Feedback: Scalecommander in The War Within

Please give this a look:

And let us know your thoughts here!


I’ll just link what I said before-uh, this thread came up.


it’s an interesting tree, I’m definitely more interested in what Ruby Adepty might be than this one.

What worries me about this tree is the big focus on Deep Breath, I’m mainly a devastation player, and I very rarely use this skill, having a talent tree with so much focus on it is very disappointing.

from the perspective of augmentation it looks less worse, but compared to the “Cronowarden” Tree this one has much less shine.


Not much to say as I’m super bad at Augvoker, despite quite enjoying it. But Maneuverability sounds like an amazing spell that should just be part of all of Evoker’s flying breath abilities. Being able to not fly straight into AOE would be a godsend.


This seems like whoever made this made it for augmentation with little thought into how it would transfer to dev, adding dots for the sake of adding dots is neither fun nor interactive, making a hero talent based of a skill that’s severely underused and just slapping an Aug style damage buff onto it isn’t going to make me suddenly ok with having to use it on cd especially with how unwieldy it is as dev doesn’t get damage reductions like Aug does unless you can turn on a dime with the capstone


Looks like we got two focused Aug trees with Chrono and Scalecommander with this one focused on Deep breath(Breath of Eons). Everyone of these talents makes Aug do better by default but Devastation has to now redo its rotation with deep breath around it.


I like the direction of the spec, but my fear is that the CDR on breath will be amazing for aug in m+. but much less valuable in raid because of de-syncing with burn windows and cd’s of other classes.

Obviously it’s very early and we’ll see how it works out, but as it stands Chronowarden is probably looking to be the stronger option for aug unless bombardment is very strongly tuned in terms of damage or results in breath timers lining up well for specific dungeons/encounters.

At any rate, it seems somewhat apparent that this will be the dungeon spec and chronowarden will be the raid spec (as currently constructed), so I’d imagine Ruby Adept may have a more raid-specific flair for dev as well.

(Devastation prospective)

Mass Disintegrate is really cool. I don’t like the rest of the tree though. Having to use Deep Breath on CD in single target is going to feel awful.

I really wish Deep Breath was more like Sarkareth’s Searing Breath ability, and not a weird dive bomb attack. That change alone would make this tree (and the spec in general) way better, in my opinion.

Maybe something like:

Deep Breath
"Fly into the air and take in a deep breath, unleashing a massive gout of flame at the targeted location dealing Volcanic damage.

Removes all root effects. You are immune to movement impairing and loss of control effects while flying."

Think Ultimate Penitence, but for dracthyr. This would retain Scalecommander’s stated theme of being “experts in using flight during a battle”, without the awkwardness that Deep Breath has at the moment. I think it would be a lot more fun to use, as well.


Looks good for aug, better then Chronowarden for smaller keys/raid. I dont play dev anymore so will only say that.

I find this tree pretty disappointing.

Bombardment doesn’t sound like fun to play with in aoe setting where I’m tab targeting non-priority targets to ensure the Bombardment debuff is on them.

I don’t think Deep Breath is a meaningful enough part of the devastation kit to be worth investing into for a hero talent. The talents that do buff it are quite weak and have never been taken, and more importantly do not tie into the actual fun parts of the spec (the Dragon’s Rage / Animosity loops + Causality recycling empowered spells). Even if deep breath was strong, I don’t even want to cast it.

CDR for Breath of Eons is largely irrelevant for Aug since I need to hold it for other people’s cooldowns, and most classes are already aligned with a 2m cooldown. I can’t imagine I’d ever want to cast it more often than that.

As Aug I can’t imagine ever taking this over chronowarden just purely because chronowarden has much stronger defensive benefits and better synergizes with the support playstyle.

It also feels weird that this hero talent tree is likely going to push pyre completely out of the devastation tool kit which seems silly to me? Like, it’s the core devastation ability at the top of the tree and now I don’t even want to use it.

I don’t even know if there’s a talent here that I do like. Maybe mass disintegrate if I can get triple causality procs?


Yeah, it’s just not a fun button to press.


I was not expecting the talents to focus on Deep Breath and not sure I’d like to spam that ability. “No Path Available” can already be annoying as it is, I don’t want to cast it more than necessary lol. I think I will wait and see what Ruby Adept does.

Also, personally, I feel like the actual theme of this hero spec is pretty weak and unfocused but that might just be due to expectations.


Another thing I’d hate to see with maneuverability: I’d hate to see some kind of weird debuff refresh / pandemic effect on the dot or even the upfront damage of deep breath where the right thing to do is try to do as narrow circles as possible on top of a pack to get the most possible uptime. Or getting a tank to try and make mobs follow your path with deep breath.

That does not sound fun at all.

Posted in the other thread before this one was created

Speaking primarily from the perspective of a Devastation main, Mass Disintegrate looks amazing. Onslaught and Unrelenting Siege are just more cowbell, and I’m mostly fine with that. Bombardments looks interesting, but I’m tentative without more concrete information regarding its proc rate.

That said, I think certain parts of the Scalecommander tree (broadly speaking, most of the lower half) could do with some tinkering. Might of the Black Dragonflight offers Dev almost literally no value, as we’ve only one ‘black’ spell. Apropos of that…

Deep Breath is, in my experience at least, a spell with more than a few issues that make it relatively low priority and low impact in most circumstances. First and foremost, the talent nodes that positively interact with DB are in direct competition with ‘mandatory’ nodes that are required for pretty much everything else. In most circumstances, opting to talent into stronger deep breaths is mechanically and numerically disadvantageous. The way Dev’s talent tree is currently arranged, and the number of talent points necessary to build properly, do not allow for either Lay Waste or Onyx Legacy to be taken without sacrificing more impactful talents elsewhere. Deep Breath is also a difficult spell to work into a rotation because of its mechanics. Being functionally locked into a channel while flying (and therefore unable to react or adjust) not only presents the risk of taking unnecessary damage or dying, but also forced channel time that could’ve been spent on abilities with none of the inherent risk and comparable or better damage overall.

All of that is to say, Deep Breath just really shouldn’t be the focus of Scalecommander’s capstone—even if that sacrifices parity with Aug, given the fundamental differences in both spec’s toolkits. It’s barely a part of Dev’s toolkit, and has precisely zero interaction with the core of Dev’s playstyle (being Dragonrage, the extension minigame while it’s up, and playing around causality/iridescence, which all emphasize empower spells and spenders). While including the ability to steer does somewhat address one of the biggest and most prevalent issues with using Deep Breath, the ability itself just isn’t a button that’s fun or rewarding to press often.

I would instead suggest reorienting the focus of the capstone to similarly emphasize empower spells, whether that be adding new/unique mechanics (man would I love to see something akin to sarkareth’s Glittering Surge in the place of Eternity Surge) or simply giving them additional effects.

The survivability buffs are by and large nice to see, but they’re very barebones both mechanically and thematically compared to those displayed in Chronowarden’s tree. I don’t necessarily expect parity between all the trees, but it would be nice to see a little more going on in the lower three choice nodes.


Hard pass on this tree. Nobody cares about Deep Breath; why would you focus on this? Mass Disentigrate is okay, I guess.


I think it has potential if it makes Deep Breath fun to use, which means that this is going to make or break based on how the steering is. Because I have no idea if the steering is going to be proper steering or just a really minor nudge, it feels hard to give input on it other than mass disintegrate sounding really cool.

The node that just boosts black spells is kinda really unexciting when Aug doesn’t really care about dps and Dev only has one black spell.


The tree overall doesn’t seem too useful for Devastation. The first option on the left side provides no measurable benefit for Dev as they have only one black damaging spell. The right side of the tree is also not great. A one time benefit, one that takes 50 seconds to cap and buffs the weaker filler spells is not very interesting or useful. The end talent is fine for synergizing with the middle tree, but overall the left and right sides are not good for devastation.

The tree overall just seems like it would force devastation into a single build once again.

Its overall fine for augmentation, but onslaught as it is presented is not a good talent. It either needs to trigger on a regular timer, or be replaced.


We seem to have reached a consensus on what this tree’s biggest problem is…

I already posted my idea on how Deep Breath could be changed. I’d love to see some more ideas. :dracthyr_tea:


Agree that the capstone on Deep Breathe seems to have came out of nowhere. Bombardment, on the other hand, is pretty interesting though, only if it had more effect other than a split-damage proc. An actual in-game controllable Focus-Fire ability is very themetic for Aug/Dev

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