Hey guys!
Looking for old mates from the guilds “Black Fang Army” or “Combustion” or “Sanctity”.
My char was lvl 60 human holy paladin by the name of “Barlas” I also pvped with the likes of Saige, Ravenhunter, Draynam, Skray, Lightreaver, Executis.
and a bunch of peeps from “Catalyst”
Ill prob be playing on Bloodsail RP when Classic comes out
Glad to hear some things never change… hah <3
I remember you! I was Felnix a Nelf Rogue back then. It’s funny because I can’t even remember what guild I was in lol
Hey nerd, fix your discord settings so people can actually add you
You mean you’re not friends with any of my (non-existent) friends?
Name was Kobalt and was in Righteous Might. Feel free to add me on discord @ Koby#6776. Id love to connect with all the people I used to play with way back when! Definitely recognize quite a few on here already!
pvped with you back then doubt you remember my healadin Barlas but anyways hello!
holy smokes korax good too see ya bud!
i got my human pally name reserve (Barlas) on bloodsail (RP) i may only be a filthy casual now since i got kids ect so no 18hours a day anymore like the old days but id love to join up maybe as a premade backup alternate.
This toon (Gileandos) was in Southpaw Raiders too, had some good times there. Wonder if any still play. Sadly, I don’t remember Danorath beyond name recognition. Cool to see you anyway! I’m always on some type of RP server whether PVP or not, just for the nostalgia.
i know Lethe, still have you on the old friends list
Anyone from the old Tunnelwind raid? Vallkary / Siennablaze
Fatality Worgen Hunter, former Nelf & leader of guild Lotus Templars
Plan to create similar guild on Grobbulus that will be focused on leveling, & later on with pvp
Hi all! This is amazing seeing all the old feathermooners link up. My two mains during Vanilla were Finman (dwarf pally) and Nikalas (gnome warlock). Raided MC and BWL with both. Cannot for the life of me remember the guild names we used or the big guilds I raided with on either toon. Slamina stands out to me, but I cannot remember from where. Also played BC and ran a Kara raid on our guild Tree Rats (I think). Have played off and on since, most recently raided with Collision on WoD.
Hey Barlas! Good to see you too. Would love to have you join us. I rolled on Myzrael due to server location (I’m west coast) and concern over too many streamers on the only RP server. I guess we’ll have to see how that goes… I don’t think I’ll be doing too many 18 hour days either. Congrats on the kids. Hope to see you in there!
A few are still around.
I was Shadowfury, a Night Elf Hunter and original first member of Order of the Rose.
Morpheous here from Destiny- NE Druid.
I was always PVPn and raiding back in the day. Went on to play as horde on a pvp server with iRL folks here and there. Haven’t played in a while. LF that nostalgia. Just here keeping an eye out for a server where I might see some classic folks! Looking to play casually. I did create a toon on Myzrael.
Awesome, any plans to jump into classic?
What’s up Falco? You are not forgotten.