Favorite LGBT couples to celebrate pride month?

Not always. Can have internal workings that look diff than the outside. Could have “normal” looking stuff on the outside but inside totally different. It can become apparent at puberty and can be confused for other stuff.

And that’s the thing, it’s a case by case basis. If someone is that way and they talk with therapists over a period of time it can be settled out. (settled out meaning the person decides what they want to do)

They are two separate things someone can go through to a point. Someone has to have things removed early on for medical reasons so they think of themselves as the opposite while growing up. I’ve heard of that happening. Again, it’s on a case by case basis. We do not know what each child goes through and being forced to act a certain gender is also cruel.

Luckily when I was growing up my parents just kinda let me do my own thing in regards to how I dressed, what I played with, etc. I dressed how I wanted to but if I had known… actually if we had known (my parents don’t know anything about that kind of stuff either) I could have started testing for diff things (genetics / hormones etc) when I was younger instead of when I’m 29 almost 30.

To add: kids are kids they get interests, they do things, they dress how they want, and they make their own decisions.

But still guess work. This is why I keep mentioning laws to safe guard kids. This is not getting a tattoo or your ears gauged, we are talking about removing someone’s ability to reproduce in some cases.

Personally I think you should be glad you waited. You lived life for a good bit before realizing you wanted to pursue it. Sounds more like a natural process then a social media/peer pressure forced decision. Yes, I just said trans is a fad, sorry I don’t mean to offend anyone. I am a parent and I have seen this first hand.

21 and older should be the earliest starting point. Even then it should require a set amount of time with both a therapist and a doctor. Say 2 years of therapy then whatever the doctor requirements are before prescriptions or surgery. So at about 24 or 25 you can start your transition if approved. This is not to be cruel to those that want to transition, it’s to protect our youth.

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True… but I still think that the level of aggression you can get out of your system by beating on a pinball machine cannot be beaten.

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i’m ace/aro, so myself

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Don’t hate yourself… hate the people who have turned it into a commercial venture and try to profit off it… Like the Blizzard store.

I get what you mean on that front and I understand. It’s along the lines of, “is this truely how I feel and truely what I want to do” and that’s ok. We all have doubts on what we want to do and how we want to do things, and the “is this normal?” kind of deal.

I’m speaking intersex but I get what you mean. In my case, I always wondered why for a woman I’m a lot stronger than other girls just naturally, I have hair everywhere, I have a much deeper voice (if I choose to use it) and overall I could easily pass as a guy. I didn’t realize that um… biologically… things could be certain ways and my parents didn’t either. I knew about it in farm animals (we had a chicken that was both male and female).

But it could also be another issue with different things and in time I guess I’ll find out lol whatever it may be, I have to understand to be comfortable with myself and understand myself.

My only gripe is some doctors push their views onto people and in a way that is “well you’ll turn out messed up if you do this.” or “oh you’re just messed up” like my mother had to go to 2 different therapists to handle her PTSD because the first one tried to tell her she was crazy. Turns out the first one knew the person for the cause of my mother’s ptsd and was helping cover it up (yeah I know messed up).


Stop false flagging my threads. My threads are my own feedback to Blizzard. My post got restored so please don’t use the flag as a disagree option.

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Oh, it’s flag protected.

sad trumpet


I wouldn’t call them an LGBT couple but I ship Bob Salami with the Winter Queen hands down

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Majory and Kasmeer

I think the sad truth is there isn’t many LGBT couples in WoW to pick from. You have Flynn and Shaw, but I feel that came out of nowhere.

Shaw never really was a major character and then they gave him a romance arch?

Anduin is a main character with no romance arch!

I wanted Thalyssra to be bisexual so she could conquer all the blood elves, not just make Lor’themar her lap dog. That guy is wrapped around her finger. :rofl:

If only they let Lady Liandrin have a shot at Thalyssra.

I think they should make more little quests, not main ones, but little lore ones like we’ve done with Calia and the Forsaken.

Tess Greymane, as I’ve said before, lacks backstory. There is no harm in fleshing her out more and maybe she has a woman she likes? Not like she’s doing anything now.

So yeah, make new exciting couples. And don’t just make them gay. Make them exciting first.

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Isn’t Tess supposed to marry Anduin?

Anduin turned that down in a novel. Greymane suggested it but Anduin was like “does Tess even want that?”

I thought he was going to get with Taelia. But nope, nothing in that front either.

Well, she’s still the heir apparent of a kingdom. She has to marry some guy and produce children, since that’s the responsibility of royalty.

Same thing with Anduin, he has to marry some girl and have kids eventually.

I thought it’d be different with her because of the curse. Don’t think she’s infected yet. I know she wants to be.

Speaking of kids…. Your own prince needs to grow up lol. Baby dwarf has been a baby for how many years now?

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Does the curse cause sterility and I’m just hearing about this or…?

Edit: He’ll be in diapers till he’s 20. Don’t you know Dwarf aging? :wink:

In all seriousness, the Third War was only 14 year ago. Things are really clustered in WoW, going by the actual calendar.

NO and no always flagged always.


I do not want to see that mental image. Dang it Cinder!


It’s worse for Elves.

They’re in diapers till they’re over 60!