Which isn’t a requirement for any achievement for Back from the Beyond which is the whole point of this post.
Looks like this thread is about achievements people want to achieve a little easier to me but if it’s a FOMO only space that’s fine.
its about a specific achievement. You could just make your own topic if its about something else entirely. Just saying.
Just want to weight in on the issue. Blizzard can help us by removing the RNG aspect of the achivment. Make all avaiable quests appear, but we can only one of them each week, and we will be good.
Exactly! Or they should give us a chance to use superior parts or any item, it might be hard to get if needed, because if you can farm, even if it’s hard, it’s fairer than how it is right now, or we could be able to roll the quests as u do with Venthyr Court, anything but this RNG
Yup either this, or just have a set rotation. I don’t understand why it would choose a random quest each week, if the giver offers 4 different quests, just offer quest 1 week 1, quest 2 week 2, quest 3 week 3, quest 4 weeks 4, then back to quest 1 on week 5.
If this was added for pre-patch (Assuming pre-patch releases October 25th), it would guarantee anyone who has all of the abominations unlocked (namely Chordy, since they offer 4 different quests) would be able to complete the achievement before Dragonflight. I see this as the most fair solution, since all it does it removes the RNG, but you still need to have all of the abominations unlock and you still need to complete all of the quests.
Seriously, both of these would be so helpful. I’m not even asking for a handout, I’ve put in hours and hours farming anima, souls, etc just to get this achievement. All I want is a fair shot to get these quests, and not have them gated by RNG. It feels so bad.
Wonder if Blizz has even seen this post.
That’s the thing, I honestly think there would be a good chance they would do something if they ever saw this post. But the devs are obviously focused on getting DF ready by november 28, so it will probably just fly under their radar.
Im waiting for more then a month to get the last two quests, still nothing. If they rotate them, imagine that u did all other achivements, and lose the Back from the Beyond because u were not bless with the RNG
I just hope everyone who posted on here also submitted a suggestion in-game.
I did! I really think if everyone took a few minutes to do so here, maybe it would help.
I’m missing 9 here. 2 of them are from constructs i didnt craft yet and only offer 1 weekly quest, so 7 realistically.
Seconded. They have to change this lousy requisite regarding the covenant features for veilstrider/Back from Beyond.
agree. I think prepatch is the best time to do this change and remove the crappy RNG.It’s very much the only thing holding me back from obtaining Back from Beyond/Veilstrider at this point.
I also went on the PTR and submitted feedback for the achievement.
(post deleted by author)
Seconded. Losing out on an achievement due to RNG, despite grinding for weeks or months, seems contrary to what the devs’ stated goals are.
This week I got a whopping 5 new quests crossed off the list making “Shinies of Bastion” the last quest I need. Prayge
Yup, all I’m waiting for now is Shinies of Bastion as well.
Keep in mind that “working towards it” wasn’t really possible until 9.1.5 released last August. Can’t really “work towards it” when this is all covenant stuff and covenant locking was still a thing.
Oh, sure, you could be, say, Necrolord, when Necrolord was garbage for your class, but…
Covenants, overall, were handled so incredibly poorly by Blizzard, that yanking stuff out that’s related to them is a super-dumb move on Blizzard’s part.
(And, to repeat, I already have Veilstrider.)
(And, to double-repeat, the solution is to make the Necrolord requirement simply “The Gang’s All Here”, which would bring it in line with “Be Our Guest” for Venthyr.)