Feedback: Epic Battlegrounds

I’ve never had a parachute not open.

scratches chin hmm…

you is lucky then.

It’s not a luck situation. Jumping off the airship opens up a parachute.

It is in my case. A bad luck situation.

(I’m not claiming there’s a RNG component to it or anything, I’ve just had the bad luck of dealing with an obvious bug or something)

I’ve never not had one open either. Maybe this might happen if Alliance took the node out from under you and the ship was just “inactive but returning”? Pretty sure I’ve parachuted off the ship during that too. And I’ve done a lot of IoC’s. Maybe it’s a bug tied to an ability you have that I don’t.

(that said I always have a glider)

Yeah it’s most likely a bug, a very annoying one.

It was even worse in the anti-gravity Brawl when I just fell and went splat after every jump.

I have splatted from chute failures in IoC and Seething Shore on more than one occasion. I guess that will teach me to use a parachute from Acme, Inc. I never did trust that Coyote Salesman.

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In WoW he’s a Vulpera (actually in game), I trust him more than the goblins.

You watch that rotten little mouth of yours.

I have; hold on, a troll and an undead have had this failure, but the human hasn’t heard of it?

Is this a thread where I should conclude based on three data points that this proves bias against the Horde? (I am a troll after all)


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i’ve had the chute in IoC fail on me many times, its not a new bug, that was happening all the way back in wrath when IoC was new.

Had 4 rocket leaks in a row yesterday in ioc. I blame the care bears.

The chutes in IoC and ss will fail at times but it is a lag issue. If you notice having any, be wary.

Or, I saw this hunter earlier today cancelling his chute on purpose and repeatedly falling to his death.

Screw the honor, make the conquest better and award some for losing. I have no desire to commit an hour of my time doing an “Epic” battleground and get nothing but some terrible honor.

worth repeating this is the MAIN reason for the skewed win rate of horde

Well, as long as it hampers the Alliance’s chance of winning, that’s the goal, right?

Cause the horde can’t afford to have a BG map where they have less than 53% chance of winning.

Although I’m sure either of us could find numerous posts through the years, by Horde or Alliance fanboys, wining about the obvious “favoritism” the other side has in BGs, suggestions to switch direction of the maps randomly to insure fairness of the terrain have been posted (I believe more often by Horde, but whatever) for literally years now.

That would put the issue to rest. Why don’t they just do it?

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Probably because the structures are faction-themed.

But they do that in RBG’s if both teams are the same faction, so it shouldn’t be hard. They could explain it by saying we’re capturing our stuff back.

Although if they do that, they should probably code in flipping of the flags too, which they couldn’t do in RBGs. It’s a bit strange when queueing as Horde and being Alliance on a map. I’m afraid to see what random players do.

Maybe have brawls where it’s flipped so people get used to the idea, then work it into the random BG algorithm.