Feedback for Remix from the Blue post on the Community Council Forum

The good:

  • Great way to source mounts and xmog
  • Low stress content to help fill time during the relatively quiet season 4
  • Quick way to level alts
  • Chance to revisit what was one of the better expansions

The not so good:

  • Comms (remember the day 1 interview saying people would be complaining about having too much bronze… or blizzard effectively driving a community perception that those that focused upgrades early as frog farming cheaters even if they just spent more time in REMIX than the average and never touched a frog or abused another hyperspawn)
  • Not explaining the snowballing effect of upgrades leading to far greater power leading to quicker upgrades - many people got caught out by burning bronze on mounts or mog early on and could not catch back up
  • The perceived ‘white listing’ of streamers and influencers when nerfing the cloaks of the ‘frog farmers’, whether this was actually the case or not
  • No bronze discount for subsequent toons once you had maxed out your main (effectively locking most people into one toon for raids and ‘end game’ content).
  • The scaling issues from level 65 to 70 (this was flagged during PTR testing but not addressed until mass complaints in the live environment)
  • The sheer power disparity between a fresh 70 and maxed toons (conservatively 75 times the damage able to be put out by a 476 toon) - turned those who did not focus their gear early into spectators in group content

IF I was on the Council - This would be my response:

Demographics: Old lady that has been playing video games for 10 months – yes only 10 months – WoW was the second game I have played in 30 years. The other was Tetris…. On Nintendo… as a teenager. I consider myself a casual player but very committed. I am just really slow. Slow eyes, slow brain, slow reflexes.
I absolutely LOVE this game – I spend 2 hours before work, a few hours during WFH work, a few hours after work and 8 plus hours each weekend day. One would surmise I would be an expert by now but nope, slow brain/reflexes.

MOP Remix: Not a frogger. Initially in it for the mounts, transmogs and Horde Alt army creation (Retail is all Alliance) So basically – I LOVE IT!! I did the entire campaign on my Warlock during Christmas break but I was OP’d. So not that much fun. I thought that this would be the same once I got leveled up but it’s not like that. It still has its challenges and keeps me engaged. I’m almost done with the story line on 1 of my 3 level 70’s. I think the best part of this remix is that I don’t get voted out of dungeons like in retail (Slow brain/reflexes). Alts level really quick – again, I don’t do many raids/dungeons – 90% Champaign storylines to level. I hate scenarios. Abhor them to no avail. The cost of gear really sucks. Being inflicted with slow old lady syndrome, I think only one of my alts will get max gear – which is sad. I really want to try mythic without the pressure of chastisement/getting kicked so gear it is :). If there is still time, then I’ll try to acquire bronze for mounts/transmogs.

Oh and one last thing – I really fancy opening all the presents in my bag! It is truly delightful!!

Repost from another thread in case they only read one (if any)

Well we will see if they listen to that feedback. But yea, I was sad when I clicked the link from wowhead to see that I couldn’t post a reply. I have left the same advice in so many places here as well as in that survey they sent out but it hasn’t been done. There is only one thing that needs to be done to make the event amazing. You can choose between two different options, either make gear upgrade discounts account wide or make cloak account wide. Gear upgrades would probably be easier/smoother. Cloak being account wide could be an issue on low characters unless the stats on them scale up as you level. Like level 10 would have 1/12th of total stats, then would go to 3/12, then 7/12, then 12/12 to match how the system gives threads to be consistent and keep some alts partially in check.

Oh, another thing. Give rares and world bosses the same 10 second “can’t die” phase that MoP world bosses currently have on retail. That would give more players a better opportunity to get a tag in before they fall over.

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Stop treating it like it’s supposed to be a mode with meaningful progression like Retail rather than a jaunt to be had on the side for fun.
Get the idea of ilvl scaling out of your deranged heads, because that is anathema to any sense of progression no matter how you slice it.
Prioritize fixing your broken cosmetics over making sure everyone has to suffer the same intended slog, lest you enjoy being the butt of every merited “frogs fixed on sunday, tusks broken for over 3 weeks” jab.

  • a dragonriding-style mount exclusive to this Remix would have been a nice treat! (Yes, I know in TWW we can make most flying mounts Skyriders) - just cosmetically - another cloud serpent that can Dragonfly would have been really good.

  • Wish I could mail gems to my other Timerunning alts. Nothing else, just gems.

  • I loved how easy it was to get exalted with certain factions like the Klaxxi just by doing quests. But the Emperor Shaohao rep? UGH. I ground that out to exalted once in Retail and I don’t wish to relive that experience. Make it easy peasy!

  • The transmog confusion is REAL. Maybe have the vendor stop displaying sets that you have already purchased/learned. It does this with some sets. Don’t know why it doesn’t do it on others. Wowhead reported on this and their report sort of made sense?

  • For every alt I’m making (I’m sure I made over ten) I have to go into the interface and hand customize my action bars, my class color display choices, auto loot, and other settings. Is there a way we could save this as a preset similar to the way we can save the UI in Edit Mode?

  • Same with addons. I want all my Remix characters to use the same addons. But that is a different set up from my Retail characters. I wish I could have a preset of adding that I could apply instead of having to spend my first ten minutes of making each toon grinding out how I want the UI to be.

  • Really? I can’t queue with my friends of the opposite faction? Come on. This hurts. I play Alliance and opted to level a bunch of Horde in Remix. My guild is still mostly Alliance. This means I get to play alone. No fun, Blizzard.

  • From my guild master: “My main issue that no one else seemed bothered by is the lack of 25 man raids before SOO. For a guild with an active roster of 22+ people, having to split down into 10m is a frustrating experience. I realize everything is puggable, but it’s nice to run things with our raid team friends. It’s not like 25m raids weren’t available in mop, they’re just not turned on. It’d be easier for us to pug 3 people. Scheduling when we’re over raid size is my least favorite thing. I hate leaving people out. I want everyone to have fun. Together.”

  • new pets would have been nice!

  • Here’s my hot take on upgrading gear to the point of OPness: why? In three months when Remix ends and TWW pre-patch begins, the only things from Remix that will have value will be the toys, transmogs, and mounts - because they will no longer be attainable once Remix ends. Your 200K threaded gear will be recyclable when the TWW catchup gear comes out. So, whatever, play the game you want to play, which seems to be, unilaterally, get as OP as possible and run everything as fast as possible. If you want that, just get back on Retail and go one shot everything in Retail MOP on your Retail 70. I don’t understand the appeal.

  • If you buffed drop rates in MOP prior to Remix, I thank you. I was able to get every World Boss mount except for the Slate Direhorn. What a thrill it was! And what a relief it was to not have to grind for the Slate Direhorn. Thank you!

  • Wishing we could buy Krastinov’s Bag of Horrors, or see more appearances of the NPC who drops it in Scholomance. I saw him once and he didn’t drop the bag for anyone.

  • While I have your ear - could we please have Saberons as a playable race, choose-your-own-faction like Dracthyr and Panderen. Thank you!

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I can understand not wanting to lower upgrade costs because it would retroactively penalize anyone that is already fully geared, but I think we need to massively increase Bronze gains. Some people are playing this mode to pick up the few things they missed when MoP was live, while others are looking to collect everything and wondering how they can do that in the time remaining, while also upgrading our gear.

I played during MoP and still most of the inventory on the vendors isn’t in my collection, even the old stuff. I feel like I have to keep upgrading my gear so I’m not dead weight in groups and literally falling behind because my party has more Speed than I do.

I’m also kind of annoyed because I got tapped by the cloak nerf despite not gaining that much power from it. The nerf didn’t even touch all my stats. Then five days later, I saw a tank with over 7 million HP. All cloaks were cut down to an even line of maximum stat values, which is fair. But any frog-farmers who fully upgraded their gear were left with exponentially greater power than those who did not. And that power gap only gets wider because these players are better equipped to gather threads more efficiently than the rest of us.

Strange to only ask Council Members how Remix was and how they felt about it, when all the people playing remix weren’t just council members. Their was other players playing it as well. It seems some of these Community Managers are a little scared to step into the fire.

I don’t blame though, especially with how they hand slapped the frog farmers and turned this so-called “Fun Event” into one HUGE grindfest. I would keep myself sheltered as well into one little community corner… :no_good_man:


I’d mainly like to see the new weapon world/raid/dungeon drops be purchasable and learnable account wide, even if the buyable versions would only be cosmetic items.

Also, I would be pleased with alts getting an upgrade discount based on the main’s progress.

Overall, remix was fun to run through once. I really don’t want to grind up to 476 again on an alt given how tedious it is, so my power tripping will be limited to one character. Apart from the aforementioned weapon mogs, I got everything I wanted out of the event plus a little more than I expected.

I’d like to imagine that Huolon still has its “can’t die” shield from before the Dark Heart patch and it just runs out during the 60 second untargetable phase. Sorry, I just find the idea amusingly ironic and wanted to highlight it in a pointless point out.

This is more civil then I thought it would be. Well done :slight_smile:


How the experience felt for me up to now:
Pandaria Remix felt like an isolated timewalking event where I could “slightly” relive a past event in WoW’s expansion timeline with no direct connection to anything past or future in regard to content access. To be more precise, it is like I am visiting a memory of a place I have been to before and everything I do here is only relevant to this place and time rather than the current retail leveling version of, “Select your destination for leveling: Areas A through D, Mists of Pandaria, or Areas E through G. You will be removed upon hitting pre-set lvl cap.”
Being able to convert unwanted to gear into the currency while on the go is a very nice touch for not having to worry about going back to a npc just to sell stuff to restore bag space.
Giving access to purchasable collectible items that range from the easy to collect to the hard to find was also a very nice touch while also adding “some” items that were not added into the game yet or removed after no longer current.

What is on my wishlist:
More alternate transmog options for items that for one reason or another are no longer available. When this event was announced and they showed an alternate phoenix mount that could be earned, I was hoping this meant that even if some but not all of Pandaria’s related rewards came back, at least there would be alternate skins for everyone to have fun with. Two such examples brought about on this topic to me are the original Pandaria “Challenge Mode” and “PvP Elite Set” transmogs. Even if the items could not be recollected in their original state due to an event or activity not existing or having the word “Replica” slapped on the front of each item name not seen as going far enough to differentiate the two versions of one appearance, they could have made new alternate skins for each one so that everyone can enjoy more color variations of a specific set that catches their eye.

Would be happy to be proven wrong if by adding “REPLICA” to an item name would allow me to wear an old non-existent set and let the original items keep their personal glory.

Weapon transmog vendor, its all i ask for.


Probably a popular sentiment, but these are important points to me:

  • Having to sacrifice item/cosmetic collection goals in the pursuit of “challenge” goals felt/feels bad to me.

  • The power disparity between a fresh 70 and a 476 in group content usually means the person with a lower ilvl doesn’t get to play the game. I am not having fun as the person steamrolling the content or riding along in someone’s backpack.

Other Feedback:

  • I thought the Tillers quests were an iconic part of the expansion. It is too bad they didn’t make it in.

  • Wish you could change your Timerunning character into a retail character at any time.

  • I like that everything you earn in this mode is immediately available to retail characters.

  • I think it would have been cool to do the legendary questline. Simply for the narrative, not the rewards.

  • To me, “god mode” is only ever fun for 5 minutes. Once I hit max ilvl, I was fairly ready to move on.

  • I really appreciate that my addons/UIs that I had configured for my retail characters just worked.

  • I really enjoy these limited events. In contrast to retail, where the game is always live and receiving updates, Remix will be gone in a couple of months. I hope to see more experiments like this in the future!

For me, the feedback was already given. They just chose to ignore it and now seemly are looking to cherry pick their feedback with posting in a forum where very few people can post.

To me, that says a lot about how Blizzard doesn’t respect our time.


I think this sums it up here. Natrendrov said it just right. Sad but true.

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I’ve been ejoying going through remix and collecting a multitude of transmogs. This might not be the best place to put it but I know being able to tame more versions of the Heavenly Serpents would be nice. I know that you can get the Black version and I think Blue but I haven’t seen a Red and the only Green I’ve seen is Yu’lon who isn’t tamable.

TL/DR: Buff others instead of nerfing the ones that farmed, why did you “fix” the cross-faction queueing, Upgrading gear costs a little too much, Normal raids was a great success and i got to meet others to play the game with, quest tracking sucks (which this is a gripe about the quest tracking in the game in general), guild achievements “broken” for things like stay classy.

Great WOT:

  1. Overpowered from farming vs nerfing farmers: Honestly imo i would front load everything so heavily that farming would not be the way to gain power.
    1a. Nerfing Farmers: I wouldnt of nerfed the farmers but since you could see who farmed i would of suggested a catch up system to buff the whole community that were not farming, like increase thread drops / bronze drops until “caught” up to farmers.
  2. LFG/LFR: This being a wacky timeline why was it not a spot where you dump all players in to LFG/LFR together no faction requirements? ( honestly really enjoyed the times i was able to freely add friends from the opposing faction so we could play together.)
  3. Gear price: I dont mind it being a grind to become super OP but i have a limited time to play and to be able to put myself in a spot where i could be OP is more than likely going to be at the cost of some cosmetics/mounts that i want. I wouldnt nerf costs i would just buff drops again front loading bronze and threads to make doing the content you want us doing more viable then running in circles killing mobs for hours on end.
  4. A great success is Normal Raids there are always groups going and i do not seem to have any issue getting in to them no matter level or ilvl.
  5. Guild achievements: For some odd reason it was decided that Guild achievements should now be level 80 even though we arent in prepatch?(at least that is what i have seen in some posts about the Guild achievements) This was an oppurtinity for some people to get some personal goals completed, like a stay classy achievement by a singular person in there own guild.
  6. Last thing I hate the quest log
    6a. Has quests being tracked just because? IDK what priority decides why the quests that are tracked on the tracking, i do have a suggestion if the system could recognize that i am doing a quest chain start tracking that quest chain rather then it just leaving it off of the tracked quests because others are up there, and i would allow people to track quests by zone if im in karasang wilds my tracker shows quests for karasang wilds and not completed quests for Kun-lai Summit.
    PS: This game mode was about 1000 times better than plunderstorm for me, I actually met some people in the game and started playing with more people, where in plunderstorm i really just wanted to stop playing the game or just play it enough to get all of the rewards then quit, i am glad i waited it out to when they buffed dropping the currency in that game mode. Also i dont post often on the forums (please dont flame me :smiley: )

Apologies in advance for the long post lol!
I really think this was a great idea because it’s a really fun concept that they can easily repeat with a new theme (or expansion, in this case) and fill the “content drought” phases. I’ve been enjoying it a lot so far, and will still be playing on new alts to collect the old mounts and toys I’ve missed and use the bronze on my “main” to get stronger. And with TWW coming with the warband and account-wide transmog system, I feel a little better with not grabbing the tier sets now and save some bronze for other stuff.

What I’ve liked:

  • MoP was a great expansion that I unfortunately didn’t had the chance to experience it when it was released. This mode was a blast to play and experience the story in its entirety, and even seeing each faction’s side of the story. Also, I am not a raider, but I did enjoy playing the raids as a “current” content.
  • Having the ability to purchase mounts and cosmetics is great. I got really lucky with Astral Serpent Cloud with Elegion, but don’t see the fun in farming Sha of Anger so much.
  • I love transmogs and seeing new transmogs being “added” on Appearance’s Set was awesome. There is still some bugs with them as I’ve seen people saying, but having these old sets being “categorized” feels great to me, and would like to see more that could have the same treatment (but should be careful to avoid bloating the appearances menus).

What I’ve disliked:

  • Reputations being “disbalanced”. You had Shado-Pan and Klaxxi being Exalted before you finished the campaign of their zones but Emperor Shaohao and August Celestials being the same as retail. Some reps looked like it had a 50% buff, others 100% or more, and others without any buff.
  • Scailing is a issue as old as time on WoW, but it felt bad from being a god in lower levels to getting one-shot on the higher levels. They tried to hotfix the one-shot mechanics, but the feeling of being weak is still there.
  • The mode is really fun and easy to level alts, but at the same time, these alts level up so fast but thanks to scaling, feels even weaker since you leveled up faster than gathered threads and gems, and now it takes a while to get on the “average” power level of a fresh level 70.

My suggestions/wishlist for the future:

  • Have a easier way to change Gems on your gear (I know Narcissus is a thing, but I feel that something like the Rune system from Season of Discovery could be used to improve the experience without addons).
  • Adding a second currency for player power. So you have something like Bronze coins for Cosmetics and toys, and even maybe leveling up gear to the limit of drops of level 70 (item level 342), and “Infinite” coins for leveling up your gear.
  • Being alt-friendly in terms of player power, like transfering gems without a “third party”, transfering bronze (maybe possible with TWW new currency trading) or even having the “account wide” discount on upgrades.
  • For Reputations: Having reps being buffed equally, adding a “REP Gain” Thread to the Cloak or even converting the EXP Gain threads to a REP Gain Thread when you reach level 70.
    I wouldn’t mind nerfing Shado-Pan and Klaxxi, so you wouldn’t get exalted before finishing the campaign if Shaohao and August Celestials were buffed way above of what they are now.
  • …And make more Remixes, this was a fun experiment in my opinion, and would love to see new iterations of it! (WoW Remix: Legion because… yeah, and WoW Remix: Northrend at the end of Midnight expansion so people can remember/learn about Northrend just before The Last Titan, perhaps :eyes:).
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I really dont have anything vastly different than anything that was said here before me. lots of good points.

Hopeful but also doubtful it will be heard.

Let the cloak stats carry over to alts; if nothing else at least the highest XP% buff we have achieved. I would make more alts if this was the case; as it is I am done re-grinding the cloak on anyone else.

Let us mail gems to our alts. And tinkers for that matter.