Feedback: Delves

I’d have to log in for the exact number, but it was between 560-580.

Not invalidating; simply stating that the comparison to the incoming damage and a 615 ilvl is inaccurate. Also, I did tiers 4-7 as priest, warlock, and evoker. I did tier 8 as DK and 9/10 as DH. So no, I did not “blast through it” on a DH.

While yes, it will be difficult at lower gear levels (which is why they’re scaling you down, so they can tune appropriately), based off the gear drops I don’t think it’s meant to be a “run this over and over and over again” gear mill like dungeons are. If it is, then it’s already off to a poor start. You get 6x the crest doing a single M+, plus better gear, in about the same time. Granted there are dungeon runs you won’t get any gear and as far as I can tell you always get at least one piece from Delves, but the gear isn’t great and at least for me I’ve gotten the same piece multiple times.

Delves are basically the temu dot com version of Torghast, which is sad. They had potential. But, just like with torghast (and ANY “single player” content that isn’t tailored specific to each class), there will be classes that are better suited for it and classes that aren’t.

So the “is what it is” mindset is already set in for Delves? Feedback forums are here to give, ya know, feedback. It’s hard to tell if Delves are supposed to be hard as souls likes or as easy as pokemon when the scaling doesn’t make it plain what item level makes it go from hard to easy. By and large, Feedback forums are to communicate to the devs what our experiences are, not to debate with players trying to show “l33t” you are:


Lol. Whatever dude. Clearly you are just wanting to argue to argue.

All I did was point out that you were comparing the scaling in your feedback to the power level of being 615, which is entirely inaccurate since you weren’t 615 power level during the run. I even agreed with you that they hit hard. But in your own insecurity, you then wanted to come at me stating I blasted through and was trying to invalidate your experience.

If you want to read through this whole thread, you’ll see I’ve left a crap ton of feedback on Delves as is. I hope there are future iterations to them, but it is not possible to tune them to be a one size fits all when you have 13 different classes and 39 different specs. It just doesn’t work, as seen with Torghast, which inevitably just got nerfed to the ground and then wasn’t a challenge for anyone.

No one’s trying to show boat here, you’re just trying to pick a fight. Carry on and keep giving your feedback. Hopefully at some point you have better accuracy in your statements, but if not, I’m sure the devs are at least intelligent enough to scroll past.

Good luck on your testing.

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This is lazy thinking. Devs can tell if you’re running any spec that is underperforming and give buffs in specific content when needed, as seen in pvp/pve tuning. In a delve as an underperforming spec? Here’s a buff to your stam if you’re squishy and a buff to your main stat if you’re not hitting hard enough.

To quote from someone who articulated better than me:

denalism of real problems can do more damage in the long run than trolls and bad publicity

Then there’s you all aggro:

all of your posts showboating. Yeah, I agree. You pointed out the scaling, but ignored all of my other feedback, because you were just iiiiiitching for a ‘gottem.’ Cool, bro.

Stop white knighting/trolling on a feedback forum, no one is arguing except you. Reporting you as spam, putting on ignore, and moving on.


We don’t want to go down this road

Coud you list what difficulty you ran and with what gear?
I’ve found Fungal Folly to be somewhat challenging on difficulty 4 with my 610 warrior (full tier set gear, green trinkets, rest is elite PvP gear), though still lightyears better than Earthcrawl Mines.

On that note, I found the last boss of Fungal Folly much easier to fight than the trash due to most of its damage being avoidable.

All tiers. Gear should be scaling so it shouldn’t matter but I had PvP ready for PvP testing (Which I went and slept past). So I have some vers. Could post a vid if anyone wants to see a warr clear I guess.

You can do a Mythic +6 in under 10 minutes? Including group finding which is hard for dps I doubt I could reliably. I’ll be doing delves.


I don’t know how it’s avoidable. We have to balance specs for multiple difficulties of raid, dungeons, delves, arena, battlegrounds, and whatever else we can designate as endgame. Having aura tuning knobs is a no brainer for the devs. It has helped to keep balancing mostly compartmentalized. :slight_smile:

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Tried Fungal Folly again this time at tier 5 difficulty.

Run was easier than the tier 4 one.

Final boss continues to be the easiest fight by far.

Found out sporbit explosions knock enemies around, and the infected lizard explosions can practically insta-kill nearby mobs.

No grossly overtuned treasure spirit this time.

I am continued to be puzzled by the flatter glowing purple mushrooms. The bigger ones are used to traverse the delve and reach high places, but the smaller ones just make you skip a tiny bit. What’s their purpose? or are they just some flavor?

I was comparing more towards the upper end of the Delves that drop the higher crests compared to M+. The 9 and 10 delves I’ve tested so far took 30-45 minutes as a DH. partially cause I’d never been in them so I didn’t know where I was going, but also cause the crap hit so hard that I had to be selective in my pulling habits lol. But that was also to make sure I didn’t lose out on rewards by exhausting my deaths. That said, from a dps perspective if you’re able to blow through them at the higher levels maybe it would be compared to the time it takes to find a group as a DPS. I almost exclusively heal. The only time I really DPS keys is if I am going with a friend who is tanking/healing. So in my experience, which of course the experience varies for everyone, groups don’t typically take long to put together and get started.

That said, because I am not a frequent flier of DPS, it could very well be that my experience in Delves taking a hot minute is equally limited to me, and that for those who are quite used to DPS specs might have a significantly easier time blasting. Just based off my runs of Delves for me it would not be a viable farming method compared to just doing M+.

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If I think it is too easy and you think its too hard both can be right depending on playstyle, class etc. For me personally it’s nowhere near a time waste reward-wise.

Here is a raw clear of T11 Fungal as Arms in about 10 mins if anyone wants.

Did they do something to the death timer? EDIT: Seems to be back now.

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Completed Kriegval’s Rest on level 5 as a Blood DK. The rare Voidwraith seems to hit excessively hard. It can be interrupted, but couldn’t be gripped or stunned. One of its spells did over 1.5 million damage to me, and it casts often.

Echoing what others have said about Brann’s traps. Their placement is often more of a hindrance than anything, because dragging mobs into them can be a challenge.

As a suggestion, I think the Enchanted Candle buff should be more visible- displayed as a meter, for example. Its position alongside all the other buffs means it gets lost and becomes more difficult to track.


My biggest problem is the damage intake. They do a large percent of my max HP with every attack, and when fighting 3 mobs at a time if I don’t kill them in 3 seconds they can easily kill me.

This was more prevalent in tier 4 difficulty than in 5 due to scaling.


I agree with the sentiments of some of the others so far that some damage in the delves is just too high overall. I’m not a great player by any means but the ambush section in the mines delve was really tough on tier 5 as a Rogue. It’s hard to deal with the spellcasters in combination with the elite shooting webs on the ground and several melee mobs just taking chunks of your HP away. A lot of the delves I’ve done seem to put melee at a disadvantage but the only ranged I tried was hunter which generally was much easier except for bosses but I assume thats just because hunters are just good for this sort of solo stuff. Also I agree with that the Void elite that spawns from the cursed chests was weirdly hard and usually took a life of mine on tier 5 and 6 when I fought it. But yeah I can definitely see a lot of these delves being way easier for some classes than others especially because Brann’s healing can be hit or miss when you’re forced to tank hits from 2-3 big mobs.


I ran Skittering Breach 10 as a holy priest.

The damage can be crazy, but I can mostly heal through it. Having no interrupt can be a big problem considering my fear doesn’t’ work on the elites. The elite shadow elementals can destroy your hp fast I got crit and just died, I was full then dead in less than one second.

The shadow totems layout can be a problem. With the raised floors I was running over the spots I need to with lights rush but I was on a different z axis, so it didn’t’ count.

Lights rush the jump ability you get can take you off the map not a huge fan of this. I would be happier if instead of running over the shadow puddles you a torch or something to dispel them.

The boss I was just not able to do much to him he hit for a ton and my damage output is nothing comparable to a dps with talents and a hero tree that help kill things.

Bram is useless but that not new. He bugged out on me and didn’t come to the boss one time. Also, if I use Fade I don’t drop agro to him. If I mind control an enemy, they will get agro but it like Bram isn’t real in the dungeon other than to sometimes get randomly targeted. Be nice if you gave him the tank roll.


At level 80 on the Alleria server (not “Up to 11” server), I have an average ilvl of 553 with most of my gear being ilvl 554. However, Tier 1 Delves are still threatening for me and have been throughout my entire journey 70-80.

As a Frostfire Fire Mage, I can do enough damage to kill enemies quickly, however, the amount of damage that enemies deal is absurdly high against me. Especially when they deal Physical damage (I only have an 8% reduction to Physical damage taken due to my Cloth Armor). I am also playing with the Imbued Warding talent that gives me an extra shield at 25% effectiveness. With 3326k health, both my shields added together grant me a total of 922k. Perhaps I am simply going about Delves the wrong way by pulling all the mobs in a given pack at once, or when I pull 2 packs at once, but on Tier 1 with the gear that I have this feels outrageous.

I’ve spoken to other Mage players and the consensus seems to be “Kill it before it kills you”, which is ordinarily not a problem given our damage output. But it still feels unintentional to be taking so much damage on the lowest tier possible. Warlock players who are also Cloth-wearers have stated they can easily do Tier 3 with a lower ilvl due to their pets.


I just ran Tak-Rethan Abyss, and while the first pack of mobs didn’t even break my shields, the second pack dropped me to 40% health and shattered both freshly casted shields in seconds. A melee from the Kobyss Necromancer does 172k (not a crit) whereas a melee from a Kobyss Trickster ranges from 72k to 125k (not a crit). This is Physical damage which I can do nothing about as a Mage. Additionally, one tick of Defiling Breath (which I’m assumedly meant to be dodging but didn’t for testing purposes) does 686k consistently. This means with two ticks of Defiling Breath casted by 1 mob deals a total of 1372k. That’s a third of my health bar. Their default attack, the Necrotic Bolt, does 283k per hit and I only have 1 interrupt every 20 seconds.

In contrast, Fire Blast does 153k (guaranteed crit) and Pyroblast does 219k (guaranteed crit). The Kobyss Trickers and Kobyss Necromancers both have 2193k Health.

This is at Tier 1.

It would be a little easier to test delves if the “Area ahead is dangerous! Turn back!” didn’t teleport me back to orgrimmar when I am directly outside the delve. Right now you have to quickly dash towards the delve entrance on the “These Go Up to Eleven” realm in order for you to not get sent back to the main city; even then you get sent back most of the time.

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Generally agree with the above conversations, particularly with some mobs being more dangerous than others.

One thing I wanted to add was Brann was giving me a Lua error every time he summons his Gryphadin. Was grateful he timed it with the boss, until I couldn’t see the AOE effects the boss was throwing at me as it popped up:

Message: …rface/AddOns/Blizzard_UnitFrame/PartyMemberFrame.lua:225: attempt to index field ‘HealthBar’ (a nil value)
Time: Sat Jun 15 22:52:56 2024
Count: 6
Stack: …rface/AddOns/Blizzard_UnitFrame/PartyMemberFrame.lua:225: attempt to index field ‘HealthBar’ (a nil value)
[string “@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_UnitFrame/PartyMemberFrame.lua”]:225: in function `ToVehicleArt’
[string “@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_UnitFrame/PartyMemberFrame.lua”]:663: in function `OnEvent’
[string “@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_UnitFrame/UnitFrame.lua”]:1028: in function <Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_UnitFrame/UnitFrame.lua:1026>

Looking forward to the other characters you might be able to add to the delves.

:slight_smile: First of all - thanks for the Beta access - it’s always a pleasure get in on the soft launch of the next expansion.

When it comes to the Delves experience - I feel like it’s boring to be totally honest! I think this is suffering from the same vibe as Torgast, Scenarios, etc… What I think players want is LESS Robotic and Repeatable content and MORE MAGIC and a different kind of Dungeon or World Events!!!

I think what would truly be successful is two things:

  • A different form of Dungeon that is more involved in community or something more magical and interesting in addition to Mythic+ and I LOVE Mythic+ It’s a HUGE success in the game…But now it looks like there is going to be a Daily Lockout. That isn’t going to be a good solution when people just want to do more Mythic+ in a challenging manner…

  • What if you took ALL OF THE GREATEST things you have tried and play that back on Older Dungeons? For example - you take the upgrade System from Torghast which is used in Delves and you take the notion of Affixes and apply them to the Old-World Dungeons from EVERY expansion until now.

So for example you could do Wailing Caverns - and after every Boss there is an upgrade and as you Progress through the Dungeon the Bosses get Harder and Harder.

Which means the upgrade you get after each boss - makes you more Powerful? Even in Mythic+ you could Extend Mythic+ with the same rules and affixes! You could do something like Black Fathom Deep and it has the upgrades after every boss and you could have the Affixes in the Dungeon. The idea is to take it more rewarding so the dungeon bosses don’t just fall over but you can see the more explosive things - like “add Fire Damage to your general auto-attacks”.

I just want MORE Magic and Less Robotic AI easily achieved Content. I want MORE CHALLENGE… :slight_smile:

Challenge me Blizzard - Challenge me Real Hard - I promise I can take it!!! ahah :slight_smile:

I did an 8 of Kriegval’s Rest on my shadow priest void weaver. I did not enjoy this delve. The candle mechanic is annoying with the elite mobs making you move around so much to get out of attacks.

Can you please make the candle mechanic an auto-grab when you walk through it?

I felt ok in this one as far as damage being taken from mobs. Yes, I had to be careful in my pulls but I do not mind that.

I know each delve is different. But I do feel like the damage you take is very off comparatively. I dunno if that’s what you are going for or not.