LR? Well I certainly remember that name.
I remember you guys. Those were some fun BGs.
Hiii! Yay Goldshire crew!
Syd’s wifu quit the game a looong time ago, alas.
Crazy to think that most of the people I was RPing with back in the day were like… 15 LOL
Pretty sure Thromalis is still playing the game on WRA.
I played a Dwarf Shadow Priest named Lyvia. Not sure if anyone will recognize me, I didnt recognize anyone when I went through list…
Merc, Merrcy, Sheek, Tygranta, Tygrant I don’t remember them all Warrior and Pally mainly. I guild hopped alot, couldn’t find a good fit being stationed in South Korea at the time. Had a good friend named Xakia.
Hello, I was mostly a solo hunter during vanilla, My name was Feltalion back in classic. I used to play with Eternal Star.
I remember raiding with Azure Dragons and Conaan. That guy used to get so mad at us when we messed up lol it made us very serious about the game. I used to play a Huntard named Eredan, then switched to my resto druid Eredardenn. Played with Sugarlicious until they made her change her name to something else and a girl named jen I believe. It seems like a lifetime ago. These days I think a lot of us are in the guild Validus Knights on Feathermoon with the guild leader Haralambos.
Healoria human priest
Hammerdin human pally
johnnysneak NE rogue
all in Azure dragons.
my fondest memories are of our first rag kill people cheering in vent brings a tear to my eye. Conaan? what server are we going to buddy?
Jaggz Nelf warrior
I was a main tank for a few raids groups and love doing battle grounds. I was in Doom Brigade for most of vanillia. my battle net tag is on my twitter @yaggenz Hope to see you in game. Feathermoon for life. Thank you to Low Red Moon for my love of killing horde, they would devastate Dark Shore.
Donapehlion Night Elf Hunter
Hopefully someone I remember or remembers me is out there!
Guild was Lunar Oracle.
Flavius Human Paladin - Guild leader for Righteous Might.
Mixleplix of the Guild Lions of Lordaeron. Really excited to be back.
Bethedes here, never forgot the good times I had in Righteous Might.
joog#1312 is my btag
Falco, I spent many days with you and more so with Dreelle. Roundgut the Gnome Rogue or Stumpyd the Priest here
I believe I was in Order of the Rose, either as this gnome mage, Shrift, or else it was my NE rogue, Dispair (I think). The only things I can really remember are that we had a warrior off-tank by the name of Sillyidiot, and the guild was run by a Marine with a sultry voice posted in Iraq.
Good times in MC then AQ.
You remember Midgetclaw:Druid? Or Arilius:Warrior? We both raided with Catalyst in Naxx a bit.
I am certain I remember some people from Catalyst. I DO remember Lucifan for sure , now if I am not mistaken their guild used to be Emerald … something… Gosh so long ago, my memories are fading. But what a wonderful feeling of nostalgia coming back to this after so so many years.
I never thought I’d live to see the day where we would be on this very forum seeking out old friends and familiar names. It is the eve before the launch of classic WoW I just resubscribed. Going to give it my best shot at remembering some names from 14-15 years back.
My very first guild I was in was The Flying Squirrels. I remember Aeryn, Yuichi, Donalda and the leader Jeridan, a little dwarf called Eway.
Some other names I fondly remember are Karlmic from Supreme Legacy, Lucifan from Emerald Dream ( or was it Catalyst?). Actongue the Paladin with the most epic typos ever lol. Kamineko the Gnome Warlock.
Oh and does any remember TC Raiders or it might of been Tunnel Wind Raiders? It was a really chill group of people that raided the Molten Core etc together. I was with them for a bit on my Warlock Manaia!
Efdra OOT. Got my own WOW clasic guild. DIscord hobbit#1603
hey its efdra form OOT running my own WoW classic guild discord me hobbit#1603