Feedback and Solutions for Improving Ret Paladin PvP by Lvladen, Vanguards, Pikapal, Sean, Beatman, Frumples

Rets having the lowest winrate in 2s by a large margin should be pretty alarming for the pvp devs. we’re also the worst in 3s. hope we get some tuning soon at the very least


Excuse me for not understanding, but if it don’t work on stam, how does it reduce healing if not used on a healer?

Was also thinking maybe we could get a targetable debuff that increases cast time (not effected by haste) on to casters with instants being forced to have a cast too for spells.

Call it “focus upon the light” and it should have a Draenei on the pic.

Would be a good start, I’d like Avenging Wrath Might to be a viable option again but it’s just not with the pvp modifiers stacked onto it. Also we REALLY need the bug with Sun’s Avatar fixed asap, it feels so bad when the beams just don’t go off.

Good writeup overall though, hoping we get some changes soon. The spec is a mess right now.


My thoughts would be it being applied through expurgation akin to aimed short, mortal strike etc… reasoning for it not slapping stamina would be so that it does not double dip in making a target easier to kill

if u think that ur a big dummy fr

i think these are all good changes. as someone who plays dk and hates playing with and against rets, these would all make the experience a lot more enjoyable for me and i think others too. ive also played some ret in DF and i can see how this would be way more fun to play as too.

obviously some of these suggestions are direct buffs but others are nerfs too, regardless even if it was a huge direct buff i highly doubt they would be comparable to assa rogues and feral druids in their current state.

as a personal note something people probably dont talk about often is the consecration slow immunity for the whole team, that ability is suuuper annoying especially for a spec that has a lot of range in the kit… i’d rather see rets gain some slows or extra speed and lose that - in a perfect world they would lose the extra range on spells for other things in return but blizz is pretty stubborn so i doubt they would do that tho.

wake of ashes stunning all demons and undeads is super cool thematically but its also ultra punishing for demo locks and unholy dks, but i like the interaction between lichborne and wake of ashes. when a good dk knows to cancelaura lichborne because wake is available it adds some counterplay and the thematic makes sense without shutting down a spec completely.

finally ms debuff really should just be added to the last 3 melee specs like some were saying, all it does is keep some specs out of the 2v2 bracket and gatekeep arena comps leading to even less people being able to play the game with their friends or play the game at all sometimes! its also just increases the likelihood that u get a terrible lobby in solo shuffle if you’re a melee spec with no ms debuff.

i still dont understand how demo lock has it but not these melees, and i love playing my demo lock lol. maybe before DH, feral and demo lock were given an ms we could sit here and talk about it being unhealthy for the game, but right now MS debuff is a requirement.

it’s no surprise that the meta only consists of melee/caster comps for arena when most casters dont have ms and basically half the melees dont have it either. chances are DK/Ret would have been a great comp at some point in the past couple years but without ms that would never be possible. same for enhance. im open to majorly pruning ms as well as giving it to the remaining melees, anything except the mess that we have now.


that sounds very annoying to play against, why are u people so scared of giving ms to the few melees that dont have it??

listen to me very carefully when i say this, melee specs that dont have an ms dont get any competitive play and are rarely viable outside of 1 comp. they also tend to be non existent in 2v2.

throw the thematic out the window for 1 passive effect and instantly the game is improved by a very large margin + more people get to play the game they enjoy in comps they enjoy with their friends.


How so?
Do you have some understanding of how PVE damage is balanced?
They don’t balance ST target damage with clear AoE/cleave talents in mind…

The thing that detract from ST damage, as you correctly point out, are the numerous PVP modifiers.

Also combined with tuning for ST that assume specific combination of talent.
In occurence, ES.

Ret ST PVE damage is balanced around that thing and while it’s not too much of an issue for PVE, it’s a significant pain for PVP.
Last I checked it’s not even picked.

That CD, while thematically interesting, has over stayed it’s welcome.

The entire section of ES should be dedicated to making FR more interesting and the ST budget of ES put back into FV.

I’m most certainly not opposed to a mortal strike nor afraid, but I am still playing an rpg and flavour is neat. This is essentially just a renamed mortal strike with a lesser heal cut and a constant wall that’s pretty much on par with divine protection which is pretty pitiful to begin with. Same way necrotic wounds isn’t a true mortal strike, and therefore stacks with true mortal strike effects. (If they gave ret a true mortal strike I would not complain though)

gotcha, well i do think that a damage reduction on enemies is the exact kind of idea that would reinforce the hate that rets get in pvp. nobody likes getting their damage reduced and defensive strength is usually the main complaint most people have when talking about rets.

i also would like to see necrotic wounds go and get something more useful.

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Everyone needs to step back and realize that this post is directed towards Retribution Paladins in PVP NOT PVE. People coming in talking on other classes need to leave, you are distracting from the whole goal of this post which is to communicate to the Paladin Dev team our current issues and worries for the class. You dont do any justice to the game by complaining how a class performs better than your in PVE… you are fighting a computer and your goal is to finish a raid/dungeon.


Let’s try not negatively impacting the more popular game mode and providing a worse experience in PVE, revise and try again.

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Yeah, you can’t just “offer trade-off” as if the whole community would be ok with these when they touch on gamemodes for which they are perfectly fine.

Funny thing is i think an healing absorb would fit paladins more then a straight up ms if but with a wording that it is a fine from the law or something.

Jesus Crist, get over with that idea already

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Get over yourself first kid.

I only have one request out of all suggestion. KEEP THE RANGE ABILITY. This is already a wheelchair class with bad mobility and inconsistent 30% slow. We can be kited extremely easy if we lose all range abilities. This is also how we distinguish Paladin from Death Knight and Warrior.


These are PvP only changes. When I say remove lay on hands I don’t mean remove entirely. Just disabled in PvP like it was for over a decade.


Do keep in mind that Ret is also suffering in what largely seems like a mostly single target raid tier as well.