We havent seen prices yet, but I’m suspecting each lfr piece to be like 100+
I would think they will be priced about the same as what is current for those slots from the inferno dungeons. So like 15 - 80 frags.
Are these heroic or normal?
Additionally, could we get Crystallized Firestones on the vendors too? These unlock bis relics for a few classes.
I have run two Twilight-buffed dungeons as a holy paladin and here are my thoughts.
Buffs used: Green (do dmg get heal buff and vice versa) and Brown (haste)
First off, I don’t need or want a dragon popping out of me every second and a half (Green buff from casting/dealing pitiful damage) and going BLAAAAAAAR. Sure, I can turn ingame noises off, but I like to immerse myself and listen for audio cues. Every time the Brown Dragon haste buff procs you get the same thing.
Green buff was buggy from what I could tell. As far as when a heal went out the damage buff would count up, but when damage spells would go out the heal buff wouldn’t always do so. I would cast crusader strike, judgment, and holy shock on enemy targets and the healing buff would not count up. In fact, every time I used Crusader Strike it would use up one of my healing buff charges and add on a damage buff charge. This was the case most of the time when casting these spells on enemies. Whenever I would cast exorcism it seemed to work correctly. It would have been cool to get the healing buff procs to work and see how much it changed gameplay. I have plenty of gear and didn’t need the extra healing anyway.
Brown haste buff would reset for me after every boss regardless if I took any damage or not. The buff seemed to work and I enjoyed the extra haste.
Onto the slimes!
They have around 1.13 million hp. Some 1.16, but that doesn’t make a difference. Not once did any DPS look in their direction, they might as well have been invisible. It may have been for a good reason though. While healing the bosses I couldn’t tell you what buffs the boss got. It almost didn’t matter and I could easily out heal them. It didn’t feel punishing EXCEPT when the mana void would come out. You can try to get people’s attention, though in the end, it doesn’t matter unless you’re a mana user. Lowely me, I might as well be throwing pebbles at this thing trying to get my blue bar back. As I mentioned before about the slimes having 1.13 million hp the Mana Void has around 700k hp. When I mentioned the slimes might as well be invisible, it seems to be moot to kill the Mana Void slime when you can shave off over 300k hp by letting it spawn. If the whole group is mana users it might be an issue /shrug. I don’t know how the other healers have faired with the Mana Void, but honestly on most of the bosses, even with the extra slime buffs, I could probably have ignored it (ilvl 385).
The Mana Void slime also was in every single slime spawn. Every time without fail.
There were 2 occasions where the slimes would come out and as they started moving in and before reaching the boss a Mana Void would spawn. Then the slimes would hit and a second Mana Void would come out. Couldn’t tell you what was causing that. The DPS rarely killed one getting them to kill a second was unthinkable. Cut your losses, move on, and hope for the best haha.
Another issue I have with the Mana Void is if the boss dies and the Mana Void is still out it will despawn. When it despawns it doesn’t restore your mana it simply laughs and takes it with it. Depending on your skill level, I think for the majority of groups it is a waste of time. Their healers are going to have to sit and drink before continuing.
The slimes seem to spawn very close to the boss. If you delay killing them you might as well ignore them and not waste the damage.
Just some thoughts. Hopefully, some of these issues can be fixed for the more casual players. Geared and skilled players this doesn’t matter so much.
This already took long enough, grammar and typos go!
Best of luck to you adventurers
P.S. If queue times for these get better I’ll add some more feedback. For now, it’s off to bigger and better things.
The mana void bit is for sure a little annoying for the stated reason above. It should just pop and restore mana when the boss dies. Causes just pointless drinking downtime.
Most groups/pugs aren’t going to kill any. Any healer with the green buff that just does lazy damage here or there can out heal it all… until no one pops the mana void spawn. Then you can’t do anything and its always when group damage explodes with the red and green. So healers, be perpared to be kicked constantly for “sucking” when no one kills the voids and blindly blame you when you can’t cast anything because they are smooth brain.
The good news is the sponge feel is mostly gone. Bosses die fairly quick and trash gets cooked with the buffs and gearing curve.
So what it mostly boils down to here is pop the mana void asap whenever it pops up. Your healer even if blind and blue haired will properly still get you through.
Is purple not a high prio target like yorsahj?
trash / bosses died quick because your group is composed of competent players that go to the PTR + 385+ ilvl. H++ min ilvl is 353. When 2 of your dps and your tank is ilvl 355, some pvp gear and they clearly don’t know how to play their class… it’s the same as inferno right now.
Blizzard should have set the item level requirement to 370 for queuing for TI’s (Twilight Infernos) dungeons. 353 is far too low. But that wont be an issue right away it will be come an issue for players later on in the phase.
They would be kicked!!! Its that simple.
They would also be kicked.
Same solution kicked.
This what V2K is for.
Yes, right now when barely anyone with gear is running them, all the raiders who are clearing heroic content and have been raiding since the phase launch do not need Valor and have not needed Valor or fragments for quite some time now. This will not be the case for the first 3-4 weeks though. This happens every single time.
All of this is easily avoidable, though. Form pre-made groups; do not solo queue for RDF TI’s. Do a 5/5 queue with a minimum item level of 385, and you are good. All these problems are 100% avoided.
I’m not saying it’s good or bad. I’m saying it’s the same as infernos. With a good group it’s quick. With an average group (355-365 ilvl) it’s sluggish.
Probably kicking is the answer to all things in this world, or not. who knows.
I guess I could have gotten lucky 3-4 times with randoms out of the random finder on the PTR. Considering its PTR they probably are at least competent because bone bare casuals usually don’t bother or are even aware of course.
The real road block will be just not killing the mana void in the end good or bad as in wipes. The rest is just is it super fast, normal, or super slow.
The biggest fix they can do is if the boss dies the mana void pops imo. Or at least doesn’t despawn so it can be killed. The rest is just… mostly whatever. It will work out mostly fine.
You can make a 5man pre-made group.
or you can also make a pre-made group…
Im gonna say that red buff is very weak. Anyone know if dks can just trigger green with deathstrike and leeches?
Vote to kick needs to leave the game
This was my main report as well. It was proccing for 650 dmg per target. Thats it. That is the “tank buff” for these dungeons. If it was multiplied by 10, so 6500 per target it’d be something. But still not “fun” or “enjoyable”. It’d just be "ok here is like 8% more dmg, thats it.
This. Please dont make these a slog. Consider what hall of lightning and stone were in wrath.
Redo the movement buff. Its not fun to be forced to stand still.
Tank one needs a giant buff
Totally agree with other commentators about having the mark of khaz on there. Please also add 391 ring/neck/cloak since theres literally just one of them and everyone needs them across all armor classes. Thank you! You can leave off the h rag neck / h rag loot. just the 391 stuff pretty please.
Standing still is never fun and the way tanks pull this buff will be useless.
The tank buff needs a rework, consider the thorns from wrath at the least.
Also consider making making infero dungeons drop 480 valor and more stones. People have been doing these dungeons for all of wrath, they do feel stale at this point.
While I understand the desire to add the 391 ring, neck, and cloak to the list, excluding the Heroic Ragnaros neck from the BiS options is indeed a flawed argument. Agility users specifically need the Heroic Ragnaros neck, and excluding it would unfairly disadvantage them.
Additionally, it’s important to note that players have had significantly more opportunities to obtain gear from other heroic bosses compared to Heroic Ragnaros. The frequency of Heroic Ragnaros kills is much lower, meaning players have had fewer chances to acquire that specific BiS neck.
Furthermore, for those who did not obtain their necks from Firelands, there are new necks available from the Valor vendor, offering viable alternatives.
Therefore, to ensure fairness and inclusivity for all classes, it is essential to consider the Heroic Ragnaros neck alongside the 391 gear for BiS lists. This approach acknowledges the unique needs of Agility users and provides equitable gearing opportunities for all players.
Currently, if someone gets backfilled into the dungeon, they don’t get the ring to spawn the buff guy.