Feedback: Abominable Lives and Veilstrider

You mean what kind of person could possibly expect an expansion specific achievement to be removed?

Colour me shocked.

Expansion-specific achieves that would be removed were usually related to long legendary questlines (MoP, WoD), pvp, Mythic+, Raiding(AOTC,CE) or generally something that’s related to the content itself being heavly-overhauled(Zul’gurub and Zul’aman in Cata, Naxxramas in wotlk, although mostly speaking on Atiesh case). Back from The Beyond/veilstrider doesn’t fit in any of those categories

I’m still waiting.


I had alts but no time to do WQ on multiple toons so they had no anima thus everything was like rank 1. I did send anima to them at this point but I’m doubting my luck will be good enough to finish Abominable Lives in time. I think I can just manage the Venthyr in time but not this one. :frowning:

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Sorry, again the rng stuff is crap and I completely disagree with that. Only reason why I started focusing on it asap to pretty much guarantee the title.

I only had one toon at 60 in SL, somehow managed to obtain it without many issues.

Honestly I wouldn’t have bothered if I didn’t obtain the majority of the achievements after finding out out about it.

Thinking about the stuff needed to be done with sanctum upgrades and renown, anima etc is such a slog. I’d never commit to that in such a short time frame now.

Literally every shadowlands achievement? Nah you know that isn’t true. The only one which is a pain is abominable stitching. The rest are a breeze. There are some covenant achievements that aren’t in that Back from the Beyond which are a lot worse

Can you link me an RNG achievement that was removed from the game an announced 3 months before it was going to be removed? Thanks.

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Technically, there are the ZG and ZA achieves and related stuff like gear or mounts, but those are because the content itself was overhauled for Cataclysm. Shadowlands is extremely unlikely to receive a Cataclysm revamp, so they are not good or comparable examples to Veilstrider

Yeah but those were announced way more than 3 months ahead of time.


With all due respect I think you are exaggerating a tad.

You are making it sound like they introduced the achievements within Back from Beyond 3 months prior to it being unobtainable. If you truly enjoyed the stuff in that achievement you would have simply worked towards it beforehand. To me it just sounds like you are doing it because it is something that won’t be available.

Tell me truthfully, if they didn’t mention it being removed, would you even bother with it?

This fomo stuff is eating some people alive. Reminds me of those Black Friday Sales.

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I would have worked towards it during DF’s downtime between tiers when there’s not much to do. Just like i do with a lot of mounts and achievements.

I honestly can’t argue with that.

All I can say is to try and accept it is what it is with Blizz. You win some you lose some.

I am a mount collector so I eventually would have done the Stitchyard on my main in a later expansion when it no longer mattered what covenant I was in since it gives a few mounts. I figured I could just wait since it seemed unlikely to be tied to something temporary.


That’s fair enough.

I guess I just have a different mentality with it all. For me personally, if I’m not there when the content is relevant, I just shrug it off and accept it.

Can understand how others don’t see it that way though.

Yes because I had most all of the other achievements except for Shadowlands Dilettante before it was even announced.

Fair enough, I wish you all the best in obtaining it.

Can we remove the PvP required party favour for the court then if we are picking and choosing what we do and don’t want to deal with?

U mean to invite the Maldraxxus guest on RSVP? U actually can, u pay 250g for him and u dont need to do it, so…


Nice try but I was talking about this one

It’s a requirement for the Court Favors achievement.

I accept that I won’t get PvP achievements. I hate when they are part of larger meta achievements though. I missed out on Champion of Azeroth because of the PvP requirement, and that was a bummer. It sucks when a 99% PvE achievement has something requiring rated PvP thrown into it. If it’s on its own, or part of a PvP meta, I don’t really care, I just skip doing it.