Feedback: Epic Battlegrounds

Turtle games are the best. If you don’t like them and the pvp involved, perhaps you should try pve.

NPCs and flags would have to be changed amongst other things.
But you have the template, you’re the biggest job is just placing some NPCs, with already known specs just different skins, and reversing the flags.

They’ve done a lot of things that take less work in the last several years.
I’m a fan of most of the “brawls”, DeepWind Dunk, WarSong Scramble, the Gravity Lapse, and Tarren Mill vs. Southshore are great fun. Each of them required changes to existing templates much like the map reversal would. It isn’t imposable, not nearly as hard as creating a new BG from scratch in fact.

PLEASE for the love of GOD fix the IoC bug still causing vehicles - glaives, demos, siege - to not appear on the map.



I’d seen people report a “IoC cannons won’t shoot” bug, but never experienced it myself until the last game.

Was the Horde southwest tower, closest cannon to the west gate. Cannon was working just fine until it had been destroyed and I repaired it. After getting back in, pushing 1 and 2 did nothing, nor did clicking the buttons. Exiting the cannon and reloading UI did not help, nor did returning to the cannon later in the match after I had died. I was perma on the “nope” list for shooting it.

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Do you know if it bugs for everyone or just the player? I’ve never seen it myself but it might help them fix it.

I wonder if there’s a limit on how many times a cannon can be repaired and used? This is probably the first expansion in a while that cannons are used pretty much every match, so it’s never been an issue. But, maybe once a cannon is destroyed twice, or three times, it’s perma broken even if repairable?

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Unfortunately I was more focused on what was going on in the game since it was a close match.


I wonder if what Juga said applies too. They are used and destroyed a lot now when before many IoC games came and went without ever being used.

There is nothing epic on this game, not anymore

Re-logging will fix that.

Mid vs hang vs docks vs quarry vs refinery vs d vs bombs vs tanks vs towers

Appreciate that, but I’d rather not risk getting booted from the BG.

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I never have been, you only have to fall back to character screen (20 sec logout), the system is pretty generous for players not in game to allow people to recover from crashes and disconnects. Generally I just alt+f4 since that’s faster than waiting 20 seconds and re-logging. I have doubts it will ever be fixed since it’s been reported since Legion, and seems to be sporadic.

Continue rewarding Horde players they need it, me, I cannot even get the quest “A Call to Battle” completed as Alliance on Lightbringer battlegroup. This over several days, unfortunately this experience is nothing new. PvP is broken, when one side has a 1/10 “chance” of winning. I have tried different times of the day, epic bg’s and random regular bg’s, same result. I know how to play them, but these are pug’s and it’s messed up, maybe there is no solution to balance, obviously balance is lacking. Oh well horde have been reaping the bulk of pvp rewards for so many years, excuse me while I return to pve where I have some control over winning and being rewarded.

If you want longer epic bgs, then make it so honor gives us pvp titles again.
the honor system is a joke atm and not everyone does RBGS or Arenas.
at least make it like rank 8 cap from honor or something.

just my 2 cents, I’ll never AV again if it’s a longer turtle and no reward for it.

it does.



Can we make the Epic BG’s more epic by installing STORMS, RAIN and even SNOW STORMS in AV’s??? Kinda sick of seeing the same atmosphere all the time.

Imagine a 50mins long AV battle with dense snow storm. Similar t o the Snowy Arathi Basin.


Honor reward is way to low or the honor requirement for leveling is way too high. 40 minute wins should not be only giving 1.3k honor. That’s basically 4 hours for 1 honor level.

Mind you its a honor I shouldn’t even have to grind because the conversion was done in some incomprehensible manner where almost every single player lost honor.

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Make the queues pop


These changes were all positive and each give me some hope that we can have more epic BGs in the future or that some of the greater underlying issues can be fixed. Siege and turrets in IOC being strong is great, and I wish I could have seen a version of SotA where this was the case as well.

I’d love to see more and more done w/ AV, as I think the NPCs are still much too weak. For a 40-man BG, there are far too many objectives that are best completed solo.