Noob!! LOL Whats up brother?
Allyriae! How goes things? It has been awhile!
Eventide is still around, though he’s horde on a pvp server I believe. I remember Zaius ran RN for a while as well, I was also there as Artemis. I’m trying to get more people to see this and hopefully start up again.
Darn. I think I remember him saying something about moving to a pvp server - then he poofed. Artemis sounds familiar! The first guild I joined was with Vidav but I don’t remember the name. Then it might have merged into another then into RN?
Some other names/folks I played with at the time:
Vidav - my ‘brother’ heh I still have a shirt he made me
Atrius - Nelf Priest
Obliski - POKE
Hamelin (“Hammy”)
Mixler - nutty gnome!
Fin - rogue
Eril - my leveling buddy for a lot of classic. Nelf Hunter. Went to Rexxar with the raid group
Darqtiger - met while questing in Darkshore I think?
Rekkr - dwarf… hunter?
Silvestre - Nelf rogue?
one of those rogues had bright lime shorts for a while and i would tease them about it. hehe
I know there’s a ton more folks. I’ll have to find some of the screenies from MC and such.
May know me by…
Yoshikawa (NElf Hunter)
Irrek (Dwarf Warrior)
Mairamen (NElf Druid)
Rodak (Dranei Priest - when BC launched)
I used to freelance with AD way back. Conaan and Mirramoon and Blue were longtime associates. I didnt really raid until BC, but definitely have memories of these 3.
Hi guys! Been a bit
Maybe I’ll let Loche come along to loche things up (we’re uh married now).
grats! I’ll be playing on the RP server too! Not sure beyond that tho. heh
Elkhorn here, dwarf hunter looking for any old Blackwatch guildies
Hey guys, a few of us from Grandas’s raid which consisted of members of Righteous Might, Rising Nova, Hunters of the Scourge, and probably more that I’m missing will be playing on the RP server and we’re hoping more will join us there. So far it’s me (Artemis), Flavius, Saorise, Narcissus, and hopefully Eventide.
That was the one before RN… HoTS!! Narcissus… long time … maybe they had the lime green shorts. I’ll see ya all on the RP server as well. dunno what as yet. mage or lock maybe. alliance mainly tho… and 1 horde prolly.
Hey Lethe, long time no see.
Some of us never left
Eventide! Good to see ya! coming back to Classic?
Whats everyone’s plan for server choice? Bloodsail Buccaneers or Pagle?
Hi, Amber. Glaistiarlyn here! Will be playing another holy pally. Eielaris will be playing, too, but unsure what he is rolling. There are few people I remember their game names since I started calling them by RL names, lol.
-Ramious, Human Paladin.
-I’ve forgotten any guilds I was in. Whoops. Lol.
I remember you! It was Chaos, great guild.
I was Bellinna, Night Elf Hunter for most of Vanilla, or Maralo my Human Paladin. You may remember me as a random British guy who got lost and ended up playing on US realms for odd reasons. I blame Hait (Warlock), if you remember him. Stayed with Chaos until it fell apart in early Cata, though from BC onwards I mostly played a Draenei Shaman called Astaa.
Recognizing a few names here!
Saorise - Human priest from the way back when Final Will and Righteous Might were my stompin grounds
Grana was a Human Paladin wasn’t high leveled kinda just goofed off and RPed.
I remember Mixler. You’re right, he was a nutty gnome. He ran Arcane Academy IIRC and was very serious about the RP around training Mages and Warlocks.
Yo, wonderin’ if we can get Ligthexplot in this thread for some real PVP memories.