See you’re speaking on both side of your mouth now.
For once there’s a point put in Zealot, so if 1 is good enough, the second has the same value.
Second, they ALL kind of require to be in melee, so if hearth/zealot arent good enough because of what you mention than so does blessed champion for the same exact reason only WORSE because at least the other 2 get value if there’s just 1 target whilst Blessed need for it to have at least 2.
Judgement does go further but it still needs to be in a clump which is not a given.
But you’re already taking Empyrean Legacy, they apply on it, what do you mean you have to use DS?
No you don’t…
You literally have nothing else to press to benefit from them every 20sec.
Taking a step back here…
Honestly, that’s a bit odd to take aim at Blessed champion but not mention all the talents that are flat out useless?
Like, it’s not really blessed champion that is the problem when the reason for it being a problem are that the alternatives are useless/bad.
Sounds like the useless talents are the problem.

I think it’s worth quoting again
What did it do to you?
Why take a shot at BC?
Divine Wrath is useless with Radiant Glory
Both ES/FR node are completely devoid of any creativity and/or useless.
Rush of light is “bad/boring” in all content.
Ire shouldn’t be at 60% of it’s max power and is not even taken for ANY content really…
Vanguard Momentum/ Sanctify are barely relevant…
But it’s Blessed champion that gets the wallop…
I don’t get it…
The second part of the statement should target those, not BC…
Like, when we had the discrepancy problem between to ST/AoE builds in PVE back in DF, where the ST damage of the AoE build was like 20-25% behind what the ST build was doing and vice versa for AoE for he ST build.
I proposed some paths that could bridge the gap.
Amongst those, I talked about making Blessed Champion add damage to the primary target depending on the numbers of target it hit.
So, for example, if you hit no additional target then it would add X% of the cleave damage to your main target instead progressivly going down as you get to 4-5 targets, this way it wouldn’t be a purely cleave/aoe talent.
That would create a ST value to this talent, but as it is now, it has none and is therefor outside of their equation for ST budget.
Regardless of what you think of it.
When they go and look at their little internal charts, they are gonna see Ret, at X position in ST damage scenarios and they are gonna know that no one that cares about their damage in that scenario is gonna take that talent or flat out exclude the ones that did from their chart and go:
“Humm it seems Ret is lagging behind/way up ahead, which talents/abilities are we gonna touch on to bring them back up/rein them in”
And then they’ll change something.
Then the “PVP team” is gonna look that over and go “that’s fine for PVP as well” or “Ohh no, they are gonna be too strong/weak, let us adjust that in PVP”
That’s how it loosely goes, it’s not like there’s a 1000 ways to go about these things.