Feedback: Evoker Hero Talents in The War Within

Yeah I misunderstood initially, makes more sense now.

Eruption hits 3 targets instead of split damage, ok. It does a paltry amount compared to Disintegrate but has the same cleave limitations why? Why not up to 5?

Same takeaway; Scalecommander doesn’t look to have nearly the synergy with augmenter as Chronowarden does. However…

This is a really good point, it’s gimping hover in a specific way without an alternate workaround if you do Chronowarden. Since the rest of the package looks to be a significant improvement it’s going to be the one to take, I hope the pigeon holing with changing hover is fixed.

It’s good that Scalecommander embodies the black flight heavily but with Evoker using five flight powers it’s really odd to have two (blue/green) just kind of afterthought for hero talents. If they add more in the future that’d be cool, so maybe they will, and again the name is weird as opposed to something like Winglord or similar.

Glyphs would also be nice to have still.

I’d respectfully disagree with this. It’ll largely depend on the numbers.

The potential strength of mass eruption isn’t on the damage, it’s in the potential to extend EM. Will each eruption innately extend EM for each? At any rate, there will be more potential crits and it’ll give secondaries a bit more value than they currently have.

The power of Scalecommander also is in getting more breaths off. As I said earlier, this potentially de-syncs from other classes CD’s. Assuming that’s not an issue, there will be fights where getting more frequent breaths in on phases (think smolderon intermissions) could be incredibly powerful.

I tend to agree that Chronowarden looks better overall, but depending on tuning this one has some very intriguing possibilities, especially with some of our capstone talents (overlord in particular). Could have some very crazy setups with time skip, too.

I think the blink ability is really cool, but I’m scared the other abilities don’t stand out. We have a limited range and that’s been the biggest complaint so far so I think there should be more focus on some weird long distance aoe afffect or something to reach the far corner of the map in an emergency. and then when the range is limited majority of the time it feels like you have at least 1 “oh no” option. And some of these affects have really cool names it would be cool to see a permanent character change for picking them up like wheels of a clock spinning around your character or like extra character plating on the dragon model.

I’m guessing this is the Feedback-Post for the Chronowarden Herotalent tree?
If not Please reorganize this forum as i could not find it!
If it is, please consider renaming this topic.

Looking at the (Chronowarden) tree from a PvE Augmentation point of view.

Chrono Flame
If this does not include “Ebon Might damage” this node is essentially useless, as this would be at most an increase of 1-2% damage (which is far far lower then on other trees)

I’m not sure why we’re giving Augmentation even more Hover uptime but a blink instead of a dash sound nice.

Interdimensional Phase/Motes of Acceleration
Interdimensional Phase
Augmentation really does NOT need more defensive tools, especially while they already recieve a similar effect from Draconic Attunements (pressing Obsidian Scales)
Motes of Acceleration
This seems abit redundant with Draconic Attunements which already provides Augmentation with a very similar effect.

Careful Contemplation/Time Convergence
Careful Contemplation
this is a interessting node, by picking Timeskip and Interwoven Threads you can essentially negate the negativ aspect and enjoy 10% more Int and Stamina (again why also Stamina?).
Since Int is the only stat that increases your main damage source Ebon Might this sounds pretty powerfull. Though you will give up some power from having slightly longer cooldowns, 10% stronger Ebon Might’s are most likely worth it.
Time Convergence
If i understand this correctly defensive buttons (Obsidian Scales) do NOT grant the Int buff and instead buff Stamina. (this is again redundant with Draconic Attunements which buffs Stamina on pressing Obsidian Scales)
Another node that grants an 10% increase of Int. This time with a trigger conditon, it is also extendable.
Currently Augmentation can trigger this buff with: Fury of the Aspects, Landslide, Renewing Blaze, Rescue, Tip the Scales, Zephyr, Time Sprial, Oppressing Roar, Cauterizing Flame(asumeably only on succesfull despells), Breath of Eons, Spartial Paradox, Timeskip, Bestow Weyrnstone (and Tailswipe and Wing Buffet if they count)
or at least 12 Spells with some fringe cases.
This will lead to some wonky interactions of for example randomly using Oppressing Roar midfight just to get the buff up.
In short the trigger condition for this need to be looked at again!

Temporal Burst
This sounds like a fun talent, ramping haste, speed and cooldown speed all sound usefull in their own ways. I’m not sure how i feel about this beeing linked to Tip the Scales and especially to the casting of it.
This will lead to you pressing TTS about 10 second before you intend to actually consume the instant Empower spell alonside Breath of Eons for the strongest hastebuff durring your CD window.

Threads of Fate
A reskinned Fate Mirror, this ist just something that happens without you having any influence over it.

Master of Destiny/Golden Opportunity
Master of Destiny
The randomly spread buffs from Threads of Fate get enhanced from using empowers. This stacking is good, since Aug usually casts Empowers back to back. The 8 seconds of enhancement of a 15 second buff seem a bit odd/off. How will this will work in practice remains to be seen.
Golden Opportunity
Random resets on Prescience… I don’t like this… Augmentation is all about preplaning who you want to buff an when, throwing randomness into the target selection goes against everything the Spec trys to do. Any form of disruption durring a fight can be very frustating as is, throwing in randomness into the most important part of the Augmentation gameplay/-plan just feels/sound very wrong to me.
(what happens if you have 5 Prescience out? Will Ebon Migh just randomly choose who doesn’t get the buff?)

+30% Upheaval Damage as a dot. another tiny personal damage buff. (Roughly 0.2% - 0.5% gain)

an actually reason to empower Upheaval to 2 (or rarely more)

Instability Matrix
Randomly reduced Empower cooldowns. While this isn’t a bad effect, this will even further decrease the value of secondary’s that aren’t Mastery (more empowers = more Shifting Sands which scale of Mastery).

Empowers passively cast 3 Chronoflames, which can grant essence burst.
A talent that says “Essence Burst” thus i must add my
Obligatory Hoarded Power rant:
Hoarded Power is the worst node on the Augmentation (and Devastation) Talent trees (design wise). Not only does it limit the power of the Essence spenders, it also decreases the value of any Essence cost reductions or Essence Burst granting talents. While at the same time dulling down the gameplay. Pressing the same button 4+ times in a row really isn’t exciting! PLEASE REMOVE THIS TALENT FROM BOTH TREES! (rebalance the specs around having slightly fewer but more impactful spenders)

Can you use the blink in place as you currently do hover?

A lot of the time I am pressing hover for future repositions but don’t need movement now.

I can definitely see a scenario where I’m in a safe zone, need the DR but anything within blink range that I can see (and make a split second decision about) is unsafe.

This would have to be the case for the talent to be valuable. A lot of hover usage is preemptive and used in place, I doubt they would make the spell decidedly worse but if so it’s likely to be fixed in the alpha/beta cycles.

I would imagine there’s alpha information on warp now, but I’ve only watched Scalecommander/flameshaper so far.

The trick with hover is not how much people use it, but using it situational.

E.g. in the Igira fight after the soak phase, where she is throwing fire pools all over the place. So you can continue casting while dodging the fire pools.
Without soak in that phase Evokers do either no DPS for around 15s or die in the fire.

It’s more about using it proactively rather than reactively, but I get where you’re coming from.

Either way, a lot of people erroneously view it as an “oh $hi+” button versus something they should use liberally (and ahead of time) depending on mechanics.

If you’re sitting on two charges of hover for an extended period of time (and there’s not something very soon that you’re pooling it for), you’re shooting yourself in the foot.

There’s really no reason for it to not function like Ice Floes or Spiritwalker’s Grace. It should not interrupt what you’re already casting.

And while we’re talking about QoL, I’ll repeat that Disintegrate should consume essence per tick, not the full 3 essence up front.