Very very happy to see Moonkin form make a return!
Flap is a lifesaver and just shifting into that form to dance while waiting around was sorely missed.
How is it possible to lose balance druid spec identity over this? All Druids have had access to all forms far longer than everyone else was locked out of Moonkin.
I am literally so happy Moonkin Form is back for Resto, seriously glad it came back eventually.
Gotta disagree with you, you are basically stepping on the territory of forms should be spec specific which isn’t what Druid is about. Druids should have access to all forms but the spec you specialise in further improves it.
Moonkin form just like Bear and Cat forms should be available to all Druids regardless of spec. Why should Balance Druids be an exception to this yet still have Bear and Cat Form if needed for Defense or mobility/utility?.
With Moonkin Form back to Resto we actually get to use Convoke now as a proper dps cd if needed like how it was.
What talent changes exactly? The only thing that changed is Raze, and it’s not really going to do much more damage than it does now (except on ST)
The change to reinv, removal of LM (damage nerf btw) aren’t going to really change anything
I agree with this. Moonkin form being class-wide isn’t going to step on Balance’s spec identity at all. Resto being the other magical class is going to use it the most and even then only when they’re building for magic damage rather than cat-weaving. Feral and Guardian aren’t going to use it at all. (Only time I ever use Moonkin Form is when I either want to use Flap or their Wild Charge that sends them backwards while doing open world stuff.)
Balance will still be the only Druid spec that uses Moonkin form most of the time, with Resto only using it occasionally and Feral/Guardian virtually never using it. We already had Moonkin Form as a class talent for all of Dragonflight and nothing bad happened.
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I’m a little confused.
Currently on PTR you need to spec into Moonkin form to get Sunfire (blah blah they want you committing to magic specs vs physical spells) but we STILL have a Sunfire talent in Wildstalker?
Why do they want catweavers to take Moonkin form?
Are you talking about Hunt Beneath the Open Skies? That talent does a lot more than just buff Sunfire. It hardly makes Sunfire an mandatory pick in a Wildstalker build.
I’m curious what he means as well. The only thing I can think of is the increased stats going into S2, allowing haste to partially make up for the crummy proc rate of Ravage outside of Incarn.
I happen to agree that DotC feels really good to play, and if they made small changes it could easily become the best option.
My biggest issue still is that because of our talent tree, we lack the options other tanks have. We are very limited in what we can do in combat, and the few things we had (like After the Wildfire) that really made people go “oh wow bear feels different in keys because of that”, are no longer pickable due to required selections.