Uther says otherwise fool.
Sounds like he wants to end his foes fast, not let his foes suffer slowly.
In case you did not read. This puts our healing absorb as lights judgement, not the paladin seeking to make his foes suffer.
Uther says otherwise fool.
Sounds like he wants to end his foes fast, not let his foes suffer slowly.
In case you did not read. This puts our healing absorb as lights judgement, not the paladin seeking to make his foes suffer.
Sounds like he wants to kill his foe, period. We are not priests granting merciless death to people by absolving their sins. You play the wrong class if that’s your fantasy.
Uther story isn’t proof that Paladins are merciful. It’s proof that too much mercy gets you killed. Also he’s the exception, not the rule.
You can’t equate warriors kit to rets at all it’s not even comparable
Idk man AoE Fear break and 50% reduction of the next incoming CC for your team is preeeetty sick.
Especially when Priest/Warrior fears are essentially an AoE 5 second stun.
Warriors have every button in the game and their sink as well, on low cd to top it off. It’s true that rets have strong cds, but that comes with a particular long cooldown. DP is barely a defensive cd at its current iteration
ret utility is worlds better than warriors and to pretend otherwise is beyond troll LMAO
You are definitely joking
Kill, not torture. You want torture, go death knight.
I like how everyone zoomed in on me as soon as i said i don’t support MS on paladins but ignore my quiestions on the other issues.
If we don’t get steed having baseline snare/root immunity, how should we solve our constant gap issues with most classes.
Even if we get an ms, if we have a hard time connecting some of our attacks, that ms is meaningless.
(Also we should get a healing absorb if we must have healing reduction)
I also like vengeful strike idea.
kinda stopped playing on my ret w my friend especially in 2s because it just became a game of “okay they have an MS we lose in 6 minutes if you cant drink” they just oom us faster with an ms even if we play better
Ms would be great but i’d prefer if arenas just became less reliant on ms in general. was having fun just grabbing whatever for a 3rd in 3s til I realized how much ret needs to play with an ms class
Oh, so Paladins don’t inflict suffering? Then explain why their most iconic abilities involve burning their enemies alive. Holy fire, consecration, exorcism—all designed to incinerate. Death by fire is one of the most painful ways to go, and guess what? That’s exactly what Paladins do to their enemies.
It’s not some quick, painless execution. It’s literal divine torture. Even in modern warfare, flamethrowers and incendiary weapons are banned because of how horrific they ar
Because you’re using lore/story as justification for it.
The old balancing act has always been that if you have a mortal strike, your damage profile is more moderate with smaller peaks and valleys. If you don’t have an MS, you burst much higher but that damage is far easier to heal back.
Blizzard has lost sight of this, given that Havoc/MM/Fury/Arms/WW all burst much harder than Ret and broadly speaking are not burdened by the same negative pvp modifiers we are.
I think its less a comment on Enhance/Ret not having MS effects and more so a Blizzard tuning issue.
The only holy fire attack we have is wake of ashes, which in lore instantly kills undead and demons. Not pain and suffering.
Literally purifying the land, no less, no more.
Intent to remove evil from a body, it’s effect is meant to be immediate, and not cause prolonged suffering.
Wake of ashes immediately turns it’s foes to ash. You burn faster then you feel it.
Which is not represented in anything paladin except for your imagination.
Read the whole post. It helps. There is more then just ms that exists to fight against healing. And in ways that is better themed with the class.
100% it is a tuning issue. If everyone needs an ms effect to compete in arena, then healing over all is over tuned in pvp.
Execution sentence is literally a guillotine slowly coming towards your head but yeah, keep up with your my little pony thoughts on the class. In fact you should play healer instead of ret since you don’t feel comfortable hurting and torturing people with fire.
Hammers is not a guillotine for one.
Two even then it’s again not a slow and painful proccess, and if you actually look at the animatio the end of it is a swift strike, not a slow one.
Exorcism (Classic - WoD)
• Effect: Blasts the enemy with holy energy, dealing damage. Originally, it only worked on Undead/Demons, but later became a general attack.
• Fire Element? Yes, it’s described as a searing blast of holy fire in some iterations.
Consecration (Classic - Current)
• Effect: Creates a field of holy energy on the ground, burning all enemies inside it.
• Fire Element? Yes, it’s divine fire that scorches everything within its area.
Holy Wrath (Classic - WoD)
• Effect: Calls down a massive holy explosion, burning and stunning Undead/Demons.
• Fire Element? Yes, described as an explosion of holy fire in various versions.
Seal of Righteousness (Classic - Cataclysm)
• Effect: Causes melee attacks to deal extra holy damage.
• Fire Element? Yes, in some iterations, it’s described as a burning effect.
Seal of Truth (Cataclysm - Legion)
• Effect: Each attack applies a stack of Censure, a burning DoT (damage over time).
• Fire Element? Yes, the Censure effect is described as searing the target with holy fire.
Execution Sentence (Mists of Pandaria - Current)
• Effect: Calls down a falling hammer of Light that explodes in a burst of holy fire.
• Fire Element? Yes, it ends in an explosion of holy fire.
Wake of Ashes (Legion - Current)
• Effect: Unleashes a wave of holy fire in a cone, burning all enemies and stunning Undead.
• Fire Element? Absolutely. It is the single most fire-based Retribution ability, literally burning enemies alive.
Blade of Justice (Legion - Current)
• Effect: Strikes with a glowing blade, burning the enemy with holy damage.
• Fire Element? Yes, explicitly burns the target.
You just want to live in your own fantasy, and that’s ok, just don’t try to pretend we are good guys that bring a peaceful death to enemies.
Also an observation, real life exorcisms are akin to torture.
Spell descriprions =/= lore/themes. You’d have a better arguement with the animations alone.
Or even wording of the spell.
In case you don’t get it with MORTAL strike which intails bleeding with a painful and sufferable wound without recovery. Certainly not a quick death.
I really wish this thread could stay on topic. We all just want Ret to perform to the best of its potential!
I understand why you are saying what you are saying, and why you believe Paladins (Ret) thematically should not have MS. And hey fair enough man.
The problem is Ret is doing poorly in Arena for TWW season 2. And it’s continuously always going to run into these same problems across time.
It should not be acceptable that Ret Paladins are “unplayable” to the extent that they are in 2v2.
This thread goes way beyond just this point, and a huge amount of spot on feedback was given. We can only hope that Blizzard shares some of these concerns and cares to react to the PvP Paladin playerbase’s experience.
My biggest gripe for the moment is 2v2 personally. Ret must have a mechanic that grants us a similar functionality to MS.
Which is apart of why i say we get a healing absorb, it is more feasible with what we are, and thematically we could just say “the light’s judgement has given them a fine that must be paid in full” kinda deal that fits in with the “law” theme of paladins.
But also that is not the sole issue with ret paladins, there is an issue with us staying on target or pretending to play range when our mechanics says not to.
We should just bring back an iteration of vindication that saps 15% of their primary stats (not stamina) from the target. Effectively a 15% reduced heal, and reducing your damage intake too.