Did anybody test Balance in PVP, with the new class talent setup?
I suppose it’s a little more tankier? I’m not in the PTR myself, so I don’t even know if there’s PVP available there to test it.
Did anybody test Balance in PVP, with the new class talent setup?
I suppose it’s a little more tankier? I’m not in the PTR myself, so I don’t even know if there’s PVP available there to test it.
Can incarns improved wraths get an exception from fluid form now that moonkin form is back.
With the skullbash tie in not running fluid form in keys with all these casters isnt an option this season and moonkin form synergizes most with keeper which heavily
incentivizes incarnations treant interactions.
But having every incarn wrath take you out of treeform and land you in boomy is self-defeating for the 50% damage and instant cast improvments incarn gives wrath.
Having to give up one of these 3 talents so the other 2 can function properly seems like an oversite.
Side pvp note - the new ancient of lore pvp talent being added to the form bar when talented while incarn:ToL isnt feels inconsistent, i wouldnt mind both going either way but its weird having my forms shift 1 when entering pvp combat.
Can we not nerf Cyclone? It is one of the reason why I play druid. Cyclone is already clunky for feral cuz u need to cancel form before casting. Or bring back that when you clone you shift to cat PVP talent, just add a CD to make it not spammable.
I like a lot of what was done here, I’m able to path better to abilities I want with enough points to make various as-needed choices & addresses my concerns from back in Alpha/Beta. A couple of Boomy perspective suggestions:
By in large I like the changes already made (structurally speaking), the above would be icing.
Hibernate is like… the niche of the niche, it should be a baseline spell. Same treatment that Control Undead from DKs and Shackle Undead from Priests should have.
HotW definitely needs to be 3 min cd for 30s buff with a choice node to add 10s to call of the elder druid for resto druids.
It doesnt go indefinite they changed it to proc at 8 stacks and you get a full 12 ancient. That being said the reforestation talent in the KotG tree called potent enchantments should have an impact on this too.
That makes more sense but then the tooltip on reforestation should get an update while talented to match. With blossom burst not working and the tooltip still saying 4 i hovered on around 6 stacks before reseting and just figured it was broke too.
Anyone else notice that the Healer Citrine effects proc significantly less frequently for Resto Druids? That needs to be fixed ASAP
This was on purpose. They hotfixed it to be direct heals only
I’m once again asking for a buff to guardian Druid physical damage (through Maul/Raze) and an increase to the proc rate of Ravage (and/or extend dreadful wounds when caused by Bears). Ursoc’s Fury also (still) needs an update, as it remains undertuned from the HP changes during the initial testing cycle. WoG got fixed, don’t forget about UF.
Hey look! Arcane Mages got 2 brand new talents to go with their 50 other brand new talents.
That spec has had more work done to it TODAY than Bears have in 2 expansions.
#Combine Build-A-Beserk, remove 2pters, fix UF to matter, make Druid of the Claw not suck
I just wanna point out that a buff to physical bear is also a representation buff to monks and warriors. Druid’s having a niche for being “ the physical tank“ would be a great way to contrast them against paladins, a.k.a. Wows main character class.
I would totally dig a physical M+ team.
Bear-WW-Fury-Ret-Resto Shaman would pretty awesome.
Should go full physical:
Bear-Hunter-Warrior dps-Fill(Rogue/Feral/WW)-Mistweaver
I guess, but Hunters kinda suck for class stacking since they basically bring nothing valuable.
You also lose Skyfury not bringing a shaman, which melee (especially those you mentioned) would greatly benefit from.
Agreed, and a Resto Shaman is amazing for healing a melee team.
This is clearly not being considred by blizz atm but might as well articulate:
Better state than some other classes since bleed-focused and bite-focused builds are both viable and encouraged by the 2 hero specs. However…