Feedback and Solutions for Improving Ret Paladin PvP by Lvladen, Vanguards, Pikapal, Sean, Beatman, Frumples

Ire is nerfed in PvP. I forgot to add that to the post. Tempest is outperformed by blessed champion in PvP.

They can just go the lazy way and simply remove all PvP nerfing modifiers from our skills (both wing versions, ire, celerity, WoG, ES, FR, arbiter, DProtection, DPurpose, justicars vengeance). It will not make us broken. That would be the first step.


If people believe we should derive our class strengths from our theme, then why does consecration suck so bad?

If you drop a consecration on defiled ground, shouldn’t it counter the defile? Isn’t that the thematic use of consecration?

What happens when you drop consecration now… nothing.

I think any movement impairing, or movement altering effect, that is on the ground should be completely dispelled and cancelled by consecration. If a consecration is down already and any ground-based movement impairing ability is cast, it should fail.

I also think freedom should immune knock and grips as well but pick either one of these, or both.

We’ve had to endure all of these cc effects, give us the ability to counter and outplay some of them for a change

and another thing… dispel protection.

We have powerful cds, but they are long cds for the most part. When they are countered so easily, or stolen, purged, or dispelled it really sucks. Usually the person countering it does so without little cost to themselves. It rarely has a cast, and usually a short CD ensuring it will be available if our ability comes off cd.

Could we have some protection, some punishment, some retribution for stealing, dispelling, or purging our utility.


I do not understand why , as a Demon Hunter, using reverse magic, will receive SOME punishment if they reverse DOT effect. Whereas Paladin 5 MINUTES long CD can be dispelled or purged easy with absolutely no trade off or punishment. Like, what is the point of having a 5 MINUTES CD then ?

Then our Divine Protection is 10% damage reduction. How does 10% reduction going to help to survive the average 4-8 million burst damage ? Because it is usable during stun ? How about just remove the benefit and increase the reduction to 20-25% ?

Shield of Vengeance would be 10 times better if it is health % based, so it is actually a proper defensive instead of another meaningless defensive that does not have any meaningful purpose for survival. Why the Mage has so many GOOD proper defensive skills but Paladin got all the water down version ?

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Except our burst through ep & el, skills like cs/ts, DH, and more.

Jurisdiction is a band-aid admitted by blizz during our spec redesign, one we should not be relying on.

Ire has 60% modifier which means it’s a 30% damage increase, tempest is a 20% damage increase for all intents and purposes.

I’m genuinely curious to know, in which way does BC out perform them?
How does it add more kill pressure for you guys?

Is it the spreading of judgement?
It can’t be just the damage, I can’t imagine it being meaningful enough on secondary target for it to matter right?

It’s closer to a 17.5%, it does not include greater judgement debuff damage increase. But yeah.

I don’t think it doesn’t but it forces the healer to heal multiple targets, to make them waste more mana.

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I was watching some old SL clips and I watched a ww die in 0.5 from shield of vengeance blowing up and a finalverdict.

Shield of vengeance used to hit HARD, outrageously hard. Ofcourse that is an extreme but we are in the other extreme where sov hits for 200k on 11M hp pools.

Id like to ask whats the point of shield of vengeance? Should the damage be a good enough deterrent ? Because it isnt and considering sov losses value the moment the game starts …


either make us a burst class or dont… dont pvp everything down… what do you want from us to do? dead in the water besides some off-support stuff? then make that better

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I read this whole thing in lvladens voice that’s hilarious😂


I’d disagree with removing lay on hands as it’s a staple to the class, instead just remove the passive healing talents and let us heal people with wog for roughly 30% of their health.
Honestly though WOG being buffed shouldn’t require any trade off from our kit. We have to trade 3 holy power just to heal a player, and if we use it with our burst we lose a critical component of our damage.
Without wings I get 5-10% with wings it goes up to roughly 15%, those numbers should be tripled when we heal other people.

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Sun’s Avatar beam bug apparently just got fixed. No word on HOL though.


I’m about to log in. Is this accurate?

I agree on this. First of all what passive healing? Seal? Nerfed, blessing heal? Bad, Auto wog? Sobad, lightforged? Zomg 1% hp every 20 seconds, the new ligjtbearer? I have not seen it so nothing.

Im all onboard with passive healing being gone (its already bad, the same as being gone) and active healing being strong. I mean they just nerfed wog to 15% mana for NO REASON this patch (if it was a pve change why apply it to pvp?). 15% mana 3 holy power should warrant enhance levels of heal

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