Feedback and Solutions for Improving Ret Paladin PvP by Lvladen, Vanguards, Pikapal, Sean, Beatman, Frumples

Hello everyone,

To keep it brief, here’s some feedback from experienced R1 Ret Paladin PvPers (Vanguards, Lvladen, Beatman, Pikapal, Sean, and Frumples).

The Problem:

Ret Paladin’s damage is currently too weak in PvP. The class also suffers from bugs, difficulty balancing spells, a long list of PvP modifiers, and a lack of meaningful PvP talents. Though designed to be forgiving, some spells like Divine Protection (a spell used while stunned) only reduce damage by 10% in PvP, which feels underwhelming.

Proposed Solutions:

Short Term (Hotfixable - Tuning and Bugs):

Even after recent buffs, Ret Paladin still lacks burst damage, which has historically been a core part of the class. Bugs with Herald of the Sun’s talent, Sun’s Avatar, and changes to Hammer of Light are making matters worse.

Even if Hammer of Light dealt the expected damage, the increased HP pools in 11.1 make burst less effective.

We suggest the following:

  • Remove PvP modifiers from Avenging Wrath and Crusade (this would be a good starting point but may not be enough).
  • Significantly buff Final Verdict to improve damage.

Medium Term (11.1.5 - PvP Talents):

Some PvP talents are either useless or underwhelming. Here are a few examples:

  • Ultimate Retribution, Spreading the Word, and Shining Revelation have minimal PvP impact.
  • Luminescence (passive healing not from the Player), Hallowed Ground (lack of control), and Spellbreaker (passive damage) all fail to meaningfully contribute to the Ret Paladin’s toolkit.

Wish List for PvP Talents:

  • Mortal Strike: A Mortal Strike effect would help Ret Paladins in PvP. It could be applied through a PvP talent on Expurgation (15-20% Mortal Wounds) or a similar effect on Wake of Ashes (25-30% Mortal Wounds). This would allow Ret to play in 2v2 arenas and open up viable compositions.

  • Undispellable Hammer of Justice: A PvP talent that would make Hammer of Justice undispellable with a slight tradeoff (e.g., -1 second duration).

  • Steed of Glory: A skill taken from Protection Paladin that could help improve mobility.

  • Emancipation: Adding a magic root and slow cleanse to the current Cleanse ability would give Ret a useful utility without being too oppressive (8 second CD, single target) compared to old Judgment of the Pure.

  • 50% Slow: With Ret Paladin’s low mobility, a moderate slow would help make up for its lack of crowd control. Even Illumine is nerfed in PvP combat to be a 30% slow.

  • Cataclysm Word of Glory - Significantly increase the healing of Word of Glory in exchange for some type of cooldown on the ability and potentially the inability to use Lay on Hands in PvP.

  • Vengeful Strike - Reduce the range of Final Verdict and Justicar’s Vengeance by 40% (returns them to their prerework range) and increase the damage of each by 40%.

Long Term (11.2 or Beyond):

Ret Paladin has become complicated due to the number of talents and modifiers, many of which don’t work well together or have unclear PvP tooltips. This makes Ret difficult to balance, and stacking modifiers has created problematic gameplay.

DAMAGE Spells with PvP Modifiers include:

  • Blessing of Dawn
  • Final Reckoning
  • Execution Sentence
  • Avenging Wrath: Might
  • Crusade
  • Empyrean Legacy
  • Divine Arbiter
  • Wake of Ashes
  • Hammer of Light
  • Blessing of An’She
  • Divine Purpose

All healing spells and talents for Ret Paladin also have PvP modifiers, aside from A Just Reward and the nerfed Lightforged Blessing and Seal of the Crusader.

Balancing Ret is difficult because of the sheer number of modifiers that stack on each other. This can lead to toxic one-shot scenarios, as seen after the 10.0.7 Ret rework, or cause key abilities like Final Verdict and Holy Power generators to feel underwhelming.

Currently, these modifiers are all tuned down, but it highlights the need to adjust multiple aspects of the spec when making balance changes.

Trade-Offs & Long-Term Suggestions:

Ret Paladin’s future design is ultimately in the hands of the developers, but we believe it needs a shift to return to its core as a powerful single-target DPS class, not a tank/support. We are willing to trade the following for power improvements:

  • Lay on Hands and passive healing talents removal in return for significantly stronger Word of Glory and Flash Heal.
  • Increase the cooldown of Sanctuary by 15 seconds.
  • Increase the cooldown of Blessing of Sacrifice by 30 seconds.
  • Remove the ability to use Divine Protection during stuns, in exchange for removing its PvP nerf.

In return, we need:

  • A Mortal Strike talent.
  • Removal of PvP modifiers on Avenging Wrath and Crusade.
  • Significantly higher damage overall.
  • Spells that deliver meaningful single-target damage instead of weak AoE effects like Blessed Champion. Although we understand the need for these AoE talents to exist for PvE it has greatly detracted from Retribution’s ability to land kills on a single target by shifting overall damage away from one target.

Ret is a DPS class and should be focused on delivering strong, impactful single-target damage, not prolonging games as a tank/support. I feel as the aforementioned point might be a design disagreement between the players and developers. As a PvPer it is much more enjoyable to have short, bursty two to three minute matches rather than drawn out seven to twelve minute games. Although it may look like Ret is designed to make games longer via Blessing of Protection, Lay on Hands, Divine Shield, Sacrifice and various other team utility spells it ironically does very poorly in drawn out games.

We all really appreciate you reading our feedback and hope to see changes soon!

Thank you,

Lvladen, Vanguards, Pikapal, Sean, Beatman, Frumples + The Ret Paladin Community


Lvaden, first of all, thank you for taking the time and effort to write this. We, as the Retribution PvP community, truly appreciate it.

Now, regarding the matter at hand—the current state of the spec feels incredibly lackluster. This isn’t just due to the low numbers but also because of how much it deviates from the original concept it was designed around. The lack of mobility is a major concern, and instead of addressing it, Blizzard has pushed the spec into a pseudo-ranged playstyle with inconsistent ability ranges. Meanwhile, Death Knights received the kind of improvements that would have better suited Retribution Paladins with the DA buff in the Hero talent tree.

Additionally, the absence of a Mortal Strike effect or an anti-healing utility feels like a missed opportunity, especially for a hybrid support class that should excel in providing both offensive and defensive utility. As a result, the player base is growing increasingly frustrated. We don’t want to be overpowered, but consistently underperforming in every aspect of PvP is just as unacceptable.

Blizzard needs to take another look at Retribution Paladins because we want a balanced and competitive spec—not one that is left struggling in every scenario.


Thank you for sharing your feedback here Lvladen. It’s greatly appreciated!

I love your ideas for PvP talents. Right now I’ve been trying to play Ret with my wife in 2’s on her healer and it’s quite literally impossible. A Mortal Strike effect via a PvP talent is the only way to make it work. I also greatly support the proposal to buff Avenging Wrath/Crusade. Ret has always been a burst spec and right now our major offensive cooldown is very minimal.

I would also love a return to the old version of Word of Glory as you mentioned. Ret self healing is also seriously lacking.

Keep up the great work man! We appreciate you!


I will never support a mortal strike on paladins, it is not thematic to the class. I understand that most dps these days has one, but i do not think it belongs on paladins.

Instead i propose this; we should get a mortal strike cleanse or an ability to reduce mortal strike effects by X%, which would help bolster the supporting aspects of paladins.

Stuns should not be dispellable. We are the only class with a dispellable stun in game, so i agree.

Immunity to movement impairing effects should be baseline on steed honestly.

We already have several snares.

I did notice you mentioned reducing ramge on fv via vengeful strikes to boost it’s damage. With so little we have to combat snares/knockbacks/roots when BoF down what would you propose we get if steed don’t get immunities? Would you think an garanteed gap closer uneffected by movement effects would work or do you think we need a different solution?


I don’t think a mortal strike cleansing ability would be healthy for the game. Anything that extends games on and on and on detracts from the fun in the game. Themes have gone out the door. Alliance and Horde are friends. Ret Paladins can afford a burn effect that reduces a small amount of healing.


I don’t think everyone playing the same is healthy for the game either. Everyone having a mortal strike effect is not healthy.


Historically, I would agree with you. I was always in the camp that Mortal Strike should be rare, maybe even reserved just for warriors.

However, this is no longer viable in the modern game. I literally cannot play my Spec/Class in the 2v2 bracket of wow pvp. This should never be the case. Ret must receive a mortal strike effect if the game is going to stay the way it currently is.

Unfortunately, this would not solve anything. It would only make the matches go on for an eternity. It’s a really cool idea, but not what Ret needs.

My games go into dampening with quite literally nothing happening up until that point. My ret paladin can seriously not even hope to hurt many specs and classes until the others have significantly reduced healing in dampening. That is not healthy for the game either and is currently a much more pressing issue.


Please explain why?

It would not be taken when playing with hunters and warriors per usual. It would allow Ret to play in 2v2 arenas while still not being as strong as the standard 25% healing reduction mortal strike effect.

It would open more compositions in 3v3 arenas. The last 3 melee with no mortal strike effect should all have it in some way or forms. Enhance, Frost DK, Ret Paladin. However I am not a Enhance or Frost main so someone else will have to advocate for it. Its historically really difficult for Blizz to balance these non MS specs because they either have too much burst and one shot or they don’t have enough damage and no mortal strike effect and cannot land kills on their own.


I’m a casual doing blitz, but i’ll give my opinion of what i see and how the class feels to me.

In Rbgs/blitz mobility feels fine, honestly i love the ranged abilities when you can’t fully get out of a slow, i like the hybrid feel, but in 10v10 or 8v8 theres enough players you’re not eating every slow/root/stun. However the few skirms i’ve done and 1v1 Wpvp a mage or hunter can and will kite you to death

Damage in general is what we lack, Sustain is very low and our burst window every 1 Minute-ish is non existent. If feels awful when HoL missed due to a bubble/immunity/ or simply the target dying in the few microseconds it takes from hitting the button to it to connect with target.

I had a Warlock the other night hit my monk with 31% vers for an 8mil chaos bolt… i’m not sure i’ve ever seen a HoL hit for even half that.
Luckily as Pally i’ll use my Divine Protection… and lets just work those numbers, DP - 8Mil bolt- now 7.2Mil bolt…

Rets bread and butter has always been burst (Que the John Travolta looking for his burst meme)

Rets generally the focus target in most more coordinated Rbgs… not because there’s a fear of them but because its common knowledge once bubbles down they have nothing impactful to help their survivability

Rets a literal glass cannon without the cannon this xpac, making it a real lackluster class to pvp with.


on the rework back in DF PTR they had a talent called “Hammer of Retribution” it was a 4 sec stun and replaces Hammer of Justice by making it physical instead of Magical, making it undispellable. They were going to add it but decided not to.

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Retribution truly needs all of the above mentioned in this post. We have in fact compared ret to protection paladin Lvladen and I and Prot paladin does as much if not more dmg than ret with more defensives and better pvp talents !

As someone who got 3.3k rating as ret and top 1 world as prot in pvp I believe ret paladin performs worse than ret right now and this says a lot. Prot paladin is not great in pvp either, it has been known and proven that since the launch of dragon flight, the specialization was banned from pvp by indirect means.


could you not have done this without chatgpt and a crapload of manufactured likes?

Thanks for doing such detailed feedback!


The quiestion should be “does too many classes has mortal strike effects” rather then give paladin mortal strike.

Then there should be more balanced comps that can support ret heing ret rather then make ret into arms that do holy damage.

First, correct me if i am wrong, blizz no longer balances pvp for 2v2, and has not since titles no longer is granted in 2v2.

Second other then themes, mortal strike would be a band-aid to our issues, and not the solution. We have a mariad of melee mechanics in our talents that offers burst, but since we are forced to pretend to be ranged we cannot take advantage of them. We should focus first on getting that straightened out then start talking about offensive utility.

Third goes with 2nd, most likely if they did give us an MS, it would be a melee mechanic due to us currently playing ranged too much.

Fourth is themes, what paladin of the light would want to “wound” our foe rather then quickly finish them painlessly and quick

Fifth; if we must have a healing reduction then this would suit us better;

Judgement’s toll: Your crusader strike strikes the primary target with lights jusgement.

Lights verdict: the target has been judged and fined by the light, the light takes a fee from restorative magic up to x amount of healing.

This gives us synergy in the same manor unholy DK’s get with their healing absorb stacking with ms effects.

(post deleted by author)

Mate, paladins don’t go around granting their enemies painless deaths—quite the opposite. They are warriors of righteousness, wielding the Light not for mercy, but for vengeance, justice, and retribution. The very nature of their abilities—holy fire, consecration, divine storms—makes it clear that their enemies don’t just die, they burn.

Alexandros Mograine, the Ashbringer himself, made this perfectly clear:
• ‘The righteous shall inherit the Light. The rest shall burn.’
• ‘No mercy! No respite! Our foes shall fall!’
• ‘The Scourge have defiled everything we hold dear. We will cleanse the world with their ashes.’

None of that sounds like a painless, merciful end. Paladins smite the wicked, incinerate the unholy, and cleanse corruption with fire. The Silver Hand, the Argent Dawn, the Scarlet Crusade—different methods, same core principle: enemies of the Light don’t get absolution, they get eradicated.


I would love for Blizz to delete Radiant Glory from our talent tree and replace it with something else.

The uptick in wings uptime dilutes the impact of our CDs on TOP of wings/crusade having harsh negative modifiers in pvp. No one runs from us when we Wake, and even if they don’t our “burst” isn’t moving health bars at all.

Even just the bare minimum of removing the pvp modifier from Wings, buffing FV by 20-30%, and removing the pvp modifier from Divine Protection would be enough to at least make us playable.


Ever heard that there is no justice in pain and suffering? That is what MS is.

In addition we are not arms warriors

And that is not the class fantasy of paladins in Warcraft, maybe in another IP, but not in WoW, and since the game is this one you stand wrong in your opinion

Yeah ret already has every single button in the game surely they need ms