had a 65. By level 70, only 400 ilvl gear should be dropping. Would smooth things out.


in case it hasn’t been said yet - better distribution of currency acquisition.

right now, if you want to get a decent amount of bronze/threads - you are basically channeled into not just group content, but specific modes of group content. so we end up with a lot of people in random dungeons/lfr that do NOT want to be there, are only there for the completion/bazar quest rewards. this results in often frustrating experience for most involved.

solo questing rewards should be buffed.

I don’t know how to fix the daily random reward without negatively affecting the very people who are already negatively affected by being left behind and out of bounds of getting boss kill credit but I’m also not a developer and blizzard has a whole team of them, so maybe its something they could consider.