Feedback: Delves

Yeah, Bran is largely useless as-is right now. The healing vials do about as much as my ret pali’s flash of light, and the dude would throw them where I was, no where I am, so I’d had to backtrack to get them. The hot you can add to them doesn’t stack, so if he throws multiple you’re just overlapping the hot and not getting the full benefit.

On my priest I changed him to dps and if he did much, I didn’t really notice. The camp for the food buff was nice I guess.

There were a few times on priest I hit fade and mobs still attacked me, not even having him on the threat radar, which is just annoying. My mind bender at least can take some hits and threat for a few seconds.

Not sure if everything is working, or if there’s a “magic” setup that is bis for him, but if so I haven’t found it yet.


I tested 2 delves last night level ranges from 4 to 7 on 3 different classes.

Arcane & Frost mage – The spiral weave

You really need to show us more clearly which webs are bad and which are just cosmetic. It’s very hard to tell without doing a top down view.

Mage felt super squishy. I was using all of my defensives pretty much most pulls and still felt like I was going down like paper. I did end up finishing it on both specs. Frost felt much better to me. I did die 2 times. Once on the end boss and once on that big bug elite in the room before the boss.

This boss felt really strong to me. I was able to get away from everything. But I feel like a less mobile class is going to struggle badly. I did levels 4 to 6. The 6 on my mage felt almost unbeatable. But I think my dps was just low, that’s what it felt like to me. I was way more frustrated on mage so I stopped with her after that.

Shadow priest Void weaver – The spiral weave

Felt great on her. I did not feel like paper. I was pulling multiple packs together and brought them down pretty quick. I did levels 5 to 7 with her. I only died once on the 7. I was to slow on getting out of a spike from the end boss.

Destro & Affliction warlock – The spiral weave

Again just wow, this class felt amazing. I did not die at all, not even close. Did levels 5 to 7 as well. Dps was crazy good and I was able to just down everything with ease. I did both hero specs on destro and just hellcaller with affliction.

So ya the class disparity I think is going to really show up with this content.

Fungal Folley was my last one.

This one felt pretty easy for all 3 classes. I only did the mage on levels 4-5. I was just tired of playing it honestly. Was not having a great time. Felt slower and less dps.

I did levels 5 to 7 on both the lock and shadow priest. I was pulling multiple packs with ease on these classes and they stomped the boss. My tank pet on my lock even died which I did not even notice or need it.

Let’s talk Bran.

He is useless. I tried him as dps and heals. I feel like his dps is not good at all. His heals are also useless. He tosses out random pots on the ground for you to go run over. I would much rather have him actually toss them on top of me. That would help for starters. He also gets right on top of you at times, which is very annoying. His shield thing is cool but again he does not do it anywhere close to where you are. So it’s just not that great.

I do like the delve system so far. It feels fun to me and I can see myself and my friends running these a lot. I just feel like some classes are going to really struggle in the higher we go.

yes, brann needs an upgrade, as it is now, he is useless for the most part. i can imagine how rough it would be for some classes, but at least i have my pets. he needs to level way faster too. and the vials need to be thrown at me, not the ground, or at least make it an ae splash and up the amount healed.


I’ve noticed in the underwater delves that Brann likes to “swim” out past the edges of the platforms and just stand there doing nothing.

I’m personally not a fan of the underwater delves.

Dread Pit I think was the name (with the spiders and having to break out the NPCs that are webbed) on +8 is infuriating.

The item that you use to distract the dwarves is iffy at best. If it hits a wall, it doesn’t work. If you’re remotely too close to the mobs, it doesn’t work. It has way too long of a CD. I spent TOO MUCH time standing there waiting for it to come up again just so I could move forward. Frankly it should just kill the dwarves instead of distracting them.

That one is annoying to run.

Hi everyone!

Thank you so much for the great feedback so far. We are looking at improving Brann’s survivability and usefulness throughout the delves. It is also a bug that enemies respawn. Aside from some exceptions, once something is dead in a delve it should stay dead. We’ll also be reviewing tuning for different classes, along with improvements to the pain points that have been mentioned here within certain scenarios.

Thanks again, and please keep the feedback coming!


Please just get rid of the Sinkhole. Or, at the very least, get rid of the water or the inability to swim debuff. Jfc. This is the most obnoxious thing in the game, especially as a DH. I just used vengeful retreat, couldn’t guide where my character was going, and just drifted off for 45 seconds until eventually I landed somewhere that killed me.

I used fell rush and apparently didn’t travel along a flat surface, which then put me into the slow fall animation without being able to control the character and I ended up stuck inside a whole bunch of flora along a wall, with my camera zoomed into my characters rearend so much that I couldn’t get out, couldn’t orient myself, and just slowly got beat to death by all the mobs that I somehow managed to pull along my uncontrollable drift.

I appreciate the attempt at innovation; this one, though, is a swing and a huge frikin’ miss.

At the time of writing this, I have died 3 out of my 5 lives and 100% of the deaths are due to the water/inability to “swim” in said water.


Delve The Underkeep level 10.

Hits like a mofo, but is doable (at least as a havoc DH).

One of the Crazed Abominations fell through the floor. He is currently located through teh floor, but I can target and see him (he’s just casting Armor Shell over and over again at half health). I cannot, however, reach him to attack, thus preventing me from finishing the Delve.

Completed most of these in Tier 5/6 on Warrior Fury Thane spec

General Feeback :

Delves Feel Fine, similar to scenarios of scaling difficulty and variability with anima powers. A bit disappointing as at the BlizzCon panel, it was explained that it would not just be a series of bosses; exploration and puzzles may play a greater role in completing some delves. Instead, I’m rushing to complete whatever objectives so I can spawn the big boss at the end.

I love Trap and Puzzle Treasures; they bring a lot of variety and dungeon flavor. I would love to see these expanded instead of seeing the mushroom or Reno Jackson fights.

Although its nice to be able to switch specs and talents in a Delve I don’t think we should be able to or there will be some sweaty folks respecing for each individual pull

Brann is not fun to play around; he uses the Relic of Uldum in varied spots away from the fight, which is just awkward, and he rarely uses the Aegis of Ironforge.

It easy to cheese or get stuck in respawn points, if you respawn too quickly you can keep enemies in combat and their health doesn’t recover. at the same time some enemies are too close to respawn points where you will instantly be in combat again.


Wrapped Spools: This treasure’s puzzle sometimes opens up obscured based on where your character was standing when you interacted with it. Moving to “center” the puzzle can fix this but may be frustrating when you can’t interact with some nodes if you didn’t know this.

Pilfered Treasure Chests: Can be looted multiple times.

You cannot open the dungeon guide while in a delve; it’s just broken. I was curious if boss abilities may be in here.

If you don’t speak to the Dark Iron Speaker in Dread Pit Lost Gems you can clear to the end of the instance, only kill one gem hoarder and spawn the boss.

Specfic Feedback/Tuning

Echo of Renilash : Hits like a truck and is just annoying as it’s a timeout for melee.

The Shadow Cult Inquisitor - This mob gives immunity to its pack and is annoying. If you CC or stun this mob maybe the immunity shield could drop?

Nerubian Webs: Just annoying; the little mobs that spawn from the webs are not challenging, I purposely want to spawn them to trigger my Victory Rush. Need to be more lethal like how the arrows on the Renalish delves are

Devouring Shade Mob in Skittering Breach Renalish Beckons seems overtuned hits like a truck

Gem Hoarder: Has too much HP feels like a sponge

Specific Delve Feedback

  • Krievgals Rest Lost Keepsakes
    Candle Mechanic is okay, but as others mention, it should be auto-pickup for the candles. As melee DPS, the Tomb-Raider DryWhiskers attack pattern of using groundslam and instantly into flamestorm is insane. Something needs an interrupt or allowable stun at the very least. Switched to tank (Prot Warrior) on my last life, and the fight became trivial. The difficulty difference should not be this great between specs. During Ground slam, we should at least be able to pop a defensive cooldown (though funnily enough we still get block on this damage).

  • The Underkeep Weavers Rescue
    Liked the explosives around that could damage mobs; the respawn point is oddly placed out of the way. The boss should not be slowed by the frost traps as it’s annoying when I reposition from the void puddle and have to wait for them to slow walk towards me. Even worse would be if they were to cast encasing webs.

  • The Spiral Weave Strang Disburbances
    Novel Intro Sequence; feel like there could have been more played with the special feature of this dungeon. If you die before hitting the first respawn, it returns you to the “end” of the instance, allowing you to possibly get treasure/anima powers out of intended order. Not sure if this should remain or not.

  • The Spiral Weave From the Weaver with Love
    Loved the webhook utilization here; remember gamers never look up. Overseer Kaskel is a very mobile and enjoyable fight.

  • The Sinkhole Ilusory Rescue
    the packs feel a bit too clustered with mirror images running in out of nowhere, no really cool mechanics or fights, more annoying than memorable for being a water level

  • Dread Pit Lost Gems
    Liked the Easter egg hunt mechanic of this; put the gems in harder-to-reach places and maybe give a bonus for going above the minimum. Completely missed the Modify the device queue to talk to the Dark Iron Dwarf after getting the gems. I went to the end of the instance before reasling this. Afterwards I didn’t have to kill all 3 gem hoarders; I went back, killed one, and used the device, which triggered the next boss to spawn. However, this reset my respawn point back to the start of the instance and mobs respawned. I broke something good.
    Boss fight was fine, a bit of a letdown that there is some ability carryover from the Spiral Weave (From Weaver with Love Boss), but the fight is serviceable.

  • Skittering Breach Renalish Beckons
    The shadow spin mechanic on the boss is boring, as cool as it seems that the boss turns into a Beyblade, it’s essentially a Melee timeout mechanic which just sucks. The variation where he stands in place and sends shadow waves out is, however, pretty fun.

  • Myomancer Cavern the great scavenger hunt
    This was great; I had fully played the dungeon and could navigate however I wanted using the lake section and bounce up to get the ingredients instead of just following a straight linear path. I was extremely disappointed to see it was the exact same boss fight as Missing Pigs ; you could have had us do a soup minigame or something else instead.

  • Nightfall Sanctum:
    I did this on level up and didn’t feel like doing it at max level again for testing; it’s bland and unmemorable. Skittering Breach Renalish Beckons is a better version of this. You could have had us go from airship to airship or clear decks, but it’s a very unmemorable fight up a few staircases.


Kriegval’s Rest…

lol wut.

I have 3.7 million health at the scaled down level 5 Delve, and he does that much and more in the ground slam into firestorm combo.

His melee was doing almost 15% of my health per hit, and a crit melee is around a third of my life.

Combat Log reads:

Ground Slam - 350,155
Ground Slam - 496,409
Ground Slam - 787,950
Melee (Critical) - 1,310,162
Firestorm - 2,225,846

That’s 5,170,522 damage in the span of just a few seconds, none of it avoidable on my priest. Like feathers do nothing compared to his speed, and he can’t be stunned or feared, and I can’t just cast in his face either.

Like I almost feel like I’m missing something. Like there has to be something I’m missing, right? Like some mechanic to stop his slam, or to be able to get away from the firestorm?

Because as-is, that’s two million more health than I have, and I couldn’t do anything about it. Even all my defensives just go poof.

EDIT: Also, the candle mechanic, where it loses strength if you move…like, Bran as a healer requires you to move constantly to pick up his potions. It’s counter intuitive at best.

EDIT 2: This last attempt he grabbed me as if he was going to do a ground slam and did a firestorm while he had me in his grip.

Then he slammed me.

He slammed me to death from full health, through pain suppression.



Sinkhole is hella fun in my opinion although buggy. Some movement skills are unusable while others are normal. Compared to the others I think it is possibly overtuned.
As a Warrior you can skip a lot because Heroic Leap functions normally. I went straight to the boss and floated past all platforms.

I think it will be like a mental puzzle. I walk in and see a random layout. Which part can I skip by floating down? Which pulls do I want to float past? I like it but I can see certain classes getting annoyed.

I would suggest just nerfing the mobs since it seemed one of the harder ones I tried but I haven’t done it as much as some others.

Yeah the boss is overtuned or missing some mechanic. Nothing is avoidable at all. The slam lock thing is cool but I couldn’t avoid a single spell.


Did it as Prot Pali and smashed it all. So I don’t know if it’s just some kind of switch that’s factoring in, or what, but yeah. The other bosses at 5, 6 and 7 I could handle. That dude is out of control, though.

EDIT: Went to next level with 5 mill health as prot pali.

The firestorm hit me for almost my whole life through a defense. I have to think this is either overtuned or there’s something I’m missing.


Delves are garbage as of now.

First reason

  • rewards are trash in comp to m+ or raiding. Some delves takes just as long as an dungeon and you will get what? a stupid power up for brann who I hate to my core

Second reason

  • I dont want to improve or skill any npc peon who is useless as hell.
  • I want to improve MYSELF cause I’m the hero. Thorghast handled this well with the mystic talent box. So scrap brann and add an delve skill tree for myself. Dont need a manic medic throwing stupid bottles around

I think the real concern here should be…

What if we really, really, and I mean really hate Brann? Not to toot the whole faction preference horn, but maybe we can get someone from the Reliquary? Or, Dark Lady forfend, maybe a member of the Apothocarium?


I’m thinking Fungal Folly is too easy. You can pull a lot of mobs one at a time and the boss mechanics are some of the easiest currently. All I had to do was get an avoidable spawn of Zekvirs Heralds over to the side. Being able to skip them sometimes due to lucky layout is fun and a good thing, but the whole delve difficulty is just these guys.

Zekvir’s Heralds seem pretty hard. In Fungal Folly they are the only thing to care about. Got an avoidable spawn? Free run. As it stands, your average mythic player will clear very high tiers of this day 1.

Full disagree, as it stands many delves would be meta for crest farming due to the ease of them.

I have a huge attachment to Koltira who was a DK follower after rescuing him from Undercity in Legion. That counts as from the Apothocarium right? Hue hue. His VA is awesome too. Would love to journey with him again. I can see a real attachment to these followers since they really help you out, this is proper endgame content and not easy quests you are journeying with them in, and they have a bunch of upgrade mechanics you’ll be customizing. It’s worth adding more followers and tweaking Brann’s balance a lot. Even clone followers with the same abilities I 'd welcome. Might alleviate this somewhat too:

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2 per Delve is not a good farm. Unless you’re getting a lot more.

Im getting 2 yeah, but the fact they are solo and easy and give highest tier crests still makes them a solid farm in my opinion. The gear itself is just Veteran however. This may change with actual random layouts, but I can get through Fungal Folly pretty quick. I know I keep saying it but it will change it a lot if random layouts can be active.

Many people will be able to get the highest crests on the delve they are familiar with. Maybe not very interesting if you are actually good at Mythic+ dungeons but huge for a lot of solo players.
Maybe they are balanced just right then, for players like me? It’s a lot better than Solo Shuffle where you have to be 2100 to get an aspects crest (wtf). Plus I find it more fun and dynamic than Mythic+ where all mobs are done in the same order, everyone flies into Nokhudon Hold from the south and so on. I would easily choose doing 2 or 3 of these over doing a tougher mythic+. That’s just me personally.

This may be useful. I timed Fungal with its current layout on Tier 8 to take me about 9 minutes.

This is my quick and dirty feedback/bug report for doing Tier 4 Sinkhole on a item level 615 Shadow Priest:

  • Everything hits too hard, I had to use defensives on almost every pull.
  • Way too much LOS to deal with, specifically the ramps up.
  • The splash/crash hazard lasts way too long.
  • Mobs pop in on top of you.
  • Final boss bugged out, clipping into the wall. Couldn’t loot corpse.
  • Treasure Elite is too close to second spawn point, if you die, they can pseudo camp you.

And not specific to Sinkhole, but Delves in general:

  • Brann sucks as a healer.
  • The potions on the ground may be thematic, but they aren’t great if you’re a turret caster.
  • The curio that saves your life, but turns you into a skeleman can be used on Brann, effectively keeping them in that form til you leave the delve.
  • If the intent is for lower tiers to be LFR/Heroic Dungeon difficulty, they’re way overtuned. I know the higher tiers are supposed to be Mythic Plus difficulty.
  • Death counter and scaling doesn’t fit what we were told is the design philosophy, that this was supposed to be an accessible endgame with OPTIONAL mage tower difficulty at tier 9+.
  • Bugged or not, nothing should respawn.

Last thought is to harp on scaling a bit more:

  • when you’re leveling, tier 1, 2, 3 should be the same difficulty whether you’re 70 or 79
  • you shouldn’t feel weaker as you level and do delves
  • why scale delves at all at max level when increasing item level should make things easier?

Pretty sure you weren’t 615 in a 4. There is an aura that scales you, btw. Your external ilvl doesn’t matter (your ilvl outside of the delve). For example, I think the 10 I did last night boosted my 599 DH to 610? And the 9 before it was 600. So that’s part of why it “hit hard” (which they do, in fact, hit hard, but the 4 wasn’t hitting a 615 as hard as you think, if that makes sense).

I can do a M+ in the same time as a solo delve (depending on the delve, the level, and the toon) and earn 6x the crests. Is delves a farm that can happen? Sure, but it is by no means an efficient one at all.

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What ilevel do they scale me down to in a tier 4, because it did, in fact, hit hard. No need to invalidate that experience, because you blasted it on the OP demon hunter. Just hit Ctrl+F and search for Priest in this here topic, I am not the only priest having a bad time in delves, mon frère.

Not to mention that 615 is way more than a tier 4 delve would need, so being scaled down and having a bad time, shows well, I’d be having a bad time while gearing through delves. Which, I believe is the intent of a tier 4 delve, to gear.

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