I played an Nightelf Druid named Alrefel on Feathermoon in the Guild “Order of Twilight” as my main. Great to be back in Classic again.
My memory is terrible but I recognise your name! If you healed me in WSG then we’re definitely friends
Looking for my old alliance guildies on Feathermoon. Our guild name was Order of the Rose. We used to meet in the tavern by the Auctionhouse in Stormwind. sigh Good times. So many years ago, but I think my Paladin’s name was Dionitii. I think my Husband’s NE hunter’s name was Shaiitan?
Maranwe- NE hunter
Oh man, I’m not sure if I’ll find anyone I’m looking for but I played Luarana / Shyalyn a resto druid through and through. Would love to say hey to anyone who I played with, but especially any Lucky Devil! I think I was a young teen back then.
@Launalii I totally remember Sydnei. I still have troubles spelling the real world Sydney correctly
Yooooo! Most of the folks I currently play with are west coast, so we’ll be playing on Myzreal(PvE) (unless Blizz wants to give us a PST RP realm)
I’ll be maining on Gavdon, of course.
Ran with: Eternal Brethren, Vanguards of Justice, Snuggleberry Pirates, Wolf Storm, Paradigm, and Silvermoon Guardians.
Celeborne - The Black Myrmidons…+random slew of guilds after 2006
If you’re on Pagle and want to hang out with a bunch of air traffic controllers look up the Speedboat Draculas!
Hello Everyone, Many if you knew me as either Malias or Ralder, later Amatora, going to be playing on Myzreal for classic wow hope to see some familiar faces there! Good to see Korax back Wave
I remember you from Chaos, Bellinna. I was Octaviano who was a nelf healer. chaos was a great guild. I wonder if any of them are going to play Vanilla…
Cool, I remember RP’ing with you during BC but not much from Classic times.
There is a large group of MCAlliance people still playing. Some of the original guilds exist and there are some new ones. We are making both horde and Alliance guilds on Mankirk to see what people want to play.
I played a NE Rogue Grafte in Classic
Sylvastanos, original guild leader of the Kaldorei Kartel (KK-4-LIFE!) Let’s get the band back together!
Patars, 60 Hunter, Vangaurds of Azeroth. Looking for anyone from Vangaurds or who remembers me in general!
Kailen, thonen, madkatzr raystllin my brothers!
Haha wow, well wouldn’t be surprised if I don’t find anyone I once knew… Not to mention the fact I was just a kid so my memory is pretty bad but I do remember hanging around Goldshire a lot as a Night Elf Rogue named Shenshen, Green hair, butterfly face marks xD I do remember a hunter by the name of Killerpat
I feel like I remember both of those names! I played pretty much exclusively as my warrior Rohana/“Ro” back then. I seem to remember grouping up for 5-mans quite a few times. Sorry if I’m misremembering you for someone else but these are the only names that stood out to me in this thread.
I can’t believe it’s you! You’ll be getting a friend request from Hugbees
So many hours in AV (and all the other bg’s) against so many of you!
yup im ECT, im not super concerned about streamers because in the end the game will suck everyone back in look foward to hopefully playing with ya again!
do you remember Draynam, lightreaver, or skray?