Feedback: Delves

None taken. Maybe we’re talking about different ideas of “practice”.

That tier of content is what I’m wanting to get more reps in on, and is the level of difficulty that I’m currently pushing into healing in group content.

The idea is that I can go “okay, on a +2 key I can afford to get hit by a misdodged swirlie on a boss and live via personal defensives and self healing; but on a +3 that gets dodgy and a +4 key I either died or totally lost focus on the rest of the group, and then the next mechanic got out of hand / wiped the party. I need to practice dodging swirlies / using personal defensives while also maintaining heals around the scaling level that gets tough for me.”

If I do that learning on an area I know I’m lacking in player skill and can improve on in a live key with a group, and fail, it can wipe a key, and then it’ll be a while before I can put myself back in that sort of spot to get better.

If Delves could be a set of “yup, this delve difficulty matches the difficulty of this Mythic+ difficulty”, and this Delve has a boss with these mechanics and matches the same role expectation, then I as a healer can go “I need to practice dodging swirlies and healing others at the same time, let’s do reps on that solo in a delve before returning to group content and pushing Mythic keys at that level”

What I found was my experience as a healer in Delves is nothing like group content, cause Brann isn’t a party member and the interface isn’t even showing a healer his health bar nor any aggro percentage by default, and the second I did my Mistwalker healing opening I got aggro on me (which wouldn’t happen with a DPS player alongside me, let alone a tank),

It’s not about how easy or difficult the content is; that’s what should scale with tiers, it’s about how close the experience as a healer in a Delve is to being a healer in group content.


Yeah I see what you mean, sounds like roles and classes are a big factor on everything including difficulty. So you get aggro as heal and have to behave as a dps, some tanks trivialise the content entirely and so on.

I think we may need some role modifiers if you go in as a certain role solo. Big bandaid solution but otherwise we will have blood DK or whatever farming top tiers at day 1 too probably.

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brann doesn’t heal very well. and on delve 4 it wasy overtuned the last boss… and you need to keep stopping and going and stop and go … its not going to take 10-15 minutes its going to take hours .because you need to run thru the red potion (and there spread out all over the place)(brann should auto throw the potions to you. ) while your fighting at one point the webs are on the tracks no safe zone) so you need to move off the track into another web , which makes this very dangerous… and the web need to show more(sparkle) (effect) there very transparent and not situated well in the delve. you need to concentrate on the fight there too much going on in the delve to do that. ***and please remove the death count or make it higher like 10 deaths)

and if delves go to 8 and we cannot get past delve 4 then nobody is going to do this. so please give a a understanding of gear level per each delve… and what mechanics per delve 4…and above

they stated 1 & 2 is for leveling
3-8 is what ??? end game content??

so you have to be what ilvl 603 to even tackle delve 4 ?? and above??

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something like that
The current testing changes your gear automatically

Kriegvals Rest really needs to dump the despawn thing at the final boss. its annoying having him reset all the time. even when you have plenty of candle left.

Cleared a 5 waterworks easily with 580 or so item level last night.

We are working on fixing an issue that’s preventing groups from entering a delve together. This will be fixed in an upcoming build.


General feedback from delves

Overall, they’re quite fun to do and add something cool to farm besides M+ or Raid. However, some classes may have a harder time than others. For example:

I did delves as a Devastation Evoker, Shadow Priest, and Demonology Warlock. As a Warlock, I found it immensely easy to do the delves I went on because I had tools to deal with problems as they arose (the high damage helped with that). As a Priest, I had relative ease most of the time because I could self-heal easily with damage and had tools for moments of need. As an Evoker, I struggled a lot to do the delves I went on; Brann’s healing wasn’t sufficient, and flying around the fight for potions could be very punishing in some specific delves.

I would like some additional mechanic to balance classes that work better alone and classes that are more dependent. Perhaps some exclusive aura to work in the delves where we heal X% more while alone, or receive X% less damage.

I understand that the final balancing is not ready, but some classes naturally have advantages over others in solo content, whether due to pets, healing, or ways of dealing damage, so helping the classes that have more difficulty might be a good thing.


Over all fun but…

Can’t track Brann or Reno’s progress.
Can’t switch to Reno
Can’t apply combat things like Porcelain arrow to test.
And lastly, I can’t sing the Blues, I just don’t know how.

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My guess is most of the comments here are from players way more skilled than me. Delves will probably be my end game so in a way Im one of the targets (solo players) though there’s a few friends I might do delves with.

I have done delves on the levelling server on warlock (afflic), priest (shadow and disc), evoker, feral druid, a monk (all specs) and retribution paladin. Except for my lock the toons are low 70s.

I didn’t have a lot of trouble up to level 3 on lock, priest or paladin. I might switch my druid to balance / resto - feral druid is hard for this sort of solo content. Ret paladin was not difficult at low levels but my guess is it will get harder.

Starting from 70 even though Brann level is account wide, Brann levels slowly. If you are mainly using one toon, then my guess is you will probably have to delay higher level delves until Brann levels up. I deliberately ran alts just to level Brann and to try different specs.

For some delves, dps specs are really difficult for me while tank or healing are easier but slower - it varies depending on the delve and the final boss. I think knowledge of delves and which specs work better in particular delves will be necessary.

I like that they don’t take long to do - so easy to do a few in a short play session which suits me.


are you working on getting the random generation layouts active?
yeah i know, you didnt answer it the first time so you probably wont answer the second time.

I can see the torghast style lego pieces that change each time but im still getting the same layout and I wanna know wtf is going on since otherwise I dont see the point.

It is definitely dependent on classes and how comfortable/familiar you are with that class and all of its toolkit. I went into a tier 4 Nightfall Sanctum on a fire mage (my main for this season) and I was struggling to get past the first pack. I later did the same delve on the same level on a San-layn Unholy DK (last season’s main) and absolutely smashed that entire delve.

I feel like classes that are incredibly self sustaining will have much more success climbing the delve ladder, at least for solo play.

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Clutch of Eggs, and Lost shoe are not lootable in Mycomancer caverns

Webbed ingots not lootable in Earthcrawl Mines

I am also tired on Brann running off to deal with treasure during combat when he is set to damage dealer.

The Dread Pit is a great example of what not to do for the design of delves. I went in on a mage and a prot paladin at tier 7, both ~607 ilvl from what we grab from vendors. The delve focuses on the use of a lure to distract mobs that will one tap you; which is fine, use lure, don’t get one tapped. However the combination of roaming mobs and web spawner range targeting the player from across the delve create lots of downtime. I kill the mobs, then have to wait for the lure to come off CD to re-distract the 1-tap mobs. The alternative is to be aggressive with my positioning and kill the mobs on top of the objective + 1 tap mobs, except the 1-tap aggro out of their pacified state and the web spawners will prevent me from freeing the miners. As players cannot see the remaining duration of the lure once it’s placed and the outcome of aggressive play is non-advantageous the entire delve centers around just standing there waiting for the lure cd.
Also the invisible mob that can yank you into the 1-tap mobs and also the treasure guardian that throws you off the map while camping the respawn is not a fun experience.


Please do not put exploding mine veins on top of the bubble generators that we need to keep breathing underwater … thanks.

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My kingdom for a quieter and less vocal Brann.


Shadow priest was struggling at level 6 and 7, Ret Pali was just smashing everything in sight. May be more of a class/spec issue than delve issue, but the difference was glaring. Getting wailed on even at these mid-level Delves as a priest was pretty brutal. Changing to Archon to get that passive healing helped a bit, though,

Tested Earthcrawl Mines on both tier 1 and 4 on a mountain thane fury warrior.

On tier 4, everything was vastly overtuned. Enemies hit really hard and could kill me in 3 hits. I died multiple times and felt forced to try to tackle a lower difficulty.

On tier 1, things were generally tuned better, though I was mostly kept alive by the warrior’s self healing ability.

During the Nerubian ambush segment, more webs would constantly spawn around the room, something which made it very difficult for a melee spec to deal with ranged enemies, as I had to clear the webbing to get them while they were pounding on me.

The Nerubian elite mobs who spawn webs are really annoying. Having to spend time clearing the webs after each time I fight one of them was just not very fun. Please consider making those webs disappear after killing the elite.

Bran is absolutely useless. No damage and no healing.
With the healer role he simply occasionally tosses a healing vial somewhere on the ground (often onto a bad ground effect), requiring me to move around to pick them up. When I do pick them up these vials heal for about 10% of my max HP, which is very little.

I have yet to try the other delves, but with Earthcrawl mines the tuning very much feels like I should have played it in a group, with a tank and a healer.

EDIT: My warrior was item level 610, had normal green starter trinkets, the full tier set from the tier set vendor, and the rest was the elite pvp gear from the pvp vendor.
Maybe the item level scaling was buggy with that type of gear.


Just tried Fungal Folly on difficulty tier 4.

Things were much much better than with Earthcrawl mines. However enemies were still overtuned and if it wasn’t for my warrior’s self healing abilities I couldn’t have completed it.

The explosive sporbits were generally a minor and acceptable menace with the exception of the one on a small platform you have to do stuff at.
In that small platform I was fighting a treasure spirit (which was really overtuned and dropped no treasure) and had to constantly stop attacking it in melee to flee the sporbit while the enemy kept shooting at me.

Brann continues to be a useless companion.

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