Feedback: Delves

I think (and a little bit, hope) that the ilvl scaling is just for testing purposes. To allow Blizz to guestimate tuning as the season goes on and people get geared.

It is! I was wrong about that part.

I would like to have a pet bar for Brann to tell him to stay and wait or follow and assist. In the delve with the spider webs he walks all over the webs and triggers the spiders without any need.

I play Drakthyr Evoker on Beta, and can avoid all the webs and other traps, if that stupid dwarf stops following me all over the place like a little dog.

Can someone who has done up to Tier 8 post a screenshot or list the item level recommended in game for each Tier of Delve? I’m slowly working up, but don’t want to assume anything. I’m trying to make a spreadsheet (am nerd).

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Funny is its the opposite for me
Fun candle mechanic that will hopefully make you think about resources and be immersive in the dark but boss is overtuned slamming me around

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I just want to say, is it normal that the 574 ilvl delve gives 574 ilvl gear? I think it should be higher, otherwise we can’t progress to the next tier without gearing from elsewhere, which I think makes delves mostly pointless for gearing.


This is just the auto-tuned ilvl and recommended, you can attempt it regardless I believe. It drops Veteran gear (LFR/m0). Veteran gear only upgrades to around 607. But you can get high crests and upgrade powerful items from other places like vault etc to the max with them.

Encountered a bug running Kriegval’s Rest (again). I was roughly halfway through the delve, and had killed the rare mushroom creature that gives the double jump. Thanks to cat aggro, I needed to stop playing and logged out for about 10-ish minutes, figuring I’d get teleported back to the start of the delve.

Instead, I remained exactly where I logged out, but my death counter had been reset, and all of the various powers I’d picked up, including the double jump, were gone.


Tier 4 final boss is overtuned. Just straight up.

The mechanics are not hard, and the delve is very easy. However, when you reach the final boss, it just straight up hits to hard.

Curse of agony, with 1 stack should not be hitting for 40% of the players health pool, per tick. On top of this, Warlocks do not (from what I can tell) have an direct interrupt for these abilities so they have to use a fel hunter as that is their only form of direct spell interrupt which leaves warlocks without the void walker. Also, the void walkers taunt is not powerful enough, and the void walker cannot hold aggro.

In any case, even if Warlock has a spell interrupt that I missed in the talent tree, curse of agony just literally hits to hard. Not only that, the melee attack the boss has, at tier 4, again hits to hard. The boss is nearly one shotting a 4 million player health pool.

The mechanics of delve and the boss are incredibly brain dead easy. But once you reach the final boss, it’s completely unrewarding because if the boss hits you in anyway it almost one shots you. Mind you this was on the LVL 80 realm, with gear that was scaled up to the Delve.

Please tune the bosses down, to be more representative of the difficulty level, since tier 3 is exceptionally easy and a cake walk, but then the boss one shots the player at tier 4, it makes no sense.

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Bran Summons a Dinosaur for one of my characters (Warlock), please change the model to something small. It just stands there doing nothing and eats in the screen real estate. edit: And makes way to much noise with its stomps.

If you are going to have hard hitting casting mobs or bosses that the strategy is to interrupt them, then please add an interrupt baseline to warlocks as the felhunter can’t tank and we shouldnt have to swap to demo either.

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While i like the idea of delve-specific tuning for underpeforming (emphasis on UNDER) specs in theory, i am a little hesitant towards additional content-specifc tuning knobs they have to keep seperate when they are currently having issues with the ones that are already in place. Havoc dh for example had a flat 4% damage pvp nerf accidentally applied in all content on live servers a couple weeks ago, and it hasn’t even been acknowledged yet let alone fixed. Now imagine they buff/nerf some spec in delves by an even larger amount and it leaks into keys, raid, or pvp. They would probably catch it faster in a real season, sure, but the damage would be done quick.

Yeah I tried a tier 9 Skittering Breach- shadow priest(voidweaver). I was about half way done and then got booted out of the game. When I logged back in I was in org. I did not go back as I was already frustrated with that delve. The damage I was taking was crazy high. I dunno how I even made it to where I did before I got dc’d.

Are all the delves supposed to feel equal as far as the difficulty on the same tier?

Also the dinosaur Bran has at times stands right on top of you making it hard to see and move around in tight spaces.

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The extremely high difficulty seen in the higher tier delves has me concerned. If the gear we get from doing delves isn’t really sufficient to do the 9-13 tiers, then the cosmetic rewards from the delve pillar of content seems like it’s more for those that push high M+ keys and do high-end raids. That doesn’t really seem fair. And no, I don’t mean making them all a faceroll, but it should be perfectly reasonable that anyone on basically any class/spec they want to play can complete the highest delve tiers with the gear they get from doing delves. Otherwise, this whole system is just more rewards for raiders/M+ players and does not stand alone.


Have done all the way to 11, and tried every delve area along the way. I think players would be ok doing every area once but on repeat areas or attempts, the delves are not that engaging that they make you want to repeat the same one again directly after, which is a negative imo and if you are doing many in one sitting.

The scaling was a bit annoying and unnatural, it didnt make the content hard but just limited the amount you could pull, essentially going like 2-3 mobs. I think most people would perefer miniboss or rare mobs if you are having low pulls, and more mobs that do a bit less damage to keep the feel that you are aoeing something but still have it be more of a threat.

Was not a fan of the affix mob mechanic, they felt threating when you were around but depending on the delve and layout, you could just skip the mobs completely and others you had to engage them to complete the mission.

The slowdown from pulling mobs a couple at the time really shown how little things you can do in a delve besides the mission objective. There will be a couple gold treasues, one power treasure somewhere, and then an npc for another power pretty much every map. I think more powers/consumables/alternative mission objectives/passages need to be added to all these maps to make them more of a dynamic and engaging experience.

Another thing that would be cool is cooldown refund/reset, especially on final boss I consistently would afk for my 2 minutes to come up. Not fun gameplay.

Overall i feel like delves are feel like something between shadowlands release torghast and secenarios. Things you just do and dont think about, and not things you look forward to. I was hoping and wish for a more horrific visions thrill.
I also think a better direction would be most of what you do prior to the final boss isnt super intense if you go at a steady pace and more powering up for the final boss of a delve, which seems to be the more interesting encounter of delves. More like a hades or rogue-like experience where you choose certain powers or items for the specific boss your gonna go against. (I.e root immune vs spider boss, movement for heavy frontal/area bosses,etc.) to create feeling u made choices that helped you overcome the delve outside of just wacking them to death with ur gear or hitting a wall.

To me feels like a system that is gonna need an iteration cycle over TWW but if people enjoy the current version and disagree fair, just hasnt been that fun from my experience


A few thoughts from a Boomy soloing perspective:

  • Are normal Elites meant to be immune to Treant’s taunt? That’s not typical, but I’m not sure if that’s the specific intent for Delves. It’ll make a difference if I want the Treant’s taunt or increased melee dmg. I already switch from one to the other at end boss since they are immune.
  • I get the idea with Brann’s tossed healing pots, but when the affixes & mob types dictate a lot of dodging (lost cast time) or space confining traps (webs, etc) the pots lose value based on where they land especially for such a small hp gain.
  • I enjoy Brann’s chit chat, but he needs to leave me some elbow room, he stands too close when not fighting and often stands on objectives.
  • Some areas of the underwater Delves can be problematic for target reticles, which need a surface to cast on, any chance you’ll ever allow @target? Does it even matter anymore?

I just had the same experience. The Dread Pit tier 11, kobold rescue version where you get thrown across the pit.

I am a preservation evoker with 5.2M hp.

  • Velo has a grasp ability that hits for 5.8M. It is interruptible, but only once because of Quell’s long cd.
  • Velo melees for 1.2 ~ 2.3M
  • Tala’s web missile that she spams hits for 2.6M
  • There are some misc abilities they use that also hit for 1.0 ~ 1.6M
  • There is a void shield that alternates between them making one of them immune to damage half the time
  • They are unskippable without stealth and very difficult to pull one by one (not that it helps overly much, because of that shield)

Even with a 16 lvl Brann in healer role, this fight is just not doable for my class/spec. They have unavoidable one-shot abilities and can’t be killed fast enough before they burn through all defensive cds.

ETA: Tried skipping them by circling around the other direction, where I ran into a crypt lord elite. Very RNG fight, died from 78% hp after getting crit by a melee attack.

ETA: Tried again with a Brewmaster Shado-Pan. Tala and Velo spawned right at the entrance. Managed to pull Velo in isolation and kill him. Tala does too much magic damage however and I can’t kill her before she kills me.


Finally tried some 4s, and wow… so, everything seemed to hit exceptionally hard (1/4-1/2 hp at a time) and Brann was completely worthless. This was a humbling and demoralizing experience, and not at all what I wanted or expected. To be blunt: these are just too hard for me, and I think the ever-increasing difficulty of the game is coming to a head here, sending me the message that perhaps it’s time to just hang it up and stop playing WoW. I like playing my games on “normal” mode, and this is just so far beyond that I don’t enjoy it. If this is the intended difficulty and it goes live even close to this, yeah… I’m out. Sorry for being negative, I just do not enjoy difficulty to this extreme at all.


Lol, I tried the same thing with Boomy. Thought for sure that I could cheese some of the aggro BS in Delves, but no, elites are basically immune to everything. It’s their way of trying to balance across all the specs in the game, as some specs have more CC. Personally, I’d love to see Delves treated more like Diablo, where there’s looooots of mobs and CC works on everything, with a stun gage for the End of Delve Boss.

See, I just wanna wait til the next build, and read all the Delve fixes :crossed_fingers: if they come that quickly. I’ve tested on WW, Shadow, Boomy, and Feral. It was rough on all of them, except for WW, and I think that’s because I’ve mained WW a few expansions.

You forgot to list which Delve you did. They can’t tune unless they know what’s hitting hard.

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Delves should also provide better loot and and a comparable difficulty curve equal to m+ and raids.
On Blizzcon Delves were presented as an alternative track in the weekly vault to get equipment, but focused on single player experience.
When Delves don’t provide loot better than items dropped in heroic dungeons, then they will be just another Thorgast, and become worthless in endgame content.