Feedback: Evoker Hero Talents in The War Within

What’s there not to get? You’re overanalyzing the names, which are irrelevant, and using the benchmark of "hero classes"to judge them, which they aren’t… It’s just more talent variety.

I don’t understand disliking more choice and build diversity, but you do you.

No, it doesn’t amount to the same outcome, as these are each shared between two specs and not just added on to a spec itself.

And even if it were same outcome, why have an issue with it?

In order of priority:

  1. Range: 25 meters is a joke, no more explanaiton needed.
  2. Survability: I feel I’m not using mail at all, I feel I’m using the cheapest fabric because I’m extremely squishy overall.
  3. Visuals: Can we turn like a big dragon or something? Dragonrage looks boring and bland. Desintegrate shoul also looks bigger.

What do yuy guys think?

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I can’t speak for mythic raid, but devastation has decent survivability nowadays. 8% higher stamina, 8% passive magic DR, 5% leech, and armor levels that rival plate. If you’re having trouble surviving, you’re probably walling air and using blaze on nothing.

No it’s not but this is subjective.

We have great defensives as long as you understand incoming damage. Could use a little more base survivability for high end content though.

Yeah no thanks to making our model gigantic just to appease some RP fantasy.

It felt plenty safe on the last smoldy pulls I ran it for, it feels play especially since vers has value and I’m running 19%+.

Another troll saying we don’t need more range :clown_face:


Another bad evoker that doesn’t know how to use the toolkit and has garbage hover uptime/no clue how to use mobility thinking 15 more yards will make them less bad :clown_face:.

The range isn’t causing your low grey parses, mate; your lack of ability to play the class at a very basic level and barely using hover are.

I use hover a lot still the lowest range for a caster without a reason, that affects damage overall. You are literally a nobody with 0 argument telling me how to play evoker lmao troll.


Uptimes are:
Gnarlroot -11%
Council- 7% and 0%
Igira- 3%

No, you actually use it hilariously little.

First of all, I’m figuratively a nobody.

I’m not telling you how to play, I’m telling you that you don’t know how to play it and therefore have zero basis to say the range doesn’t work because you’re not even attempting to learn the class in order to make it work.

So you want me to use hover on cd for no reason? It’s only needed for defensive situations or when the boss moves because of our VERY LOW RANGE. If you know how to read check the forum and they all share the same opinion, we need more range because we are also squishy at some point. You are literally a random person on the Internet telling me I should use hover for no reason when that isn’t the problem and it’s “bad” if I don’t use it like 100% since you are checking stats like a creep. Nice edit though when trolls don’t have any arguments they come up with “oh skill issue” oh you are bad mate" y’all are the same :clown_face:


This is the first clue that you don’t understand how our mobility justifies our range.

Makes very little sense.

Checking if you are using the abilities that counter our range isn’t creepy when you’re arguing for more range, it’s practical.

Should I dive back in and see how many times you use verdant embrace for movement instead of just casting it on yourself? How about rescue casts? I’m fairly certain what I’ll find.

Not only do I have arguments, I’ve backed them up with data.

The fact that you’re clearly struggling to play the class at a basic level but are SURE that you know how evoker design should work shows just how ignorant you are.

Struggling where? The tittle says wishlists it doesn’t say “I need help with evoker” , “How can I get better?” or “I need a troll to reply in the thread that thinks he’s top 10 evoker worldwide or class developer” :rofl: you sound so ignorant that you don’t even know how to read a basic sentence. What data? That I didn’t user hover as soon as it was available or that I used too much verdant embrace because I needed healing? You are probably comfortable because you sound like you are being carried 24/7 with those “arguments” . You love the attention huh? Because trolls loves attention.


Your 18% average in heroic.

When your “wishlist” item can just be solved by learning how to play, you don’t need 15 extra yards. I’m sure there are rogues that would put a 20 yd range on their wishlist, it doesn’t mean the class isn’t just fine without it.

Nope, far from it-- I have plenty of ways to improve at evoker, and all of them involve improving my play instead of blaming design that works perfectly fine❤️.

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I guess we’re supposed to leave feedback here for Scalecommander as well. The extra defensiveness of the spec is nice for Devastation but not really needed for Augmentation.

The idea of mass disintegrate/eruption is chefs kiss.

Onslaught is pretty boring on its own. Perhaps it should give you one charge at the beginning of combat and then one every X seconds?

Not sure how i feel about unrelenting siege. Feels like it could be more interesting, also it’s yet another multiplier for Living Flame. Not sure what i’d do to it though.

Nor am i sure about how i feel about the spec’s heavy focus on deep breath. Though i am curious how the final talent of the spec works. How good or awkward are the controls for steering Deep Breath gonna be. Can we do donuts?

Looking forward to see what Ruby Adept brings to the table

Scalecommander doesn’t really do anything mechanics wise for Devastation if there aren’t any changes to talents that make Deep breath talents worth picking up. It just hamfists us to keep using the same build it had for almost the whole expansion. Only now that Disintegrate will be maybe more than 40% of our damage at this point.

The only thing Augmentation gets out of that tree is just a personal damage boost but it pales in comparison to Chronowarden altogether so why even bother?


A lot of this will 100% come down to tuning, though. There’s no real way for us to know that yet.

As it stands now, Scalecommander/bombardment will have to come out pretty far ahead given the lack of utility.

I’d say much lower CD’s on Eons is a pretty big potential draw (though potentially far more a m+ value than raid, considering the potential de-syncs it may cause with burst windows).

Yuh worried it’s gonna be same story with Preservation and Ruby Adept like I just have no faith in a talent tree presumably focusing on Red Flight Magic being any good for Preservation unless it adds a new abilty to focus around.

I suppose I’m late to the party for Chronowarden, but I play Pres/Aug and like a lot of the talents in this tree. However, I apparently have an unpopular opinion in regards to Warp. I’m nervous about it, I like being able to hit hover without launching any direction, or simply not with so much gusto. Right now it sounds like a blink, and hitting blink while you’re not moving simply moves you forward, which makes sense for blink. But I don’t want to be forced to move a certain distance when I’m trying to cast on the move, I simply want to be able to move without it interrupting my casts. If it were a choice node with something else regarding hover, I wouldn’t mind it as much, but it’s not. It’s something I’m going to be forced to take.

Agreed. I was expecting something for exciting, sounds like lazy design.

I raid 4 hours a week.

You’re not bad because of your amount of time in the game, you’re actually just bad and don’t understand the class.

Are you okay? That’s some pretty aggressive language out of you, bud.

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