Favorite LGBT couples to celebrate pride month?

eeeew! Why cinder why just /bonk no bleh

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Me and my hand…oh wait


Imagine Draenei, I think they’re longer than elves.



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Tyleet and Dewshine. Yeah, there’s Scouter, but Tyleet and Dewshine as romantic partners gets very little attention.

Wendy should have hit everyone from left field and gone with Newstar and Shenshen instead of Dart and Mender.

Utena and Anthy. If you like villains, you can pair Akio with anyone. Like… anyone. Anything. Akio/flaming wheel of cheese would work.

Stolas and Blitzo is fun, but I’m holding out for Octavia and Loona to become a couple. If only because Stolas and Blitzo’s reaction could be hilarious.

Oh…you mean in WoW? Ain’t none. Blizzard is too timid to pull the trigger and use the word “date” for Flynn and Shaw. To the devil with them, says I.

“This is one pair, that I think they could expand on, without pissing too many players off. I rather like that story.”

Donald and Melania.


I did, too. But that Flynn couldn’t even think the word ‘date’? Shame on you, Blizzard.

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Which is funny because Tracer and Emily have their relationship fairly open.

We need an in-game cinematic kiss lol.

I’m still waiting to learn if Valtrois ever found Stellagosa’s leyline.

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I wish Fuzzbutt was a bot that just posted in every thread.

Because seeing that name soothes me for some weird reason.

Hard to get attention that way.

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Or to troll.

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All your posts get restored for 1 reason and 1 reason only. The pandering movement has been STRONG since 2019/2020 hit.

That’s all I’m gonna say.


Weird, this gets restored and the Juneteenth post gets locked.

On a Sunday.


You are very wrong.


Juneteenth has nothing to do with WoW

Just because a post makes you angry does not mean it contravenes the terms of service or code of conduct! What’s wrong with talking about LGBT couples in WoW?!

Wait why did that get locked? That’s a national holiday now i thought?

OP has become too powerful in learning how to choose their topics to be both annoying enough to be legitimate spam, but topic relevant enough to keep on the forums.

Honestly, I think there’s a rulebook somewhere GMs follow and these posts don’t tick enough boxes to warrant deletion.

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And pride month does?