Feedback for Remix from the Blue post on the Community Council Forum

  1. Separate currencies for obtaining power and acquiring cosmetics/collectibles

It sucks having to decide between getting stronger or purchasing a unique mount or appearance. Why did we get this kind of all-in-one currency in both MoP:Remix and Retail?

  1. There should be more activities to participate in

Pet battles should have been available, along with a vendor that sells rare drops and exclusive colorizations just like we got with appearances, mounts, and toys.

Arenas and Battlegrounds should have been enabled. They don’t even have to be rated, just give us a way to see how crazy all this power stacks up against other players.

The Proving Grounds could have been tweaked to be a true endlessly scaling, wave-based mode with checkpoints that let us continue to push ourselves to see how far our newfound power can take us before having to tap out. The farther you get, the more you’re rewarded.

Challenge modes could have been opened up, even if all they offered were the challenge mode set recolors. Imagine trying to push for the fastest times week after week after getting more and more powerful.

There are so many avenues that could have been explored, but we were instead funneled into leveling or raiding as the only two ways to gain Bronze at a reasonable pace.

Instead of embracing the silliness of hyperspawn farming, Blizzard said “No! Go raid!” as they played whack-a-mole. Players in an mmo will always take the path of least resistance to achieving their goals the fastest, so if they would rather kill frogs or goats or whatever for hours upon hours because that’s more efficient than any other method, that’s a symptom of Blizzard’s expected gameplay loop being severely at odds with players’ expectations.

  1. The rising “get out of my game if you don’t like it” mentality of player entitlement

A lot more players are reaching the gear cap, and with it we’re beginning to see discussions surrounding some of those gear-capped players speedrunning through dungeons and raids without consideration for the other players in their groups. Oftentimes, their argument is a generalized “keep up and be happy you’re getting carried.” On the flip side, we’re seeing frustration from the players who feel like they’re being left behind and not really getting a chance to actually play or participate.

I understand not wanting dungeons to take longer than they need to. Even for someone like me, who will frequently wait at bosses for players to catch up as long as they’re not too far back or appear to be semi-afk, I toss out one Immolate or Rain of Fire, and the tinkers take over and remove all semblance of meaningful player agency as those effects alone can overkill just about any dungeon boss or trash pack.

And that’s just after a few weeks of thread gains. We still have over two months remaining of gaining more Int/Str/Agi threads. There has to be a way to make being overpowered both fun and engaging gameplay. Pressing one or two abilities and everything dying in seconds – even mythic bosses at this point – is not particularly novel long-term.

A mode that was supposed to be free from the strife of retail immediately became retail. The requirements to get into normal raids are not something my timerunner can meet, because by the time I’ve farmed enough to meet them, the people who were already in them got 100x as much, and the requirements increased.


We’ll have to see how things play out, but if Blizzard is planning to continue with new Remixes and use them as opportunities to freshen players up on past lore/storylines, then I could see BC before Midnight and, like you said, Wrath or Legion before Last Titan. I wouldn’t be surprised if they selected MoP before War Within because of the probable ties between the upcoming story they have planned and the old gods and Aqir-descended races. We’re already seeing art assets pop up in parts of the beta for some of this stuff, hinting that’s where they’re taking things with Xal’atath.

If the purpose of any Remix is focused solely on its gameplay, however, then I’d personally like to see this kind of mode applied to BFA alongside essences and corruption or Legion with the artifacts and legendaries mixed in.

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They need to break down the faction requirements for queued content, I just spent 20 minutes explaining the group finder ui to a guildie through guild chat instead of just inviting them and queuing because I’m an elf and they’re and elf but apparently we’re the type of elves that can’t group together.

we are ready told those idiots whats up and now its to late now


This reads so much like a threat to me that im gonna rush the last of the mog I want

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“We want feedback, but we need to limit it to the designated sycophantic brown noser brigade so it’s not too harsh”


After some of the initial tweaks, Remix is more or less perfect to me. Hopefully they don’t change much if they do another one in the future.

Just wish they’d add the Remix exclusive weapons to a vendor, even if they made them 10-20k bronze per piece.

No no. This stuff happened back in wrath. Use to be one currency, honor, then they added tokens for each battleground, and then two-three other currencies, each from different things for different uses. One currency is perfection. All multiple currencies would do would be add more stuff you have to farm, making stuff harder/more annoying to get.

The next remix should be…idk an actual god damn remix? This just MoP Reheated, run raids, run dungeons, do dailies. If this is the limit of their creativity, then that’s just pathetic.

You may think you want this but, I promise you, you don’t.

Right now you get currency doing literally anything in Remix that you can spend on whatever you want. If they do what you’re suggesting, you’ll have to do specific content (which you may not enjoy and may even hate) to get the right kind of currency for whatever you want. Plus you could get capped on how much currency you can earn per day with no way to catch up if you miss a day, like if they locked the cosmetic currency behind raids.

I had a lot of fun with my first character leveling them up. I had fun getting to max level but wasn’t really interested in the grind for gear after that.

I took a little break for about a week and made an alt excited to go through the process again (though a little faster with an xp boost).

Unfortunately I burned out when my alt was around level 40. Leveling is no problem, the issue is all the things that I had fun doing before (random dungeons/scenarios/raids) are no longer fun. Because I seem to always get someone in super high level gear who can just solo every boss by themself.

It just became follow the person and collect the loot with me not needing to use any of my abilities.

I reckon the mode is amazing for anyone who just wants to level up a bunch of alts really fast. But for people who want to play the game… Well you can always solo/group with friends I guess.

It’s unfortunate because I feel like the magic of those first few weeks is gone. I half want them to let people start with fresh characters again…but that’s kind of the opposite of what this modes whole point is lol.

Oh well I had fun with what I experienced.

It’s not excessively annoying to get now?

Right now there’s no purpose to doing gear upgrades if you’re playing the mode for cosmetics, which is what Blizzard wanted.

Right now you’re expected to do all your dailies and SOO every day because that’s the best way to get bronze. So you’re already forced to do content that you might hate for bronze. I don’t really see how this is any different.

Who said this, though? I don’t think anyone has said this. You invented an issue that no one posed.

You have the one currency, bronze. That acts as it does now, it drops off everything. It drops off more from harder content. If you just wanna level alts, you can level a bunch of them for the daily quests and one time bonus, as people do now. Or if you just want to do things on one character, you do content that rewards upgrade tokens to farm faster.

Functionally it doesn’t change anything, but it feels less like upgrades are fighting for the currency you’re expecting to use on cosmetics - which is what this mode is for.

I love everything about Remix. They should go ahead and buff bronze from all sources by 100%.

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I obviously like it much more than you, which is why they should buff bronze from all sources by 300%


Right now, no one is forced to do anything they don’t want to for bronze. You may feel “forced” to if you want to obtain as much bronze as possible every day. If they added a second currency, each form of currency would be locked behind certain kinds of content, so you’d no longer have a choice in how you wanted to obtain currency.

Because I’m telling you with 99% confidence that this is how it would work. You’re kidding yourself if you think you would continue to earn the same amount of bronze as we do now if they added a second currency. You would continue to earn the same amount of currency, but it would be split between the two and you would only be able to spend each on certain things, which is much worse than how it works now where you’ve got one currency and can spend it on whatever you want.

It’s never felt like this for me. I went into it expecting to spend bronze on both. Sounds like a player problem.

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No one is going to do every daily in MOP to grind bronze. No one is going to pick off what rare mobs they can (before they get oneshot) on Timeless Isle for bronze.

So this isn’t like what you’re saying it is like. People are going to go for the path of least resistance. That means doing your daily dungeon/scenario/raid dailies at the very least. A lot of people are doing this on multiple characters and buying cosmetics with multiple characters in lieu of doing the world tour every day.

Again, where are you getting this?

If the issue is that easy to predict and get ahead of, I think it is easier to just suggest that Blizzard not design it like that. Because no one said to design it like that.

Your experience is not universal.

Gamefeel is important. It’s important that you don’t have systems that are cannibalizing each other.

I’ll explain it simply, what you’re really asking for is “I want to be able to upgrade armor and obtain cosmetics at a faster pace”. Blizzard has flat out said “we think the pace is fine”. So if they add a second currency, the pace will remain the same except now you’ll be forced to do certain types of content depending on what drops the currency you need. This would be much worse than the way it is now - being able to do whatever content you want to do each day and obtaining a currency that you can spend on whatever you want.

If they did what you’re saying, here is an example of how it would go. The 40k bronze quests would be turned into 20k bronze/20k second currency. Now someone that doesn’t care about upgrading would have 20k of a currency they don’t need at the cost of 20k of one they do need.

Just ask for increased bronze drops because that’s what you’re actually asking for. A second currency isn’t needed and would only cause problems.

Only issue I still annoyed at since hitting 400 item lvl are Scaling for those 65 to fresh 70 toons. Also buffing bronze gains and the Emperor reputation 100% needs a buff during the event!

You’re a GD genius.

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