Feedback: Elemental Rune Dungeons: Protocol Twilight

In this thread, feel free to leave feedback on the new Elemental Rune Dungeons: Protocol Twilight, after you’ve playtested them on the Cataclysm Classic PTR.

Please see our full development notes here.

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7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Don’t put the Hrag mount on a vendor

will the Hour of Twilight dungeons be Twilight Protocol by default without the changes, like how the ICC dungeons dropped the Gamma currency without the buffs?

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Is there any reason to do Hour of twilight dungeons if i can get much better gear doing H++ dungeons? isn’t it weird that Hour of twilight rewards are 378 and min level is 365… and in the other hand the new H++ dungs that give you 384/390/391s have a minimum item level of 353. lol?

If these dungeons are not VERY easy and quick, and a good way to farm VP… they are DOA.

Firestones should really be on the vendor. No reason not to have them on there.


This is going to have the same fate as the last inferno. At least this time around they introduced some way to fight the already dumb increased HP… I’m somewhat “worried” about the items prices and worse on the VP gains from this dungeons. 240 VP and how this time around you can’t even get 3p anymore seems already stagnant enough. It’s finally time to increase to 480 from the get go and move on.

On top of that… there’s already concerns with the way some powers are functional with some specs in cata.

The blue buff is also incredible punishing for even ranged specs.

I think the blue buff needs a second look at…


Just did one on the PTR. Bosses did not drop currency and didn’t drop LFR items off final boss.

The rag heroic loot needs to be available. My guild had extremely bad luck. We never saw the heroic belt, gloves, or caster trinket. Those are literally the only 3 items my character and others in my guild need. The normal version is not an upgrade over what we have/use for our class/spec.

In BWD/BoT, heroic versions of end bosses was available from the vendor. I, and I’m sure others, would be willing to do the grind to obtain those items in the “Heroic” version.

The ilvl gap is too big seems like for them to do this. T11 was an exception I think and even so they messed up big time by not adding normal items on the infernos at least.

My post with feedback regarding the overall proposed system was moved to a separate forum thread about a mount. Not sure why.

In any case, reposting that LFR items should not be available for several weeks and Blizzard should consider limiting access to Dragon Soul gear via this system (it should be for catchup, not to get ahead).

Hell yeah, the alt army is going to be fully preped for MoP now.

The blue buff is almost useless with you losing stacks every time you move and it taking 10 sec per stack to build up, the tank buff does almost no damage at all on single target, it hits for 580. This forced pretty much all dps to go for the bronze haste buff since it’s at least usable even if it takes a long time to build up. The green healing buff is also easily outshined by the bronze haste buff in most cases.


The worst Buff you could offer is standing still. Suggestion for improvement put a 12 second timer, so you can move 2 or 3 times before refreshing it. Basically sniper training for hunters. by all means i still don’t think its perfect.
Probably the funnest dungeon in wrath was Halls of stone/ lightning getting empowered and seeing big numbers, the power fantasy made those dungeons fun! Boss and add HP stacking in dungeons creates a time sink. id rather punch out 5 in an hour then only one 30 mins. This would make it alt friendly and more people will cycle through the dungeons. This really helps the casual gamers who have limited time and the hardcore wower’s alike.

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I did two dungeons as ranged dps. I used the blue dragon in one and the bronze dragon in the other.

Blue Dragon is almost useless:
You can get at most 2 stacks in each trash pack, and then as soon as you move to the next one you lose all your stacks and start over.
Every boss required myself to move. I actually got to 4 stacks once since I used a personal cd to survive an aoe so I could stay still. But otherwise I never got more than 2 stacks fighting bosses.

Bronze dragon is much more stable:
You generally keep the buff while at range and taking some damage doesn’t completely remove your stacks. It was much less rage inducing.
However there is unavoidable party damage in almost every boss fight. The worse one was the last boss in Throne of Tides where at the end you get a stacking ticking debuff every second which completely removes your bronze stacks.

Both of these need to be reworked. Moving is good game play (you want to encourage that) and taking damage is unavoidable in many cases. I suggest looking to the Halls of Lightning/Stone buffs where you got stronger the longer you were in combat which encouraged good game play.

As for the oozes. They had way too much hp. In my 375+ ilevel group we could not kill one. However aside from the mana absorb one we could generally ignore that mechanic.

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I just completed a dungeon as a Bear tank with the Red buff. It procs for 650 total dmg per target… No that was not a typo. 6 5 0 dmg per target.

I think it added 1-2% of my overall dmg throughout the run. In WoTLK we got the Thorns buff, and it was legit very good. It made dungeons more enjoyable.

If you tanked in WoTLK and did those dungeons you likely remember how much fun you had doing HoL with the Thorns buff – it was honestly VERY fun! These new “buffs” are the polar opposite. Don’t move, don’t take dmg, swap spells non stop, add 0 dps as a tank. Those are your 4 options. None of which are remotely fun.

I used to love randomly queuing up as a tank in WoTLK just to tank HoL runs (I was top geared, didn’t need anything) simply because it was fun. If this is the version that is gonna go live… I’m gonna get the bare minimum I need and won’t queue up again. Sad that this is what we get


Please, these buffs aren’t fun.

Just let us get super steroid mode and zoom through dungeons…its the last patch and people want to play alts, gearing proces sis fine but the actual dungeon process needs to be tuned to be fun more


You were much simpler with your words, but you hit the nail on the head.

Just make it fun. Thats it. Just make it ENJOYABLE and FUN. This current system is more or less… stupid

H+ has been crap in every iteration since wotlk, fix LFR instead of wasting time on this crap

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Slow your roll, the H+ has been loads of fun, especially in WOTLK. just the loot you can get from the vendor has been kinda crappy this expansion.

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Good that there’s new mechanics, the infernos with no new mechanics were very boring.

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