Feedback: Abominable Lives and Veilstrider

Patch 9.1.5 was Nov. Aug was just announcement time. I will say that between announcement and patch date, I was working up time to bring other covenants up to my kyrian main. Along with caring about really exhausting korthia for covenant mog and mounts. Maybe other people than me were more gung-ho with doing party herald and abom back in Fall/winter 2021. Idk

But I really didn’t care for the covenant unique features until 9.2.5 announcement with veilstrider. I got mine end of September after working really since April on the stuff that wasn’t handled by just doing zones “thoroughly”, aka the maw, korthia, zm metas.

The change would be good and is fair. But I really have to wonder when all of the people here got started on this grind. I know how blizzard could fix things on their end by not hiding achievements and not assuming people use wowhead daily. But anyone doing abom when I was doing it should have gotten all the same quests. Since I would likely assume quests are decided region wide for the week and not random per character.


  • Fix this to be in line with other parts.
  • Blizz needs to stop hiding things in ui elements that only addons can show (in this case overachiever/krowi achievement addons to see FoS and track individual parts more readily).
  • People need to stop relying upon blizzard blue posts as their primary source of info before doing stuff. You have undoubtedly been burned before waiting for them to say stuff. Don’t rely upon them.

I’ve been working on this stuff since 9.1.5 too, although not dedicating a massive amount of time on it. I did Night Fae first, then I did Necrolord, and just recently started on Venthyr a few weeks ago (and before the announcement that this was getting yanked).

If I had done the order differently, and done Venthyr before Necrolord, I’d be sweating bullets right now about getting this done.

And that’s just silly. The variance between the covenant components for this is dumb.


It certainly does help to have 2 characters, and in my case 3. I had an old main from launch in NF that already had some mushroom prog plus was human so just stuck with it, and comboed with court of night. Once done with that left venthyr for the first real alt. Everything else for all other achievements was left for main. Since I figured I wasn’t going to be bothered to farm flesh on an alt. Then I just did everything in parallel. Ironically path of ascension was the first thing I started but just dropped for months until coming back with it last to finish the 3 loyalties I didn’t do.

Sort of bummed/burnt out now after getting the title. Haven’t cared for party herald, humility trials or any of conservatory. Did max out abom (35/35 mog) though just cause convenient.

Yes, I would have - and in fact I was - It just would not have been on an artificially accelerated time table.


I hope people don’t actually think things wouldn’t be completed in the game without FOMO hanging over them. Otherwise those same types of people would basically be advocating for everything to be tossed in the can at the end of a patch or expansion :rofl:

I keep seeing people saying that the achievement wasn’t announced that it would be unobtainable once DF launched, but I could have sworn when they first announced the title back in I think it was May, that they said it would go away with DF launch. It’s why I started working on the other half of things I hadn’t done for that achieve. Maybe I had foresight or something that they’d take it away.

That being said, the RNG of the Necro achieve really isn’t fair in comparison to the others. The Gang’s All Here achieve would be more equivalent to the other covenant achieves.


Yes I would have. I was overjoyed they put it in for 9.2.5 since I think I remember requesting something like it for SL anyways. Obviously in my case it is because of a bit of phantom pain for not getting azeroth’s champion. But I always loved the zone metas in prior expansions when I had to be casual because of weekly variance in work/school schedule. That was my content then and such things were capstone progression. Azeroth’s champion and Veilstrider are amazing capstone progression metrics have in the game. Gets you out of what you are comfortable doing and try something new or to invest more thoroughly into what you already are doing.

Prepatch announced for a 25 october release. I hope with exactly 2 weeks left for prepatch, they will change this garbage requisites, or at least change Abominable lives to not require every quest. I’m missing 4 quests so far: 2 belong to abominations who only give 1 quest anyway, meaning im waiting on my last 2 quests and at the mercy of RNG unless they change this atrocious thing to be more reasonable, given the DF launch time-frame.

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Abominable Lives is literally make or break for this meta. I had some of the Veilstrider requirements finished just by playing the game before I knew this was a thing.

Now the covenant stuff is the last bit I need. I accidentally finished the Kyrian requirements while working towards the dark wings transmog. I’ll be finishing up the Venthyr requirements this week. Night Fae will be finished in a week or two. These abominations, though…

All I have left to finish for Necrolords is Abominable Lives. I started last week only requiring 9 more quests to completed and I’m starting this week with 8 more quests to complete… the amount of repeat quests is insane.


It’s going away with Launch, not Pre-patch, so 6 resets from now.


I know. STILL RNG-based regardless, some quests are known for take potentially 3 months to spawn if RNG is particularly unkind. I think prepatch they should really loose this or change it so it doesnt take anywhere as long, especially with how little time we got.


Man I thought it was going away with prepatch, I worked my rear off finishing it today

Me too, but I’m blocked by superior parts… not much I can do there.

I’m sorry, but hard disagree with you because you can still be an outdoor content player and still miss out.

It all comes down to whether or not you started doing Necrolord achievements first vs starting with any other covenants. It is not as though I have not been playing Shadowlands for hours every day this whole time. Are you suggesting that I’ve been PvPing or dungeoning this whole time? I have been camping mount spawns, gathering anima to acquire every single transmog and mount from every covenant and getting all the different pets and achievements. Getting all those genesis motes from Zereth Mortis alone was a good month of playtime itself. I had no idea, nor could I have, that there would be a FoS until it was announced on Sept. 15th. After immediately dropping my progress on the Venthyr Ember Court achievement and starting in at Necrolord, I am still pretty far behind the requirement. I still don’t have all of the superior parts needed to build 2 of the aboms and the deadline is fast approaching.

Its pretty inconsiderate to say that we just simply chose to spend our playtime differently. That’s just false.


If it does help - I got a lot of superior parts from missions. You need to get a bit into the campaign, but if you swap covenants it forces it to refresh and you can get them as soon as one finishes. It might help the parts things along if you can dedicate to it.

Doesn’t change the opinion here that the RNG and everything for this SUCKS but…trying to help what I can :frowning:


That’s good, but this achievement still has too much RNG.


Just need one more quest. I just gotta get lucky to get 1 specific quest to spawn from Chordy and I have Veilstrider. So. Fingers Crossed.


Blizzard let us select which quest we take each week!

Very glad I started working on this the moment it was datamined, so I’ve had it finished for a while. My best advice is to make sure you hit the rares you need for the crafting drops daily and just pray I suppose… Not sure what the likelihood is of Blizzard reducing the requirements for the weekly quest achieve, though I think it would be totally appropriate. The Necrolord part of this meta definitely felt disproportionately ridiculous compared to the others.

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lmfao same, shines of bastion!