Well, it’s my turn.
I’ve been testing Rdruid and even though the changes have largely favored him.
There are still some issues to address which I’ll mention below.
1 - Ways to deal with burst damage.
Let’s be honest, Grove Guardians was a very useful talent to deal with burst damage in short periods of time.
It helped in S3 and S4 so that the druid had no problems casting other healing/dps spells or doing mechanics.
But with the multiple nerfs it has received and the obvious way to restore Grove Guardians to some extent with the KOTG talent tree.
It has made this talent almost or simply dead for Wildstalker players and the worst thing is that it doesn’t make sense, since Grove Guardians itself was introduced with the purpose of lightening the burden that a Rdruid felt when having few tools to deal with the high damage received.
I would suggest restoring Grove Guardians’ strength or improving healing by 35% only for Wildstalker and if you want also 10/15% for KOTG, so that there is not a big impact but at the same time the talent is a bit more… useful, because really almost all druids prefer to do without said talent rather than use it (unfortunately they are forced to take it because there are no better options).
Another talent that was well received was “Forest’s Flow” this talent is basically our tier set of S3.
Its return is still appreciated, however.
The problem with this talent is that just like Grove Guardians returned… it was nerfed a lot but already exaggerated.
I would propose that they restore at least the effect… instead of a “60% Nourish” to a “100% Nourish”.
At least we wouldn’t break the talent, but it would be more like a lifeline in case someone was about to die without having to wait for long CDs, which we have to admit, we have many long CDs to help us deal with burst damage (which is fine, but with a very long CD which borders on the absurd).
2 - HOTS -
I appreciate that they have changed the mastery to something more versatile for Rdruid.
But there is one main problem:
-The mastery decays very quickly: With the addition of the new mastery and the tier. A new hot is being added + the hots we have, which make the mastery decay very quickly. I would propose that they change the way the mastery works so that it decays from 3 hots onwards. That will help at least, the mastery feels strong but not so broken at least so that it feels more like a gain than a loss. Because whether we like it or not, they have given us many hots that interact with the mastery in good and bad ways.
Now, changing the subject. Instead of talking about mastery, I’d like to talk about… the weak hots: Cultivation and Spring Blossoms.
These talents were meant to provide a mastery gain (the old one). Therefore, they received a lot of nerfs… however, now that the mastery has changed, it seems a bit absurd to me that these talents heal extremely low (becoming almost invisible) and at the same time harm the new mastery.
My proposal would be to bring them back to glory.
By giving them a more substantial increase to their healing, because looking at the spells… they heal less than 19% of spell power… that’s disappointing.
So I would change their values (at least a little) to Cultivation (31% of spell power) and Spring Blossoms (29.2% of spell power).
That way, it would help make it feel rewarding to grab said talents, which regardless of whether you play Wildstalker or KOTG will not have a great relevance and even feel like they are filler talents but forced because there are no better options.
3 - DPS
I’ve been testing and I’ve seen other healer streamers playing.
And I have to admit, Rdruid’s dps leaves a lot to be desired.
First, there’s the high demand with the shape change if you play Wildstalker to manage your “Bloodseeker Vines”.
Which can be exhausting or if you play KOTG you have to cast several spells to be able to have a decent dps.
But if we look at the other healers, we can see how the MW destroys both in melee and ranged dps.
Disc has a good ranged dps.
Holy priest is not far behind either.
Holy paladin has a simple rotation to be able to do it
Evoker has great explosive or over time damage
Shammy’s lightning or lava casts give a great gain along with his acid rain
And Rdruid has to struggle to do a minimally decent dps, since every time I play it or see others play it.
And then I compare it with the dps I do with the other healers and just like when I see others…
I see that Rdruid requires enormous management to be able to get a dps… decent, not even superior to the others.
Which leaves a bad taste in the mouth and also drives away many potential players from wanting to play the healer, taking into account that to do dps you require a lot of effort (but very exaggerated).
My proposal is the following (well, there are two different ones):
1 - Revert the damage nerf they gave us:
To be honest, even though they have given us a new talent that allows us to improve magic and melee dps.
It is very meaningless, taking into account that all the other healers get a direct buff to their dps spells without losing (unless they receive nerfs).
While for us to “gain” dps (in quotes), we had to be nerfed in the catweaving or olweaving area (depending on your play style), which seems too unnecessary to me.
By reversing the nerf, Rdruid could have a more even dps than his other healer companions.
2 - Improve hero talents:
Hero talents… are somewhat meh.
But the problem is that the other healers’… are much more… than ours.
They buff their damage both in single and aoe, but in a more rewarding way.
For us it’s more of a… “Oh, look we have hero talents… that buff our dps slowly or one by one”, that’s very unacceptable.
My proposal is the following:
Change the “Bursting Growth” giving it an improvement that would be:
When you use a finisher on a target with Bursting Growth, you jump to two or three nearby targets. In case there is no nearby target, the amount of Bursting Growth will be superimposed on the main target up to a maximum of 3 charges on the same target.
In this way they would help the rdruid with Wildstalker, get a decent damage in area of effect, without having to waste their hero talent…
Since currently, we have to use Sunfire and Starfire to be able to do dps… which is stupid, knowing that we are using Wildstalker and we can’t take advantage of it because it has a terrible or lousy area of effect.
In the case of KOTG, I would propose to improve the talent “Harmony of the Grove”, adding the following:
When your guardians expire, they cause an explosion on enemy targets within a 15m radius that are in combat and with damage reduced to 5 targets.
In this way, the KOTG also receives an improvement to increase its dps in aoe.
These are my proposals, they are the best I have had so far I think…
But they are mostly to ensure that the game experience with Rdruid is more rewarding for everyone and for new players.
Since it really doesn’t feel the same, due to multiple factors.