Danorath here, also played Darbie. My most notable in game experiences were at the Westfall Irregular, with the Southpaw Raiders, and to my first guild Dai Manus (Seekers of Shadow) for setting me on a great adventure that I’m still living out today. Excited to see some familiar names and guilds here. Curious if anyone is planning to move to the RP/PVP realm. I am forming a progression raiding guild and would love to play with some of my old friends.
Yep biters of ankles lol I remember that. I actually interviewed Zanriel last month or so for a vodcast.
Dathis, NE Hunter. I played in so many guilds and with so many people that I can’t remember everyone’s names(and I got into a wreck and can’t remember all kinds of stuff) but if you remember me let me know.
Hi Shar! hi Ceil hi KUO i’m not going priest this time
(fixed spelling)
Oh yeah, Rising Nova! I was in that guild for a bit. hope some of the gang returns Eventide ran it then, I think, was in it at any rate. I have to log in and check my old friends list if names are still there. Am currently in Aoree’s guild who you might remember if you used to do BGs
(edited to add stuff)
Chandriel, Night Elf rogue. Guild was sisterhood of the light. Specifically looking for a human paladin named Starlix. They were my first real friend in the game, and I was so sad when they stopped signing in. I’ve since named my shaman after her.
Jerald, Human Warrior. Original guild was “The White Hawks”, but moved to another guild about a year in for some raiding. Main tank was Achtung or something like that - I miss those people a lot. Spammed UBRS runs for my valor shoulders until 1.10…
Lidiya, originally with Righteous Might. Still playing holy priest as my main.
Ynohtna checking in here, any of the old boomsticks around?
Still playing old man Amarros, even though someone on WrA decided to steal my name and made me have to use this lol. I remember I was in Sodalitas for a while.
Hey, I think we were in the same guild! We def cleared C’Thun, and your name sounds familiar. We transferred to Rexxar I think and were called Oracle I think. You’re the only one from the group I’ve seen so far. Hope we can get together a few more.
Ohh, I was Enaren, a nelf hunter with problems not falling in lava.
To be honest, I wish I could say anything was familiar, but I was just a teenager back then, being stupid. I remember very, very little.
If you remember spending hours on Twin emps, timing pulls inbetween Feathermoons 45s lag spike every hour, that was definitely the group
I haven’t got a clue. I remember small bits and pieces, but not much beyond.
Hey, love the name! Long live the Lord of the Seven Towers!
Hah, I remember the hours on them, then the hours on C’Thun. The cheer on voice chat when we beat him is still one of the loudest sounds I’ve ever heard
Torrint a Dwarf Paladin and member of the Guild Righteous Might.
Hey FM fam! <3
I played Athinea (druid pictured here) and Shuradel (human warlock).
Member of Order of Twilight here. As this character.
Any former Guildwatch people here?
I remember tanking for you! I’ll be around, probably as a warrior again.