I was a part of Guildwatch! Remember Hikono running around greifing lowbies in Westfall?
Lv60 Warrior - Arilius
Lv60 Hunter - Keechwa
Lv60 Druid - Midgetclaw
Can’t actually remember which guild I was originally in during the beginning of Vanilla, but played with Catalyst towards the end of Vanilla.
Oh man, what a trip. I was Edmure, Human Warrior back in RM. Was the main tank for a while, if that helps you remember. Hope you’ve been well, bro.
Boraa, dwarf Paladin. Don’t remember guilds, just some people… Booloft, Zeroeh, Ravenhunter/popsycle, Dukago
Howdy folks!
It’s Ally (same Ally as always, I’ve kept the same main active for all these years).
Yeah, I’m looking forward to see how many folks from the old days we have showing-up in Classic. I’m running with Damage Inc. these days, but I still have great fondness for the old times with RN. We have a few people in-guild from those days, as well.
Just to set the record straight, Rising Nova was founded by Landino in early 2005. Later in Vanilla, Singe took over leadership and remained there until the guild went inactive during MoP. I believe the guild does technically still exist as Nyn’s banking guild.
I’ve spent a ton of time (since it was announced) planning what character to start with in Classic. After all that planning, I think I’m going to just re-roll Ally over on the RP server (just announced as Bloodsail Buccaneers).
I’ve never been much for active roleplay, but I love the immersion and naming rules that RP realms have (even when the rules have never really been enforced), plus I still have this thing about making sure all of my characters have backstories that fit with the lore.
Anyway, I’d love to hear from other RNers and friends from the old days!
I’ll probably start up the Exiles again on Bloodsail Buccaneers (the Classic RP server). Maybe I’ll let Loche come along to loche things up (we’re uh married now).
Hi! This is Glaistiarlyn (Glais). I am a Human Pally ( then Holy) who healed for the MCA. I cannot remember the name of my guild. I was married to Eielaris, a Druid healer, who also healed for MCA. Other players we knew were Mathys and his wife, a priest healer, who was also my mentor. I am currently A Ret pally on Antonidas, though I will be playing a Pally and Hunter.
Hi Ally!!!
This is Az, I played a paladin. I was one of the many in RN who got a Hand of Rag, we sure got alot of eyes.
I’ll never forget our first clear of Blackwing Lair, long nights waiting for Neferian to reset. Fun times!!! Hope all is well.
Hi, Maxweell,
My then husband Eielaris (NE Druid) and I, Glaistiarlyn, Holy Pally, raided with MCA. I still have Finkle’s Lava Dredger. I thought it was so Awesome. Still do. Eielaris and I are coming back. I am rolling another Pally (love that class - currently Ret) and perhaps a Hunter. Not sure what Eie will roll, though he loves NE Druids and Warlocks.
Oh wow Ceil; good to see you - say Hi to Loche (congrats!).
I’m still Calen’braga and still feral and still don’t have any alts. Might just look some folks up on a classic server and do some of this all over again
Hi all, Alixea here. I was one of the officers of druids in the Order of the White Tower way back in the day. Would love to reconnect!
I played the druid Awakening, mainly ran around with alot of the pvpers on the grind up to r13. I play hordeside now but if anyone wants to connect feel free to add me on Btag Khorthor#1260
omg i was in OoT on my rouge Castila until a bunch of us realm xfered to Rexxar, wow… what a blast from the past and such a fun guild!
Oh hey, Midge. <3
Eventide is still around, though he’s horde on a pvp server I believe. I remember Zaius ran RN for a while as well, I was also there as Artemis. I’m trying to get more people to see this and hopefully start up again.
Hi Pyewackett how you doin?
Hi my name was slamina the night elf warrior
Some folks may remember my trash raids of black temple and swp
“This would never happen in slamina raid”
YO, I definitely remember Slamina.
Whats up Eth, Been a while!!!
LIDIYA!!! What server you gonna play on for Classic?