Feedback: Evoker Hero Talents in The War Within

I am a big fan of this Hero Spec, I love the interactions with cooldown timings and the theme of adding HoT/DoTs to spells. Chrono Flame seems like a really good way to make Living Flame have a bigger impact in these specs without forcing it to be cast more often. I also really appreciate the that Tip the Scales is being buffed into its own unique CD since it can be rather lackluster as-is.

My main concern is around Threads of Fate and Golden Opportunity. Threads of Fate seems like an interesting talent (and a nice buff for Tip the Scales), but I am concerned that it will be rather meaningless when it is only applied to 1-2 targets for such a short duration that they might never get an echo’d ability. And on the flip side, with enough luck you could extend an Essence Burst with Hoarded Power (as an Aug) to get Threads of Fate active on 10 people in a raid and high-roll the RNG into suddenly getting a 15% raid-wide buff in the middle of Bloodlust. I recognize that probability would make either case exceedingly rare, but I think both would be detrimental.
I am also unclear/curious how Threads of Fate will interact with Mirror of Fate.

Which leads to Golden Opportunity and similar RNG problems. Theorectially, you could high roll into having prescience on 10 people or spending an entire 10 minute fight without a free reset. I assume Ebon Might would use its default priority system if you have 5+ prescience targets, but it does raise some concern. Also, on the Pres-side getting free Echo’s is fine (not great, but fine) though it definitely raises some concern with how it will interact with Essence Burst and if it will lead to the dreaded “proc-munching”.

I think both of these “issues” are really more question/concerns and both of these talents might be fine with some extra clarity. Also, I know that they aren’t bronze spells, but I am surprised there aren’t any interactions with the Fire Breath DoT, the Disintegrate channel, or Emerald Blossom (an underutilized part of the Aug tree).

As an Evoker, I have an understanding of how Hover behaves in most locations. However whenever I play Mage I am often frustrated when I blink in a location and move absolutely nowhere before of weird terrain. Is there any way to make Warp function as consistently as Hover and not as buggy as Blink?


No comment because I would rather see the specs Devastation can work with since I play neither Preservation or Augmentation. :dracthyr_shrug:

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As a primary PvP player I find Warp and Interdimensional Phase the most compelling. I enjoy adding depth and additional consideration to abilities with sensible alternate mechanics and effects. Things like Havoc currently using Vengeful Retreat as a resource generator is bad, but these effects seem perfect.

It honestly doesn’t look any different than just adding new talents. not overly excited with a whole new talent tree to manage. we already have 2 trees and there is not much actual choice there. I think the dev team would do better to just make the talent choices more meaningful rather than adding another tree. It’s likely just going to be whatever sims the best anyway.

Hot Take: I liked cata talent choices the most. just a couple choices and let the classes speak for themselves. At this point its just a bunch of boxes with little actual choice.

Would be awesome if they managed to theme it as a proper chronomancer with sand blast etc

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I’m relatively sure I read something about chronoflame having a new bronze visual. Might have been Jereico’s feedback on wowhead.

Will say Chronowarden sounds amazingly fun - particularly the choice between Warp or Instability Matrix. The idea that you can choose to basically be a short ranged Hunter (IE: never stop moving if you want) or keep casting Empowered spells for days… the kit looks insanely fun.

Just so I don’t get in trouble, they never explicitly confirmed which Chronowarden spells will have distinct visuals in our interview (outside of Warp for obvious reasons). However, given the overall purpose behind the trees, as well as the way that Afterimage in particular is worded, I am definitely expecting many of the named abilities to have distinct Bronze-themed visuals, including Chrono Flame.

In case it wasn’t clear from the preview, if you choose to play Chronowarden you actually will have access to both Warp and Instability Matrix at level 80. You will have enough talent points to fill out the whole tree, and the three “choose between” choice nodes are on different nodes.

Funny enough, that combination does actually highlight a bit of dissonance in the tree, with Warp granting additional mobility and cast-while-moving, and Instability Matrix slowing you right back down, since you can’t cast these additional Empowers while moving. Probably not the biggest deal in the world anyway, and I do actually quite like both of those talent nodes.

Anyway, like Guy mentioned I’ve already shared my full detailed thoughts over on Wowhead but overall I’m pretty excited to see this in action in The War Within pre-release, and I can’t wait to compare against the other Evoker Hero Talent Trees as soon as they’re available. New trees soon please! :slight_smile:

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ROFL my bad my man, shouldn’t have name dropped the content if I wasn’t 100% on the wording.

I’m just kidding around, it’s all good! :slight_smile:

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WoW is not a min max game lol. If people can clear Mythic Raids without pots and enchants, it’s not min max required. You world first elitists will never understand this lmao

I’m not a world first player, nor am I good enough to be elitist.

You’re completely right; min max is not required, but it doesn’t change the fact that the game is balanced around the top performers.

Whether you accept it or not is irrelevant to me, and doesn’t change that it’s the truth.

You make that statement while ignoring they’ve made this game even more casual and accessible to players over the years.

Talk to a mirror buddy, I don’t have to accept anything. You do.

How approachable/accessible it is doesn’t speak to how it’s balanced.

You’re comparing apples to oranges.

If you think retail is more casual friendly than vanilla was (or classic is), you’ve got more cards missing in that deck than I thought.

But that still has nothing to do with balancing, which was all I was talking about before you got on your anti-elitist soapbox lol.

You’re not capable of the basic reading comprehension required for me to even waste my time arguing with you.

If min max-ing and avoiding random numbers truly the case, why do so many classes have passives to, at small percentages, not consume certain procs? Or how about random procs to channeled effects? Dracthyr Dev can channel disintegration 2-3 times or 12-15 times if RNG is gracious. Shouldn’t we do away with all that because MIN MAX? Gotta know what you’re getting every time?

You’re wrong buddy.

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Considering I got an alt from level 40 to 70 in a day and got geared for Heroic raiding before the next reset proves that yes, this is certainly more casual than classic where leveling by yourself you’re not getting Naxx ready in one week of even being level 30 already.

Of course you’ll just run away because you know you’re wrong. The Devs designs clearly show they don’t look at it as a Min Max game, only you and the elitists do.

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Scalecommander is a silly name for a hero class, there’s currently four living Scalecommanders already and it isn’t a class it’s a rank/job title. That’s like giving warrior the ‘High Marshall’ hero talent tree.

Ruby Adept sounds similarly disappointing; why is one out of the five elements given a special class of its own when Evokers are stated to be the masters of all five? Sure there’s specializing, but with the only three available options it’s a weird decision.

Telash Greywing looked to be some sort of Spellfrost focused Evoker also, so since there’s precedent for an Evoker character already doing that why not go with something that already (somewhat) exists?

Actually overall, for a supersoldier created by Neltharion, and with Evokers being the top of that group there sure is a stark lack of Black flight magic for them. Would be nice to just have the whole thing to look at(all three work-in-progresses) and then make a final decision.

I guess I don’t really see the point of the hero talents over just adding additional talents because it amounts to the same outcome in the end, and the Glyph system(remember that?) already exists for altering visuals. Just that Evokers haven’t gotten any Glyphs. Or transmog. Or a belt that shows on the current tier set.


This looks like multiclassing without multiclassing and I guess I just don’t really get it but maybe that’s just me.


the main point is that hero talents overlap between specs.

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